View Full Version : Nissan is irritating me about warranty service on my Z

05-27-2005, 09:43 AM
I have two issues with my 350Z that are beginning to make me :mad2:

Issue #1: The windows on the Z drops about a 1/2 inch or so when you open the door and go back up when you close it - so the glass doesn't clank into the roof line when you close the door (better seal too to keep out leaks). Problem is the passanger side dropped maybe a hair, if that. If you lightly touch the glass, it will fall the 1/2 inch. That tells me the module is dropping it like it should, just that the glass is sticking. Some times the door closes fine, other times I gringe when someone gets in and I hear the glass on metal 'clank'.

Issue #2: The exhaust when it is cold has a horrible rattle when I hit the gas anything over grandma level. It makes the car sound worse than if it had a coffee can exhaust. Once it's warm its fine and sounds great.

On both of these issues Nissan laughs at me in the face. They say the window is fine despite the fact that I have shown them that my window does not work as well as the driver side. I even showed him on a new Z on the lot that it drops a 1/2 inch. He says it drops within specs despite even hearing it 'clank'.

He tells me he fixed the rattle. He states the oil dip stick handle was rattling against the intake. WHAT?!? I feel like he insulted my intellegence.

I may rant some more but I'm at work and have to pretend I'm working for a bit :)

05-27-2005, 10:41 AM
On both of these issues Nissan laughs at me in the face.
Time to find another dealer who is receptive to customer issues and complaints. :mad: Might be worthwhile to speak to the service manager and/or the dealer manager and put them on notice that you expect quality service on your issues and that Nissan ain't the only car company out there ! You don't have to put up with :bs:

05-27-2005, 10:56 AM

There is a TSB on the window. NTB04-040a They shouldn't argue about handling that.

I didn't see anything on exhaust.

This is all from EBsco host.
I saved the one that I found. PM me your email and I can send you a copy if you like.

05-27-2005, 12:11 PM
Its a 03 and the service manager said the TSB states that each window should drop 10 mm and he said both do that but the common sense thing to me is forget what the measurement says, look at all 15 Z's you have parked out front, look and my driver side door, and then look at the passanger side window and tell me which one looks odd.

Reason I'm so stressed is I have 33,000 miles on it so the warranty is just about over...and I think thats what they are delaying me towards.

05-27-2005, 12:15 PM
Get it noted on paper that you reported it before 36K.

I also agree a visit to the manager is in order. If he laughs, take it to the owner of the dealership.


05-27-2005, 12:37 PM
(Same TSB applies to 03) I'm confused then.

The TSB does say that the drop is 10mm (roughly 1/2")
The problem is that it doesn't always drop. Which is what your problem is. Or are you trying to say that the 1/2" is too much?
So what is the dealer arguing with you?

The TSB requires regulator replacement. I'm betting that the dealer wants nothing to do with it because Nissan doesn't compensate enough. Doors are always a PITA!

I just have to say that Nissan has some gorgeous looking TSB's! Color photos and examples of how much grease should be applied. I'm impressed.

05-27-2005, 06:53 PM
My girlfriends '03 had some problems with her windows also. She took it back and mainly was complaining about the "grease streak" on the window. There is a fix for it from Nissan. When it came back, the sticking problem seemed to be gone also. Maybe you could go that route, if you have the grease streaking problem, that way, they will be in there anyway, and maybe the adjust or grease it up.

Have you had a problem with your rear hatch not popping open like it should? There is a fix for it also. A new release spring has to be installed.

She also got the new set of tires and alignment when the first set cupped out so bad and were roaring like a 4x4! Alignment problem from the factory.

Good luck to ya! Sounds like you need to find a new dealer. We have a Nissan dealer here locally that I wouldn't take my car to if my life depended upon it. She takes it 30 miles further to a dealer in the next town. They have been great, and she didn't even buy the car there.

05-27-2005, 07:15 PM
Kinda off subject, but Two Low I don't know if you have heard of Courtesy Nissan in Dallas but heres a linky. They have great stuff for Z's.

www.courtesynissan.com (http://www.courtesynissan.com/)

Also I have this still for sale.
http://www.mercurymarauder.net/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=66 18&stc=1

05-28-2005, 06:17 AM
Shaft: it sticks and maybe drops a 4th of a inch most of the time. They have tried grease to the point it gets all over the window when I roll it down.

If you just lightly touch the window it will fall to where it should be so its a sticking situation. When you slam the door most of the time the window tends to drop right at the last moment and then go back up to seal correctly but when it doesn't drop, thats when it clanks.

Car has been there twice now and both times they say its fine.

The second Nissan dealer near me is actually closer but known to be the biggest crooks on Earth but I guess I have no choice but to go there. Walsh Nissan was known to be good guys but I guess we can't come to a agreement on this one.