View Full Version : Phooie!!! Enterprise is done.

05-13-2005, 07:49 PM
Star Trek Enterprise just had it's last episode tonight. :( Last week Third Watch ended. Now I have nothing to watch but the Sci-Fi channel and they don't start new episodes of Stargate, Atlantis and Galactica till June or July. :mad2:

Donny Carlson
05-13-2005, 08:01 PM
Star Trek Enterprise just had it's last episode tonight. :( Last week Third Watch ended. Now I have nothing to watch but the Sci-Fi channel and they don't start new episodes of Stargate, Atlantis and Galactica till June or July. :mad2:Well, if it's any consolation, other than the two Mirror Universe episodes, it has rated high on the suck-o-meter.

05-13-2005, 08:12 PM
Yes what a bummer!

05-13-2005, 08:58 PM
I liked the show. I thought the ending was a cool tie in with ST TNG episode "The Pegasus" (sp?).

I wonder whats next? Remember, Kirk got his ship after it was inservice for 15 years. Thats alot of future (or past?) episodes based around the original series.

05-13-2005, 09:54 PM
I too liked the show and will miss it. :cry: I was disappointed with the way that they ended it, I think they could have done so much more with it.

05-14-2005, 07:23 AM
For a rushed cancellation I thought they did a good job. Killing Tripp was not the best idea - contrived drama never works.

With all of the reality TV taking over and replacing good old fashioned fantasy I hardly need to watch TV at all anymore.


05-14-2005, 08:00 AM
For a rushed cancellation I thought they did a good job. Killing Tripp was not the best idea - contrived drama never works.

With all of the reality TV taking over and replacing good old fashioned fantasy I hardly need to watch TV at all anymore.

I thought Reality TV was fantasy? :confused: :dunno:

05-14-2005, 08:22 AM
I've been going through some serious withdrawl since 3rd Watch ended.

05-14-2005, 08:35 AM
On the bright side, we have DVDs now. I missed 2/3 of Enterprise due to my work schedule. So it will be new again... sort of.

I have all TNG. I want TOS, Voyager and Enterprise. dunno bout DS9. DS9 was great when Worf signed on.

05-15-2005, 02:54 PM
I'm waiting for the 1st season of Battlestar Galactica to come out on DVD. I dont have Sci-Fi...

05-15-2005, 04:57 PM
crap! I've missed the last 6 episodes of Enterprise. I thought it wasn't over for a another few weeks...

That was the only network show I watched,.. ..sigh.. I guess I'll just keep Discovery and the History Channel on..

Dr Caleb
05-16-2005, 07:52 AM
crap! I've missed the last 6 episodes of Enterprise. I thought it wasn't over for a another few weeks...

That was the only network show I watched,.. ..sigh.. I guess I'll just keep Discovery and the History Channel on..

I feel for you. To quote Jolene Blalock on the final episode - "It sucks".

the 4th season was great, the 3rd not too bad, the second really blew.

Andromeda is done too. The last season was...well...different. At least there is Stargate and Atlantis and BSG to pick up the slack!

05-16-2005, 10:27 AM
I feel for you. To quote Jolene Blalock on the final episode - "It sucks".

the 4th season was great, the 3rd not too bad, the second really blew.

Andromeda is done too. The last season was...well...different. At least there is Stargate and Atlantis and BSG to pick up the slack!
It seems they canceled the show just as it hit its stride.

05-16-2005, 10:35 AM
I have been a Star Trek fan from the first run original series
of my childhood but this Enterprise has stunk from day one.
May it Rest In Peace.

Donny Carlson
05-16-2005, 05:06 PM
... At least there is Stargate and Atlantis and BSG to pick up the slack!
Yeah, and BSG is back in production shooting 20 new episodes to start airing in July!

I, too, look forward to the first season BSG DVD. There were a lot of deleted scenes each episode (you can see some on the SciFi internet page for each episode), and I have friends who don't have the SciFi network who haven't seen the series.

Tip to newbies to the series who buy the DVD: buy the mini series DVD, watch it first, then watch the first season eps in order. DON'T watch episode 12 until the end and DON'T let anyone tell you about it before hand. You will be blown away!

I'm going to try to go into season 2 with as few spoilers as possible, though I do know from Ron Moore's blog and his "podcasts" that we get to see what happened to other human survivors on Caprica (other than Helo), and that it will be a few episodes before Starbuck and the downed crew (including Baltar) get back to Galactica. Baltar has some 'splainin to do. Not to mention the Cylons will certainly be pissed about their missing base star.

Man, what a great show!

05-16-2005, 06:05 PM
Yeah, and BSG is back in production shooting 20 new episodes to start airing in July!

I, too, look forward to the first season BSG DVD. There were a lot of deleted scenes each episode (you can see some on the SciFi internet page for each episode), and I have friends who don't have the SciFi network who haven't seen the series.

Tip to newbies to the series who buy the DVD: buy the mini series DVD, watch it first, then watch the first season eps in order. DON'T watch episode 12 until the end and DON'T let anyone tell you about it before hand. You will be blown away!

I'm going to try to go into season 2 with as few spoilers as possible, though I do know from Ron Moore's blog and his "podcasts" that we get to see what happened to other human survivors on Caprica (other than Helo), and that it will be a few episodes before Starbuck and the downed crew (including Baltar) get back to Galactica. Baltar has some 'splainin to do. Not to mention the Cylons will certainly be pissed about their missing base star.

Man, what a great show!
Ok, I'll buy it! I was a fan when I was a kid. I dont get to watch much TV during prime time. I'll take the plunge and pick up BSG when it comes out.

I am stll hoping for a new Star Trek series though. There is so much there they could do.

Donny Carlson
05-16-2005, 07:04 PM
Ok, I'll buy it! I was a fan when I was a kid. I dont get to watch much TV during prime time. I'll take the plunge and pick up BSG when it comes out.

I am stll hoping for a new Star Trek series though. There is so much there they could do.
Shortly before the announcement that ST would take at least a two year "break," J. Michael Straczynsky, the creator of Babylon 5 and his co-producer made a pitch to Paramount for a new ST series that he would write and produce. It was to be a "retelling" of the Star Trek story, from beginning to end, but with the edge you saw on B5 and BSG. Basically, they'd start at the beginning of the Federation and move onward, recasting known characters, rewriting the Trek bible so to speak. Would have been interesting, imo. When told they would have to wait at least 2 years, JMS had to withdraw the offer, as he went ahead and signed about another project.

Still, I think it will take something like this to restore the franchise. If you told me that my favorite SF show bar none would be a retelling of Battlestar Galactica, I would have asked you what you were smoking.

I think either JMS or Ron Moore should be handed the reigns and told "go do it. make TV history again."

05-16-2005, 07:31 PM
That Star Trek show sucked big time :down: :sleepy: , good riddens... :rasta:

Dr Caleb
05-17-2005, 09:24 AM
I was a fan when I was a kid.

It's only slightly related to the other show we saw as kids. It has some of the same character names, similar ships, villians etc. but it is much more dark and gritty. A bit like Firefly was starting to be. The space battle scenes are awesome. :coolman: The cylons are a completely new type of threat to humanity.

The humans are far outnumbered, out gunned and basically out classed by the cylons. I also downloaded the Sky1 series from the UK, and watched the series again when it aired here. There are differences between the two. It's many of the differences that appear on the DVD's.

Get the DVD's, you won't be disappointed.

05-17-2005, 09:46 AM
Isn't the doctor a Cylon himself? I haven't seen any of the BSG episodes other than the pilot. can someone post all the spoilers or PM me the spoilers?

05-17-2005, 10:47 AM
I'll miss the show mainly because it was different.

But, the show I'll miss more is American Dreams. At my age, that show brought back a lot of good memories (Dick Clark's American Bandstand as a backdrop, the events of the late 50's and early 60's) and some not so good memories (the Viet Nam war and the nightly bodycount figures).

The way they blended in today's singers portraying singers from that era along with the video clips of the original singers performing on Bandstand was fun to watch.

Along with the War, the race issues at the time, and the "new" technology (color TVs), this show was much better, IMHO, that watching people eating bugs or screwing each other over for a job with the Donald.

Donny Carlson
05-17-2005, 02:52 PM
Isn't the doctor a Cylon himself? I haven't seen any of the BSG episodes other than the pilot. can someone post all the spoilers or PM me the spoilers?
Well, that's the great thing about the series, because he could be and may not know it. There are 12 models of human looking Cylons, and only 4 have been shown so far.

That said, I doubt Baltar is a Cylon. That would make no sense in the context of the series, especially since another Cylon (Six) tricked him into giving her access to the Colonial Defense Computer Network under the guise that she worked for a defense contractor that was bidding for the contract for new navigation software for the Colonial Fleet and for planetary defense main frames. If he were a Cylon, there would have been no need for Six to seduce him, or implant the chip in his brain (as she claims) that makes him see her all the time. (this is a plot point that has yet to work itself out... it hasn't been revealed whether there really is a chip in his brain, or if he's just bat schit crazy... which I think is the case.)

When you see the series, you'll understand.