View Full Version : I'm a girlie man I guess

06-04-2005, 09:43 AM
A little background:

I absolutely hate roaches. Little, medium, or the large ones that have wings...I hate them all. It goes back to when I was little, before bug spray was as good as it is today, my parent's house would get those big roaches during the summer despite how hard my dad tried to keep the house sprayed. I remember getting up to use the bathroom and a big one would be looking at me on the bathroom sink when I flipped the light on...I would turn around and go to bed I would be so scared LOL! I never ventured out of my room after bedtime because they were waiting for me.

I remember my mom screaming a few times, once when one flew across the room towards her and another time when one was in her pillow case in bed LOL. I think seeing her so paniced around them ended up making me fear them myself.

Now to the present:

I keep my house sprayed super good. I even spray the yard with outdoor stuff to kill them out there. I am a roach killing freak long and never see one except close to death on the floor ever so often. I can squash one if I have shoes on but don't like them suprising me or me having to go hunt one down thats eluding me (because they usually dart out and startle me).

It has rained here for several days now and the yard even flooded a few times and last night, I guess they wanted to come in out of the rain.

I'm sitting there watching TV and I hear a flutter and buzz and bam, one lands on the back of my neck! I scream and knock it away and go searching and don't see him. Me and my room mate turn on all the lights and then we see one on the ceiling but he didn't have wings. He kills it after a small chase (I'm not going to get near it) and we think everything is back to normal. 10 minutes later I see a HUGE one running up the curtain...this had to be the flying one. Room mate and the cats start a war with it and it runs under couch. He moves couch and one comes running out, but it was way too small and no wings. He kills it and I tell him the big brother was still loose, he laughs and calls me a girl. We never found it and I was paranoid about staying in the living room the rest of the night LOL. I sprayed the entire house at 12 am before bed just in case LOL.

OK, you guys can start the girlie man comments but am I indeed the only one here with a roach paranoia?

06-04-2005, 09:47 AM
What? Windex didnt work?

06-04-2005, 09:50 AM

I actually used Windex the other week. I had a wasp nest on the front porch and didn't have bug spray so I hosed them down with Windex (then ran) and havent seen any since, just a empty nest. :D

06-04-2005, 09:59 AM
My policy is:

Nothing in the house with less than 2 legs or more than 4.

06-04-2005, 10:11 AM
I've never seen an instance of a cockroach killing or seriously injuring anyone. That being said, suck it up and be man girly boy. It's a bug. You're about 10,000 times larger than it. Go medieval and kick it's ass back to the stone age and take pride doing it.

06-04-2005, 10:14 AM
Where's the survaillance camera when you need one??!

BTW, I have 2 cats on patrol for anything that flies, crawls, and walks on the walls and ceilings.

06-04-2005, 10:16 AM
We used to pay a pest control service for monthly visits. Here it's not the roaches but the millipedes, water beetles in drains, and asian beetles. $50 per month and we have not a single bug anywhere.

After the first year of this we now do quarterly service with the company. The only bugs that get in the house are when doors are open, etc.. No insects of any kind are allowed in my house.

This season it seems to be the millions of ants everywhere in the front yard, sidewalks, pathways, so I'm gonna pay for an extra exterior visit. None have made it to the house though.

I agree with above - kill 'em all.


06-04-2005, 10:22 AM
I've never seen an instance of a cockroach killing or seriously injuring anyone. That being said, suck it up and be man girly boy. It's a bug. You're about 10,000 times larger than it. Go medieval and kick it's ass back to the stone age and take pride doing it.

I run apartments for someone and i have filthy asians that live in the apts .besides the way they live when they move out , the apartments are returned to excellent condition minus the roaches .most of the time they don't tell you they have them other wise we provide a sparying service .the same thing the exterminators use. Anyway point being that when they move out and we spray the place , i swear there are at least a million of those little suckers that come out from places you'd never knew they were there and they run to the ceiling and do komakazie on me or whoever is spraying..At first this procedure was gross :puke: but my owner was 70 yrs old and doing the spraying like it was nothing ..today i still do this and it doesn't bother me in the least ..until they're on me :eek:

06-04-2005, 11:12 AM
I remember reading somewhere that somewhere in older Asian cultures, having insects visit your home was either good luck, or, something like a blessing from a farmer god or something like that...Maybe it's was rodents...Snakes? Nevermind...It's all good.

06-04-2005, 11:19 AM
Younz are way too funny.... :rofl:

06-04-2005, 11:45 AM
Younz are way too funny.... :rofl:

BTW, "YOU-NZ" is defined by Jeff Foxworthy as "Y'all plus three"

06-04-2005, 12:57 PM
I remember reading somewhere that somewhere in older Asian cultures, having insects visit your home was either good luck, or, something like a blessing from a farmer god or something like that...Maybe it's was rodents...Snakes? Nevermind...It's all good.
This kind of luck you can keep!

06-04-2005, 01:18 PM
For in the house, I find a .410 w/target load #9 shot to be effective causing minimal damage to walls and furnishing. For outdoor work a surplus flamethrower and some claymore mines really do the trick! All kidding aside - those things give me the creeps too!

06-04-2005, 05:04 PM
I remember reading somewhere that somewhere in older Asian cultures, having insects visit your home was either good luck, or, something like a blessing from a farmer god or something like that...Maybe it's was rodents...Snakes? Nevermind...It's all good.
.......where have I heard you last words......hummmmm...oh yeah---that other thread...very interesting....but I got it!!!!

06-04-2005, 05:12 PM
We lived in On Base housing at two base here in San Antonio and besides the moving truck you knew the neighbors moved out because 4 days later there where dead bugs all over your floor.

Entamaligy would spray the empty apartment and all the bugs would move to another unit.

06-04-2005, 06:15 PM

They aren't ROACHES...

They could be one of these...

Common Black Beetle (http://www.fcps.k12.va.us/StratfordLandingES/Ecology/mpages/common_black_ground_beetle.htm )

Scarab Beetles (http://bugguide.net/node/view/187)

I had to kill off all of the Larvae in my lawn last spring.
My lawn was absolutely INFESTED, and I had every animal for 5 miles,
digging up my lawn, trying to get their share of the larvae for food.
And this time last year, the adults were infesting my basement after the heavy rains.
I use a lot of RAID ROACH SPRAY and where I don't spray I use the GOLD ROACH MOTELS and ROACH BAIT.
It's good for most kinds of beetles as well.

I've now found nothing but dried up carcasses in my basement.
Make sure you leave a small source of water around for the beetles.
The poison usually doesn't work unless they can get to water.

06-05-2005, 04:17 AM
I do have those beetles but not in the house. I usually find one of those big black beetles in my dogs dish each morning when I go outside to feed her. I usually sling it back out into the yard but my room mate has this sick fetish with bringing the bowl inside and putting the beetle down the garbage disposal :confused:

Those scarab beetles from the pictures looks like the little bugs that swarm around the porch lights at night.

My spray is working as I found 2 dead (larger 2 inches or longer roaches) on the kitchen floor already. The rain storm as passed through so maybe they will quit trying to get inside now. I rained for almost a week straight.

06-05-2005, 09:46 PM
I don't have monthly service, just have a contract killer that comes in to whack 'em on an as-needed basis. She loves her work.

06-06-2005, 05:28 AM
We have an in-ground pool ... I have to empty out the drain traps every day because we've caught and drowned nearly a pound of bugs everynight. It works for most animals to small to climb the stairs too ... like moles.

Now, if I could only find a way to get rid of the birds that keep wanting to nest inside the diving board.


06-06-2005, 06:10 AM
I have considering lugging around a shop vac to suck all the mosquitoes and other large bugs...

Then I read that bat houses can attract bats which are natural predators for flying insects.

Now I just need a bat house and that ultrasonic attracter that Batman uses to signal the bats...

06-06-2005, 06:14 AM
We have an in-ground pool ... I have to empty out the drain traps every day because we've caught and drowned nearly a pound of bugs everynight. It works for most animals to small to climb the stairs too ... like moles.

Now, if I could only find a way to get rid of the birds that keep wanting to nest inside the diving board.

I completely forgot about this when I was a kid...another thing that probably makes me scared of them today. My dad would send me out before bed to empty the trap out, I'm like six or so, so going out with a flashlight and not being able to see whats in the trap because of all the flowing water and on top of that the handle was broke so I had to just grab the side of the basket and beat it out. Bugs, mice, all sorts of stuff that made me cry at six.

I hated that pool.