View Full Version : Sign of the times

Mike Poore
05-17-2005, 06:24 AM
I have a 300 gal above ground gas tank for the past 35 years. Now, after all these years, last week, my supplier says he can't deliver 93 octane fuel anymore. When I asked why, the answer was: not enough customers use the stuff to make it worth his while to deliver my 250 gal per month. Fortunately, I located another supplier, but here's the funny part. When I informed the other guy I no longer would be buying propane from him, he started crying about losing my propane account. DUH!
Also, I informed him, he could come by and retrieve his propane tank, since the new supplier would be using his own, and that I'd be expecting a refund for the remaining propane.:rolleyes:

05-17-2005, 06:46 AM
I have a 300 gal above ground gas tank for the past 35 years. Now, after all these years, last week, my supplier says he can't deliver 93 octane fuel anymore. When I asked why, the answer was: not enough customers use the stuff to make it worth his while to deliver my 250 gal per month. Fortunately, I located another supplier, but here's the funny part. When I informed the other guy I no longer would be buying propane from him, he started crying about losing my propane account. DUH!
Also, I informed him, he could come by and retrieve his propane tank, since the new supplier would be using his own, and that I'd be expecting a refund for the remaining propane.:rolleyes:
Filler 'er up and check the oil, oh and clean the windows. :up:

05-17-2005, 06:51 AM
I have a 300 gal above ground gas tank for the past 35 years. Now, after all these years, last week, my supplier says he can't deliver 93 octane fuel anymore. When I asked why, the answer was: not enough customers use the stuff to make it worth his while to deliver my 250 gal per month. Fortunately, I located another supplier, but here's the funny part. When I informed the other guy I no longer would be buying propane from him, he started crying about losing my propane account. DUH!
Also, I informed him, he could come by and retrieve his propane tank, since the new supplier would be using his own, and that I'd be expecting a refund for the remaining propane.:rolleyes:
That sure would be cool to have your own 300 gal gas tank.:)

Mike Poore
05-17-2005, 07:04 AM
That sure would be cool to have your own 300 gal gas tank.:)
Just get a vertical oil tank, ~250gal, fit it with an electric or manual pump, and call a supplier. It's that easy. The tanks go for about $150, new, and some guys will bring you a free tank, if you buy enough gas from em. Thing is, you need to be using a couple hundred gallons per month, for many dealers to deliver gas, depending upon how far you live from their distribution tanks. Go for it, 'cause it's so cool to have your own supply.:)

Mike Poore
05-17-2005, 07:06 AM
Filler 'er up and check the oil, oh and clean the windows. :up:
And, a SMOOCH from the cute attendant. (Barb) :sunshine:

05-17-2005, 07:25 AM
And, a SMOOCH from the cute attendant. (Barb) :sunshine:

Some guys have all the luck :shake: :coolman:

And just think, now you have a new(hopefully) pig, and you can airbrush a MM on the side of it.:lol:

I wonder what the delivery fee was for the past gas man (bad pun, ignore)


05-17-2005, 07:45 AM
Do you need to build a canopy to keep the tank cool? Are there vapor lock issues? What sort of containment do you have to build?

Mike Poore
05-17-2005, 08:01 AM
Do you need to build a canopy to keep the tank cool? Are there vapor lock issues? What sort of containment do you have to build?
Naa, Dan, I don't have to do anything, but keep a lock on it to keep friends from getting "free" gas. It never gets hot, and evaporation's no problem; at least we can't smell fumes when near it. I don't think there are many regulations concerning "farm" tanks; but it's local regulations you'd need to deal with, especially in town. I suspect our neighbors in the Peoples Replublic of Maryland have all sorts of rules governing such things, and I doubt you'd be able to have one if you lived in town. At least, in the last 35 or so years, none of the issues you've mentioned have come up. :)

05-17-2005, 04:09 PM
Naa, Dan, I don't have to do anything, but keep a lock on it to keep friends from getting "free" gas.
So when are we having a CAM meet at Mike's Place ??? :D I'll bring the bolt cutters. :rofl:

FREE GAS for Marauders:party: At a max of 17 gallons for a fill up ... this is an excellent opportunity to break the SSM regional record of 18 Marauders. :lol:

05-17-2005, 04:36 PM
So when are we having a CAM meet at Mike's Place ??? :D I'll bring the bolt cutters. :rofl:

FREE GAS for Marauders:party:

Hey Mike whats that over there ? Over there follow me i'll show ya...
Hurry up charlie..

05-17-2005, 06:53 PM
Hey Mike whats that over there ? Over there follow me i'll show ya...
Hurry up charlie..
Got Gas? :depress:

Yes? :D

Go see that over there with Mark.....:coolman:

05-17-2005, 06:57 PM
I looked into getting racing gas here in Chicago, you have to get it in 55 gallon drums last time I checked. It be nice to add a little each fill-up, a few gallons in each tank would be a nice bit of security.