View Full Version : Memorial weekend

05-24-2005, 04:53 AM
Was curious to know what ya'll have planned for this up comming weekend..
I'll start it off .The whole family(except my oldest he's staying home) is going to wildwood nj , rides , ice cream dots and quarter machines here we come..

I wanna wish everyone a safe and happy weekend..Please make it back to sign on here monday..God be with you all..:up:

05-24-2005, 04:59 AM
Was curious to know what ya'll have planned for this up comming weekend..
I'll start it off .The whole family(except my oldest he's staying home) is going to wildwood nj , rides , ice cream dots and quarter machines here we come..

Sounds cool!

I am praying for good weather so that I can get my boat prep'd for the season and stuff my self full of grilled sausage. Oh yeah, there is likely to be a nap or two in my future! :D

05-24-2005, 06:51 AM
What ya'll have planned for this up comming weekend?

Well since it will be Brenda and mine's first wedding anniversary on the 29th, we're planning a getaway for ourselves to a little B&B called Falcon Manor in McMinnville, TN.

We'll be hitting the road :burnout: Friday from Nashville and sightseeing in Chattanooga on Saturday. (I hear the Aquarium is nice, but we're open to suggestions if you've got 'em.)


05-24-2005, 06:58 AM
I am having about 10,000 friends join me for Rolling Thunder on the mall. Other then that, it's a slow weekend.


05-24-2005, 07:05 AM
I am having about 10,000 friends join me for Rolling Thunder on the mall. Other then that, it's a slow weekend.

That's right ... I forgot. :D Are you gonna rally in Dumfries for the big roll up I-95 or is there a similar link location along I-66. :dunno:

I remember being headed south on I-81 a couple years back and I saw on-coming motorcycles stretched for nearly 250 miles and more. A continuous stream of bikes. "Rolling Thunder" is a very appropriate name for this event.

Have fun and enjoy the day !!! :up:

05-24-2005, 08:03 AM
I am having about 10,000 friends join me for Rolling Thunder on the mall. Other then that, it's a slow weekend.


Will not be able to attend this year, too much to do on the Honey-Do list. :help:

Long Live #3
05-24-2005, 08:41 AM
I'm staying home and going to watch the Coca-Cola 600 on FOX. Go Mark Martin!

05-24-2005, 08:43 AM
I'll be driving up to Eglin AFB to vist a friend and his Wife for the long weekend. Not sure what we'll do once there. But I'm sure we'll figure something out. Just hope not to get arrested by some SPs.

05-24-2005, 09:22 AM
I'm staying home and going to watch the Coca-Cola 600 on FOX. Go Mark Martin!

Same here, have you heard Mark and Rusty might team up to run again next year for the cat in the hat? That's the latest rumor, with them splitting the season.

Long Live #3
05-25-2005, 06:44 AM
I knew mark martin was going to run in the all star race only next year but i never heard of rusty and mark running a limited season.

05-25-2005, 06:46 AM
Was curious to know what ya'll have planned for this up coming weekend...
Will definitely be flying the flag that day !!! :flag: Probably burning some burgers and steaks on the deck as well. :rolleyes:

05-25-2005, 06:56 AM
Working...But Monday afternoon, I'm driving a friend out into the country to pick up a new puppy, and I'm pleased to help out. Since last Xmas, she's had to put her two senior pets down (10 and 14 years) and she's ready to begin again, so, it will be a good weekend.

05-25-2005, 09:05 AM
Was curious to know what ya'll have planned for this up comming weekend..
I'll start it off .The whole family(except my oldest he's staying home) is going to wildwood nj , rides , ice cream dots and quarter machines here we come..


Last time I was in Wilwood NJ was the early sixties when I was a boy. Loved it!! Stayed for two weeks each summer - crabbing in the back bays, amusements rides etc. That cool atlantic ocean sea breeze can really refresh you.
Have fun.

PR :burnout:

05-25-2005, 09:16 AM
Saturday we're going to Kalamazoo for the dog show and to have dinner with friends.

On Monday I intend to burn a large piece of cow in the back yard.

05-25-2005, 09:23 AM
Going to Blackf0rk's with BradleyG for the Trilogy Install

Mike Poore
05-25-2005, 02:26 PM
Was curious to know what ya'll have planned for this up comming weekend..
I'll start it off .The whole family(except my oldest he's staying home) is going to wildwood nj , rides , ice cream dots and quarter machines here we come..To Wildwood with the kids, Mark, that's the best.

Saturday morning we'll be headed west on I-70 with John's V-Star 1100 Classic on the trailer, and meet them out near Washington, PA, and swap trailers.

I bet we're gonna see a ton of bikes headed for Merc's party in Washington City.

Then we'll head north and hit I-80, then east, speding the rest of the weekend at Snow Shoe Camp. Since the truck's up there, I'll bring it along back, while Barb drives her Aviator, completing the circle tour. :)

05-26-2005, 12:26 PM
Do you ever go to the September Wildwood hot rod and classic car show on the boardwalk?

05-26-2005, 12:32 PM
We were in Wildwood 1st weekend in May and caught the boardwalk Hot Rod Show - very cool!!! Missed the burnout contest, but got to cruise town with hundreds of others and got lots of comments and thumbs up from people all over lining the streets in lawn chairs. Wish I could have gotten a picture with a Lead Sled and a Turnpike Cruiser who both smiled and gave me the thumb as they went by! :2thumbs: Maybe in September when they do it again. A "56 Mercury won "best back seat" category!


Mark - check your PMs


05-26-2005, 05:52 PM
Was curious to know what ya'll have planned for this up comming weekend...... I will be working at power plant all weekend. Nuclear, oh joy:(

05-26-2005, 06:05 PM
I will finally get the blower exchanged on Saturday.

05-26-2005, 06:15 PM
Going to Blackf0rk's with BradleyG for the Trilogy Install

Gee....I wonder who's car that is getting installed on :D . I am playing the weekend by ear....hopefully will get 18 holes of golf in, some BBQ'ing and some hiking with with my Siberian. And more work on my dining room :(

05-26-2005, 09:50 PM
Saturday will be at the local fishin hole. Sunday i'll be tuned into the Indy 500 to see if history is made go Danica and Tony, and later a car show. Monday will be pigging out on some Q and fixins.

Everybody be save and remember the police will be out to enforce the laws, so
"Let's be careful out there"

05-27-2005, 12:57 AM
We have a wonderful weekend planned, Friday, put down one of wife's cats, Saturday, calling hours for an old friend, Sunday and Monday, think I'm going to hide....

05-27-2005, 05:50 AM
The September show is much more restrictive due to it's size. Only cars registerd for the show are allowed to cruise. Also, I think the cutoff year is 72 and newer.

I go every year (weather permitting) and display my 64 Galaxy convertible.

Seems to be a pretty rare car.

05-27-2005, 06:10 AM
I just posted a picture of my car on the Wildwood, NJ boardwalk in 2004.

It's in my gallery.

05-27-2005, 06:25 AM
I'm going to do a whole lot of laying on my ass.

This is day 26 in a row of me being at work. (yes even Sundays and I'm a teacher, figure that one out) I'm more than a little tired of this place and I've been sick for almost a week now as a result.

Today is the last day of school and the only one allowed to disturb my slumber this weekend is my 1 year old daughter.

Unless they have ice cream.

I might grill some burgers or steaks on Monday, but right now anything that requires any effort just doesn't sound like a plan.

Heck, I washed the MM for the first time in a week last night. A WEEK!


05-27-2005, 08:09 AM
Driving from the Hamptons to Staten Island on Sat. & Sunday.Playing in the New York City Amateur during the day and partying in the Hamptons at night{tough weekend}! :beer:

05-27-2005, 08:31 AM
I'm going to do a whole lot of laying on my ass. -A
Yeah, I plan to do some of that as well. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: However, tomorrow morning I am headed in to have the rear tires replaced. Almost 21,000 miles and they are getting a little thin in the centers. I could probably stretch 'em out to 25K; but I am noticing that I am more cautious with 'em in the rain and when the wife or son want to go out and "play" with my car. :D So, she gets new rubber in the morning and I ought be set for the trip to MV III. :bows:

05-27-2005, 09:02 AM
The September show is much more restrictive due to it's size. Only cars registerd for the show are allowed to cruise. Also, I think the cutoff year is 72 and newer.

I go every year (weather permitting) and display my 64 Galaxy convertible.

Seems to be a pretty rare car.

Yeah, I contacted NJHRA and it's 1980 or older - but they said they will consider opening up to newer cars next spring. I suggested rear wheel drive American made cars ... then I had a nightmare that had the boardwalk covered
with 22" wheeled blinged out 300's & Magnums :puke:
They told me that they were once open to all years but there were too many cars and they were overwhelmed! BTW, I wasn't in the "official" cruise, but as you know, the island is one big cruise all weekend, with the sound of revving engines and screeching tires long into the night! I'll look for you in September!
:hijack: Um, what's this thread about again? Oh, right... let' see...
grill, airshow at NAS Willow Grove, maybe Wildwood? :beer:

05-27-2005, 11:38 AM
Was curious to know what ya'll have planned for this up comming weekend...

I'm doing something this weekend....................... .............. :hmmm:

hmmmm............let me think......what was I gonna do........... :dunno:

:expectant father pacing:

:expectant father pacing:



Oh Yeah! now I remember...................... ....



05-27-2005, 11:50 AM
[QUOTE=jefferson-mo]I'm doing something this weekend....................... .............. :hmmm:


Our fingers are crossed for you that everything is Ok with the delivery. Keep us posted.


05-27-2005, 01:19 PM
I'm doing something this weekend....................... .............. :hmmm:

hmmmm............let me think......what was I gonna do........... :dunno:
You probably will not be out on the links for a five hour round of golf :) I think it will be saying "yes dear".

My plans include detailing cars at my friends garage and then as much swimming, biking and running as my body will take. And hopefully not to much time with my inlaws.

05-27-2005, 03:08 PM

Our fingers are crossed for you that everything is Ok with the delivery. Keep us posted.


Believe me you'll be the first to know....................


the Doctor
the Nurses
the Hospital Staff
her family
my family
our friends
our neighbors
my co-workers
her co-workers
a Cape Cod bunny
a Chicago Cop
a Chicago wholesaler
a New York lawyer
a Georgia muffler man
a Navy Chaplain
an LA cameraman

the Windy City Marauders

and MM.net

05-27-2005, 03:11 PM
Believe me you'll be the first to know....................


the Doctor
the Nurses
the Hospital Staff
her family
my family
our friends
our neighbors
my co-workers
her co-workers
a Cape Cod bunny
a Chicago Cop
a Chicago wholesaler
a New York lawyer
a Georgia muffler man
a Navy Chaplain
an LA cameraman

the Windy City Marauders

and MM.net

If you don't move me up the list, I am going to sue your azz...... :D

05-27-2005, 08:05 PM
If you don't move me up the list, I am going to sue your azz...... :D
Well.............everyone above you I've met face to face.............

Although I've also met the NAvy guy and the NBC guy too.. :sweat:

05-27-2005, 11:19 PM
Not a good weekend for me. I've been on call since Friday at 3 PM, and won't be off until Wednesday at midnight. The weekend is on call 24 hrs. per day. Will still try and get some golf in on Sunday and Monday. Some cooking out with Dot and the grandkids. Weather finally starting to warm a little, maybe I'll work on opening the pool. Today's a bust as I'll be working 7 - 3.

Hope you all have a great weekend, and remember to take a minute out to remember all our veterans and current active duty members of our Armed Forces!

05-28-2005, 04:20 AM
Hope you all have a great weekend, and remember to take a minute out to remember all our veterans and current active duty members of our Armed Forces!
From one Vet to another .... Thanks for the reminder, Bob !! :flag:

05-28-2005, 05:39 AM
From one Vet to another .... Thanks for the reminder, Bob !! :flag:
I'll be finishing up the remote start installation for the MM, staining the deck... all 1,000 square feet of it and replacing the deck lighting.

05-28-2005, 10:56 AM
Ever wonder what we'd be doin today if not for the sacrifices of our armed forces throughout the world and the history of this nation. Damn i'm proud to be American! Especially today.

With that I will do whatever I want today since our soldiers made it possible.

This one's for you guys and girls that gave it all for God and country.

Not a good weekend for me. I've been on call since Friday at 3 PM, and won't be off until Wednesday at midnight. The weekend is on call 24 hrs. per day. Will still try and get some golf in on Sunday and Monday. Some cooking out with Dot and the grandkids. Weather finally starting to warm a little, maybe I'll work on opening the pool. Today's a bust as I'll be working 7 - 3.

Hope you all have a great weekend, and remember to take a minute out to remember all our veterans and current active duty members of our Armed Forces!

05-28-2005, 12:00 PM
Since I got to play last weekend, its uncompensated overtime for me this weekend... plenty to go around now days. I take that back, my compensation is I get to keep my job. Being on salary rocks! :rolleyes:

Oh yeah, support the troops. :flag: Someone have a dog and beer for me!