View Full Version : It's Official, Going Back to School

05-26-2005, 03:05 PM
Officially accepted to grad school and the ProMBA program, paid my $500 non-refundable deposit. No backing out now! Three Saturdays all day long and Three Tuesday evenings per month and are committed to for the next 16 months, starting in August. Time to pick and choose recreational activities. Kick-off week during MVIII, so that's out, Bristol NASCAR tickets have to be sold, can't make the Frank Hawley driving school weekend with DR's open house, gonna miss a bunch of ATL MM breakfasts, but I'll do my best to make the SSHS5 in ATL... I can't believe I'm doing this, I used to badmouth the MBA's when I was in the corporate world and now I'm gonna be one of them.

05-26-2005, 03:22 PM
Congratulations. The time will be well-spent. Here's hoping you have real application and very few hoops to jump through. (noting the inevitability of politics in grad. schools)

I just finished my Master's degree, and I feel it was worth it. Hope you do as well.


05-26-2005, 04:01 PM
I can't believe I'm doing this, I used to badmouth the MBA's when I was in the corporate world and now I'm gonna be one of them.
Congrats on your decision. Above all, you have to do what is right by your family, and a higher education will develop more opportunity. I salute you, sir.

When I finished my degree, I decided I was done, and I have exploited my education in every way possible ever since. Like you, I went back to school as an older student, and the one thing I remember most from this experience, I learned on my first day, when a Phd. said "you're not here to learn how things work, or, get done. You're here to learn how to learn that you can get them done."

Wiser words were never spoken to me before, and it rings true today. I really do learn something new everyday, and I'm always ready to learn it. I wish you well.

You don't have to abandon your roots. Cut the sleeves off a few jackets, drink fresh water from a quart bottle of Penzoil 5W20, hold your pants up with a serpentine belt, and resole your Nike's with footpronts cut from BFG drag radials. You don't have to join them, just show them the light?

Hey...I just got a brain fart...Black 25 pound 25% cotton paper bookcovers, watermarked with a silver Godshead...Yo, 'Poke! Call me?

05-26-2005, 04:22 PM
Congrats - It's never too late to go back to school. :) Good luck. :up:

I myself after an extended period of time, went back to school and received two degrees.

05-26-2005, 04:36 PM
Brian I salute you, I never finished college...life sorta got in the way... Congratulations. :beer:

05-26-2005, 05:04 PM
It's hard to believe but I got my MBA [finance] 21 years ago... seems like just yesterday I was studying the Markowitz Theory of Diversification.

My MBA didn't teach me 'parlor tricks'.. it taight me a whole different way to view complicated problems. good luck - you will learn things you never thought possible and most of all, you will learn a new way to 'think'.

05-26-2005, 05:30 PM
Bristol NASCAR tickets have to be sold...

Ooo Ooo me me!! Do you still have them and how much????? :banana2:

05-26-2005, 06:24 PM
Officially accepted to grad school and the ProMBA program, paid my $500 non-refundable deposit. No backing out now! Three Saturdays all day long and Three Tuesday evenings per month and are committed to for the next 16 months, starting in August. Time to pick and choose recreational activities. Kick-off week during MVIII, so that's out, Bristol NASCAR tickets have to be sold, can't make the Frank Hawley driving school weekend with DR's open house, gonna miss a bunch of ATL MM breakfasts, but I'll do my best to make the SSHS5 in ATL... I can't believe I'm doing this, I used to badmouth the MBA's when I was in the corporate world and now I'm gonna be one of them.
Congrats :beer: . Something I am hoping to do this fall. We are never to old to learn........best of luck.