View Full Version : Gitmo Study Sparks Arab Probe of Bible Abuse

06-04-2005, 09:10 PM
(2005-06-04) -- Friday's release of a Pentagon study on mishandling of the Koran at Guantanamo Bay detention center has sparked Saudi Arabia's leader to call for similar probes of Bible handling in detention facilities throughout the Muslim world.

Since May, the Pentagon has examined thousands of pages of documentation, finding five confirmed cases of Koran mishandling by U.S. personnel, and 15 cases in which Muslim prisoners desecrated their own complimentary copies of the book that they had received from the U.S. government. The Pentagon has distributed some 1,600 taxpayer-funded copies of the Muslim Holy Book to suspected terrorists detained at Gitmo.

Saudi leader King Fahd today, called on his fellow monarchs and dictators throughout the Arab world to complete a full review of any complaints about mishandling of holy scriptures which Muslim governments have distributed to their Christian and Jewish prisoners.

"I feel confident that this probe will reveal no cases of Muslim or Arab guards abusing Bibles issued by Muslim governments," said the King. "But in the spirit of respect for religious freedom and pluralism, we will examine our own policies and procedures and make a full, public report within 30 days."

06-04-2005, 09:25 PM
[QUOTE=dwasson](2005-06-04) -- Friday's release of a Pentagon study on mishandling of the Koran at Guantanamo Bay detention center has sparked Saudi Arabia's leader to call for similar probes of Bible handling in detention facilities throughout the Muslim world.

Since May, the Pentagon has examined thousands of pages of documentation, finding five confirmed cases of Koran mishandling by U.S. personnel, and 15 cases in which Muslim prisoners desecrated their own complimentary copies of the book that they had received from the U.S. government. The Pentagon has distributed some 1,600 taxpayer-funded copies of the Muslim Holy Book to suspected terrorists detained at Gitmo.

Saudi leader King Fahd today, called on his fellow monarchs and dictators throughout the Arab world to complete a full review of any complaints about mishandling of holy scriptures which Muslim governments have distributed to their Christian and Jewish prisoners.

That will be the DAY!!! .....:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

"I feel confident that this probe will reveal no cases of Muslim or Arab guards abusing Bibles issued by Muslim governments," said the King. "But in the spirit of respect for religious freedom and pluralism, we will examine our own policies and procedures and make a full, public report within 30 days."

06-04-2005, 09:34 PM
[QUOTE=dwasson ......we will examine our own policies and procedures and make a full, public report within 30 days." "Of how many of our own people we killed for chagning their religion to Christian":laugh:

Thats funny right there, I don't care who ya are....

06-04-2005, 09:49 PM
We have soldiers dying daily. Is this more important?? Our wonderful media!

06-04-2005, 10:10 PM
^^^what he said^^^

really,.. who gives a $h!t.

06-04-2005, 10:14 PM
Is this more important?? Our wonderful media!
Please! Lets not get started. I wonder how many soldiers deaths are directly related to what the media MISrepresents in some of their reports :shake: .

Good job Newsweek:mad:

06-05-2005, 08:49 AM
Regarding the 'real' news bit upon which this thread is based:

Who relased this information? The Pentagon itself!

The media is only carrying the ball in this play. The Pentagon threw it!

Enough of this Middle East crap already.

Every since I was a kid this situation has festered between Israel/US
and the Muslim sand-dwelling savages.

This whole situation will fester until our government shows the resolve to nuke the half dozen or so most concentrated Muslim population centers.

Take their damn oil and bomb them to hell where they belong!

Git R Done.

06-05-2005, 08:51 AM

Take their damn oil and bomb them to hell where they belong!

Git R Done. ...

Amen Brother! :uzi:

06-05-2005, 10:33 AM
Uhh guys...
If Dwasson posts some "News Story" verify it before throwing more gas on the fire.

06-05-2005, 10:40 AM
I'm beginning to wonder if MM.NET just doesn't get satire.

06-05-2005, 10:45 AM
It's not that they don't get satire, it's that your storys are just far enough out there, but not so far as to be beyond the realm.

Think of Soviet Propaganda machine. Some of the stuff they put out was REALLY out of left field. And that was in their offical papers. Most of the members here remeber the crap that was excreted during the cold-war. In that contect, they belive people can say such :censor: .

06-05-2005, 10:47 AM
Uhh guys...
If Dwasson posts some "News Story" verify it before throwing more gas on the fire.

hehe,.. yeah,.. Dan's posts like this are usually misinterpreted as true news. :rofl:

I'm beginning to wonder if MM.NET just doesn't get satire.

I get it,.. but many don't,.. it sure is a PITA to make sarcasm come across over the internet.

how 'bout a disclaimer?

The following thread is meant to be satirical.

...or you can start the thread with

and end it with...
