View Full Version : Rate your Driving Ability

05-20-2005, 10:47 AM
Be honest. How would you rate your driving ability? :D

05-20-2005, 11:11 AM
Hey, my skills are great, I just can't see worth a hoot.:depress:

05-20-2005, 11:33 AM
Isn't this one of the few questions where nobody can answer correctly?
Most people will put themselves in an above average - when odds are in a test of skill and knowledge the results would not be so?

05-20-2005, 12:00 PM
Isn't this one of the few questions where nobody can answer correctly?
Most people will put themselves in an above average - when odds are in a test of skill and knowledge the results would not be so?If you were to ask how many total miles driven (lifetime), how many wrecks (regardless of whose fault) would that help you to judge better?????

Miles Driven Lifetime: 842,000

Wrecks Lifetime: 2

Years as legal licensed driver: 35

Prayers of thanks to my Lord: Millions.

05-20-2005, 12:27 PM
Interesting poll and good point/observation shaft333. Was in an occupation for many years that required driving several million miles almost exclusively in North American built, V-8 powered, RWD sedans; often under tactical-highspeed pursuit situations. In my twenties I really thought I was a pretty "hot" driver. I realize now (in my mid-fifties) and with the 20/20 vision of hindsight that my skill level actually peaked somewhere during the 35 to 45 year old period, probably due more to experience than any other factor. The skill level has slowly been tapering off since. I'm sure many of you early middle-age to older LEO guys and others on the net can recall a period in your life when the actual car felt like just a nutural extension of your hands; of being able to power, steer and slide a car into and through any space where it would barely fit without a scratch nearly as easily and instinctively as pointing your finger. I guess the point here is ,like shaft333 points out, how many people can do a truly honest assesment of their skill level. I'm sure all of us know people that are just awful drivers that truly consider themselves to be excellent. Just my .02...BILL

05-20-2005, 01:21 PM
A little above avg.
Use to do a lot of racing on dirt nothing professional just messing around. Reflexes and eyesite aren't what they use to be so I quit.

Fourth Horseman
05-20-2005, 01:44 PM
Isn't this one of the few questions where nobody can answer correctly?
Most people will put themselves in an above average - when odds are in a test of skill and knowledge the results would not be so?

Yeah, I'm going to try and compensate for self-bias and just put myself in the "average Joe" category. I mean, I probably think I'm better than most people, but the truth is that I'm probably just average.

Though I will say that I do think about the physics involved with my vehicle more than any of my friends. Most of them never even consider the transfer of weight on the suspension, or the limits of their traction, etc.

05-20-2005, 01:44 PM
Above average is an easy choice. The "average" drivers around here don't know how to drive at all :lol:


Mike Poore
05-20-2005, 02:27 PM
Above average is an easy choice. jta
Me too. Um, unless you're gonna make a big deal outta a couple of minor "incidents" while backing into a tiny 9foot garage door opening. :rolleyes:

05-20-2005, 03:03 PM
If you were to ask how many total miles driven (lifetime), how many wrecks (regardless of whose fault) would that help you to judge better?????
Point well taken ..... understand the "above average" syndrome. However, I asked my son to rate me. He said "Above Average" as well. :D Of course, he drives exactly like me. So, I would have expected that answer. :rofl:

Miles Driven Lifetime: 599423.4

Wrecks Lifetime: 0

Speeding Tickets: 1

Years as legal licensed driver: 37

Number of 360 degree maneuvers: 1 (on ice/snow some 35 years ago in my Dad's car. Don't tell him 'cause he still doesn't know :rolleyes: )

Prayers of thanks to my Lord: Lots

05-20-2005, 03:17 PM
Have driven well over 1,000,000 miles and have been licensed for more than 40 years. One accident ( was hit in rear, they paid ) also one accident on duty NYPD responding to an emergency. Yea it was a taxi. :)

05-20-2005, 03:28 PM
10 wrecks(most occured sitting at a light or not even moving)
I swear there is a target on my trunk lid..
2 write offs(other driver ran light)
1 deer...
no at fault claims:)

Mike Poore
05-20-2005, 03:56 PM
Hey Charlie? This grampaws guy. You think he's an old coot, or just some guy with big hands? :laugh:

05-20-2005, 04:22 PM
I suck


05-20-2005, 04:55 PM
My last pick up didn't have a bumper sicker that said "If you don't like the way I drive stay off the sidewalk" next to one that said "Hell yes I'm drunk. Did you think I was a stunt man?" for nothing. :D

05-20-2005, 06:40 PM
Gram- for grampa
Paws -cause the dogs are my co-pilots...
And if you don't like my drivin' stay outta the Hammer lane!!!
Bad stroke of luck with other drivers...
Got Lucky the Dog and haven't had a crash since...
Something in the name I guess:P
Lucky is a Lab/German sheppard/Rottwieller/German pointer mix..
Luna is Lab/German sheppard mix ....:D
Replaced quite a few rear bumpers and tail lights in the past!!
Body shop even gives me a frequent buyer discount!!
and don't even have to give directions anymore!!:rolleyes:
If I keep getting hit by average drivers then it won't be
hard to be above avg...:D

05-20-2005, 07:24 PM
I'm an excellent driver.......thank you. :P

05-20-2005, 07:28 PM
Bob Bondurant who? I can drive and drive well again Thank you.. :P :P

05-20-2005, 08:45 PM
I like the term: Professional defensive driving done aggressively. One of the reasons I chose this car was because I am trained to drive its cousin (CVPI) that is slower, but handles similarly.

Donny Carlson
05-20-2005, 09:02 PM
I'm an excellent driver.......thank you. :P
Hard to have an accident when you rarely go beyond the end of the driveway.

05-20-2005, 09:05 PM
Driven a million or so miles--everyday driver for 58 years---1 accident--a few tickets--lots of close calls-----don't like to drive at night anymore. As for rating--above average for age---ask the folks I travelled with to Indy last year---check my reaction times :bs: you say---Join me driving to Woodward and see for yourself :)

05-21-2005, 05:55 AM
:bump: :bump:

05-22-2005, 11:25 AM
Was in an occupation for many years that required driving several million miles almost exclusively in North American built, V-8 powered, RWD sedans; often under tactical-highspeed pursuit situations. In my twenties I really thought I was a pretty "hot" driver. I realize now (in my mid-fifties) and with the 20/20 vision of hindsight that my skill level actually peaked somewhere during the 35 to 45 year old period, probably due more to experience than any other factor. The skill level has slowly been tapering off since. I'm sure many of you early middle-age to older LEO guys and others on the net can recall a period in your life when the actual car felt like just a nutural extension of your hands; of being able to power, steer and slide a car into and through any space where it would barely fit without a scratch nearly as easily and instinctively as pointing your finger. I guess the point here is , like shaft333 points out, how many people can do a truly honest assesment of their skill level. I'm sure all of us know people that are just awful drivers that truly consider themselves to be excellent.
Bravo! Well said, Bill.

I can't judge my own driving skill, that's up to my passengers. I do have two distinctive styles, one for when I am alone, and the other when passengers are present. How good I am at either, well, I'm always trying to do my best.

Years ago, I was into motorcycles and running with the Blue Knights. Every once in a while, a topic like this would pop up, usually because of a new guy on a road trip. When we heard "I know what I'm doing" we would run in the other direction. Not suprizingly, I felt this way when working a beat car, moreso when not with my regular partner. I still think this way today, once you say "Im on it, I got all the bases covered, I'm the best"...You're probably more dangerous than anyone out there.

05-22-2005, 11:28 AM
Be honest. How would you rate your driving ability? :DI would have to say above average but my wife and most of my friends think I am a lunatic. My wife says I take too many chances and my friends wonder why I'm not dead yet. I will say that I obey all traffic laws except for speed limits but you can definitely put me in the "aggressive" category. 12 years since my last accident or ticket and I average 20k a year.

05-22-2005, 05:37 PM
I'm not sure how I would rate myself as a driver, sometimes I make mistakes, sometimes my wife gives me dirty looks when I am having a little too much fun with the car. Like the Sarge mentioned, I drive different when I am alone, when I have passengers I am far more cautious, when I am driving for a living, again very cautious.

I have managed never to hurt myself or anyone else while driving for nearly four decades...I guess that is a good thing....just don't know how it rates.

Paul T. Casey
05-22-2005, 07:01 PM
My driving abilities improved greatly when I stopped drinking. When I answered I thought about things like backing a trailer into a tight spot, paraallel parking, resisting the urge to do 15mph over the limit, yeilding, letting someone go first through the intersection, and that sort of stuff. IMHO, surviving a 130 mph powerslide on a one lane road doesn't qualify one to be a good driver. Track skills, I've been in four sanctioned events, won 1, made 5 winning rounds in 1, out in first round in the first event, second in the second event. Better than average.

05-22-2005, 10:00 PM
I guess the point here is ,like shaft333 points out, how many people can do a truly honest assesment of their skill level. I'm sure all of us know people that are just awful drivers that truly consider themselves to be excellent. Just my .02...BILL
I would consider myself EXCELLENT, sir, with all the honesty of our highest elected representatives as a beacon for my own personal integrity!!!:bs:

Bradley G
05-22-2005, 10:46 PM
Just call me "Mr. Magoo!":drive: :lol:

1@ 16yrs old : snow storm 80$ out of pocket.:stupid:
1@ 19yrs old : 20+ car pile-up on sheer ice down hill(nobody won)drove 10 miles home on a marker lamp stuck on, in the dark. :loco:
1@ 45 yrs old : Deer hit, I never got my foot off the gas. :eek:
Bradley G
OOPs! almost forgot :Backed into a loading dock post, driving for UPS @ 22 yrs. old