View Full Version : Michael Jackson: Guilty or Innocent?

05-26-2005, 02:00 PM
With the verdict not far away I read a article that I linked below that said online polls show he will most likely get found innocent. I find that hard to believe but figured I would do a poll.

My vote is guilty. I mean, did you see that video on TV year or so back? He's nuts!



Fourth Horseman
05-26-2005, 02:53 PM
I honestly don't know. Haven't read or seen anything about it, really. No detail, anyway. Thank the gods I'm not on the jury. I prefer to not think about the whole thing. Maybe if I ignore him he'll just go away.

05-26-2005, 02:55 PM
I honestly don't know. Haven't read or seen anything about it, really. No detail, anyway. Thank the gods I'm not on the jury. I prefer to not think about the whole thing. Maybe if I ignore him he'll just go away.
He's a sicko, creap, child molester..... Hope he rots in jail... Wait his nose fell of didn't it? He's rotting already!

05-26-2005, 03:13 PM
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Hope he rots in jail... Wait his nose fell of didn't it? He's rotting already!

05-26-2005, 03:15 PM
Missing an option to choose "Who gives a :censor: ". I hope they fry the bastage but I don't want to keep hearing about it while more important news goes unreported.

Joe Walsh
05-26-2005, 03:50 PM
O.J..... :mad:

Robert Blake...... :mad2:

Hmmmmmm......I would bet that he is found innocent!...... :fire:

California jurys ignore the evidence if it is a celebrity.

05-26-2005, 04:01 PM
Missing an option to choose "Who gives a :censor: ".
Yeah, that's the choice ^^^^^ that I was looking for too !! :rolleyes: I can honestly say that I haven't be following this saga. :D

Joe, I'm afraid that you may be right .... once again. :shake:

05-26-2005, 04:07 PM
IMO he is guilty but will he be convicted that is the question.

05-26-2005, 06:18 PM
Missing an option to choose "Who gives a :censor: ". I hope they fry the bastage but I don't want to keep hearing about it while more important news goes unreported.
.........I'm with this man's attitude---enuff said!!

05-26-2005, 06:29 PM
Missing an option to choose "Who gives a :censor: ".That's my choice. Thanks Scott!

Joe Walsh
05-26-2005, 08:07 PM
I thought that his monkey was dead.....apparently he was spanking it too much.... :D

David Morton
05-26-2005, 09:24 PM
I think the boys mother deliberately put him in the bed with MJ in order to cash in and that's the sickest aspect of this whole case. :mad:

The media has him guilty from the minute the show starts and I really have no idea how in the world they could've found a jury that would be impartial unless they went off-planet, in which case it would definitely have been a jury of his peers. :lol:

If he's found innocent I won't lose a minute of sleep. I didn't lose any sleep when OJ got off.

I think the boys mother (accuser) is the one that should be going to jail for being a con-artist and blackmailer.

05-26-2005, 10:31 PM
I think the boys mother deliberately put him in the bed with MJ in order to cash in and that's the sickest aspect of this whole case. :mad:

The media has him guilty from the minute the show starts and I really have no idea how in the world they could've found a jury that would be impartial unless they went off-planet, in which case it would definitely have been a jury of his peers. :lol:

If he's found innocent I won't lose a minute of sleep. I didn't lose any sleep when OJ got off.

I think the boys mother (accuser) is the one that should be going to jail for being a con-artist and blackmailer.

MAYBE...but his pattern, and self-processed inclinitation, to sleep with young boys at the age of 47 now, 35 in 1993 when he made his first settlement, is at the minimum EXTREMELY WEIRD, and is most likely the acts of a certain pedophile.:shake:

If he gets off, it is only because of his status as a celebrity, ala OJ and Blake. If this is John Q. Public, the next stop is bent over at Bubba's bunk on a government imposed long sabatical. Just my :twocents: worth.

05-27-2005, 07:59 AM
If say he was innocent back in 93...after all the trials, payoffs, bad publicity, etc why in the heck who you then invite kids over, sleep with them in the same bed, and brag about it on a TV show! I don't think he thinks of himself as a pediphile as I don't think he knows he is a adult. He thinks he is still 12 playing 'show me yours and I'll show you mine' games with other kids.

Everyone thinks the momma did this for money but as of yet she has not taken a payoff and you KNOW he has offered money to her by now. So how can that be her agenda? She is not living in the mansion anymore, doesn't drive free cars anymore, and a book won't pay her family more than he already was financing back when she was there or would have in a payoff.

If i was innocent back in 93 I would stay clear of kids. Its one thing to be famous and charitable, to visit and hang out with sick kids, but its another to have them move in and sleep together.

In 20 years I'll be buying a tell all book written by his kids on how a sick :censor: he was to them in the 90's and 2000's.

05-27-2005, 08:03 AM
There needs to be another choice in the poll - "Who friggin' cares?"

The bigger they are, the harder they fall, or not.



05-27-2005, 08:05 AM
I think that other then the "Don't give a rats a$$" aption on the poll, there should be a "Not proven" option.

06-13-2005, 02:45 PM
With the verdict not far away I read a article that I linked below that said online polls show he will most likely get found innocent.
"Not Guilty" on all 10 counts and the lesser included charges. :rolleyes: But I don't believe that is the same as "Innocent", right ??? :confused:

06-13-2005, 03:08 PM
As I've said before: "To free oneself from anguish and doubt, remember that whether Michael Jackson is guilty and whether Michael Jackson belongs in prison are two separate issues."

06-13-2005, 03:42 PM
I find it hard to believe he has 12 peers.

06-13-2005, 03:57 PM
Those of you that believe he is innocent, I have one question:

Would you let your 10 year old son spend the night with him in his bed???

Do you believe that a nearly 50 year old man that prefers to spend the night with a boy, instead of a woman is NOT a pedaphile???

Don't base your answer on political beliefs or on race. Just answer as a man who is the father of a young boy.

06-13-2005, 04:06 PM
Those of you that believe he is innocent, I have one question:

Would you let your 10 year old son spend the night with him in his bed???

Do you believe that a nearly 50 year old man that prefers to spend the night with a boy, instead of a woman is NOT a pedaphile???

Don't base your answer on political beliefs or on race. Just answer as a man who is the father of a young boy.

I think that when your parents told you to not go near strange people they could have used Mike's picture as a good example of a strange person. Some people are so celebrity smitten that they will sacrifice their children to a pervert like Mike just to get close to that fame and money.

06-13-2005, 04:44 PM
The media is guilty of making me sick of hearing about Michael Jackson. We need to load all the reporters on a big cruise ship, take it about 500 miles out to sea, and scuttle it--with no lifeboats!

Last Mrk
06-13-2005, 04:51 PM
Well that was a THRILLER. (not) Although the accuser claimed Michael was BAD, Michael said they were JUST GOOD FRIENDS. In the end, Michael BEAT IT and claims he was not a SMOOTH CRIMINAL and is telling DA Thomas Sneddon to LEAVE ME ALONE and says he will not have a difficult time looking at the MAN IN THE MIRROR. :(

Joe Walsh
06-13-2005, 05:22 PM
O.J..... :mad:

Robert Blake...... :mad2:

Hmmmmmm......I would bet that he is found innocent!...... :fire:

California jurys ignore the evidence if it is a celebrity.

Darn!!! I SHOULD have bet on a SURE THING! :(

I'm sure that the slimy mother played heavily into Diana Ross...er....I mean Michael Jackson being found innocent.

06-13-2005, 06:06 PM
Those of you that believe he is innocent, I have one question:

Would you let your 10 year old son spend the night with him in his bed???

Do you believe that a nearly 50 year old man that prefers to spend the night with a boy, instead of a woman is NOT a pedaphile???

Don't base your answer on political beliefs or on race. Just answer as a man who is the father of a young boy.
Do I think he's a freak? Yep. But, if the question was, Do I think he was guilty of THIS? Nope.

Hey, wasn't this kid diagnosed as being terminally ill? Wasn't that 5 years ago? Didn't they settle another "molestation" case with JC Penny? Did she not clain her ex-husband "molested" her child during a bitter divorce? All just coincidence?

That kid's momma has been involved in more suits that Ralph Lauren. She was looking for a cash cow, and this freaky-deaky man-child was an easy target.

Again, he's a freak, no doubt. This instance, I think he was innocent. That's the way the justice system is supposed to work, isn't it?

06-13-2005, 06:16 PM
Do I think he's a freak? Yep. But, if the question was, Do I think he was guilty of THIS? Nope.

Hey, wasn't this kid diagnosed as being terminally ill? Wasn't that 5 years ago? Didn't they settle another "molestation" case with JC Penny? Did she not clain her ex-husband "molested" her child during a bitter divorce? All just coincidence?

That kid's momma has been involved in more suits that Ralph Lauren. She was looking for a cash cow, and this freaky-deaky man-child was an easy target.

Again, he's a freak, no doubt. This instance, I think he was innocent. That's the way the justice system is supposed to work, isn't it?

I don't know exactly what a freak is, however I do know exactly what a PEDAPHILE is. Please no more talk about about courts.

I will ask you a very simple question: Is Michael Jackson a pedaphile? Yes or No.

If you believe he is NOT a pedaphile, then please tell me what a pedaphile does that Michael Jackson has not already admitted to doing, right from his own mouth.

06-13-2005, 06:36 PM
I don't know exactly what a freak is, however I do know exactly what a PEDAPHILE is. Please no more talk about about courts.

I will ask you a very simple question: Is Michael Jackson a pedaphile? Yes or No.

If you believe he is NOT a pedaphile, then please tell me what a pedaphile does that Michael Jackson has not already admitted to doing, right from his own mouth.
My personal thought is that he probably is... At the very least, I think he has a problem mentally. That still does not negate the fact that, in this one instance, I do not think he was guilty, and that this case was spurned by people with motives other than seeking justice for an innocent child (namely a mother seeking a financial winfall and an overzealous prosecution, seeking a high profile win).

06-13-2005, 06:43 PM
IMO he is guilty but will he be convicted that is the question.

I knew the answer.

Donny Carlson
06-13-2005, 06:59 PM
Truimph the insult comic dog interviewing MJ fans outside the courthouse:


06-13-2005, 07:10 PM
Truimph the insult comic dog interviewing MJ fans outside the courthouse:

I saw that on "Conan" the other night. I thought it was great.

06-13-2005, 07:16 PM
Truimph the insult comic dog interviewing MJ fans outside the courthouse:


That is even better than Triumph with the Star Wars weenies.

06-13-2005, 07:31 PM
This case was a loser because everyone on the accusing end had NO credibility.

What we are TOLD to do as jurors in situations such as this each & every day is ...

"If there is ANYTHING that might make you DOUBT ones guilt ... then we must find the person NOT GUILTY".

Well color me a radical for being a FREE THINKER here but ...

I never was - nor will I EVER be anyones PUPPET. Just because someone tells me to JUMP ... that doesn't mean I'm going to respond with "how high ?" ... just because the "majority" are doing so. Perhaps it's silly of me in this day & age to actually think for MYSELF(insert sarcasm) ... but it's something I don't intend on EVER giving up.

I go thru life everyday seeing MANY "gray" areas & situations that don't have a simple "black or white" answer. Prior history oftens plays a part in such things, & as far as I'm concerned ... this was one of those times.

As much as the accusers word & reputation was pretty much WORTHLESS based upon previous history & actions ... IMHO, MJ's previous history & actions paint the picture of someone who is a DEFINITE threat to the well being of children PAST - PRESENT & FUTURE.

Long story short here ?.

If I had been a juror on that trial ...

I would have stepped into that "gray" area - followed my "gut" instincts based upon MJ's ideals & past actions & found him GUILTY.

If that makes me a BAD juror(& person to some) so be it.

Had the accused been someone with NO money & NO notoriety ..... this case without a doubt would have had a MUCH different outcome I'm sure, regardless of a questionable accuser.

If the dark day in hell ever came in which I shared MJ's philosophy on children, I sincerely hope someone would take me out in the woods .....

And that I'd NEVER EVER be seen or heard from again.


His ideals can NOT be justifed in ANY WAY SHAPE OR FORM as far as I'm concerned.

Oh well ...

The CA "so called" justice system botches up yet ANOTHER case.


06-13-2005, 07:34 PM
... At the very least, I think he has a problem mentally.
Ya think ??? :rofl: Maybe the plastic face was a give-away !!! :rolleyes:

06-13-2005, 07:39 PM
Wasn't that kids mom the one who found the finger in the chili?

Where can we find Triumph with the Star Wars weenies?!

06-13-2005, 07:46 PM
Where can we find Triumph with the Star Wars weenies?!

Try this link (http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/video/nerds.html). It may still work.