View Full Version : Potato Cannon's Unite!

06-06-2005, 07:21 PM
So my buddy and I built a handy dandy potato cannon. We ran into some trouble the first day with a leak in the bottom end and fixed it in a cheap fashion to have one more day of fun until we can make a substantial fix for it.

It's a lot of fun! Here are some pictures.


In this picture below, that potato flew over the soccer goal and just on the inside of the woods on the other side!!!


Then a lawn care guy came up and yelled "This is considered a legal firearm!" To which I responded "No, it's not, we already researched this before hand..." To which he flew back "Yes it is, and I WILL call the police!" At which point my friend in the white shirt (Paul) says "No really, it's just a telescope." Then we left. We found some private property (Plans for a church that will be built a long time from now so no one is anywhere to be found.)


Now here is me in the yellow button down standing, all ready to fire the potato! We're hiding behind some trees and bushes...not effectively but we were never approached by anyone and we had a sac of fun! :P


06-06-2005, 07:27 PM
Nice shooting Galileo!!

[it's only a telescope!]

:banana2: :banana2: :banana2:

06-06-2005, 07:30 PM
Where I'm from, . .

"That there's a damn tater gun"


06-06-2005, 07:33 PM
Do they come out allready cooked ? :D

06-06-2005, 07:37 PM

Tater Cannons at MV-III.....


06-06-2005, 07:44 PM
We used to shot tennis balls out of ours.
If you soaked them in lighter fluid and shot them at night they atracked the police.
It was cool when they said thats cool do it again!

06-06-2005, 07:47 PM
I built me one them too....to remind the neighbor to put his dog inside at night when he's howling at the moon.

I found carb cleaner to be the best propellant, doesn't gum up the innards as much as hair spray. But you have to monitor the "shot weight".....at night you can see through the combustion chamber, has a nice red glow to it :D . Too much juice and the flame follows the potato out the barrel :flamer: .

06-06-2005, 07:47 PM
James - Be careful. It looks quite dangerous to me and it would be considered a weapon in many states.

06-06-2005, 07:50 PM
Dang James, I havn't seen one of those for about 17 years... :)

06-06-2005, 07:55 PM
James - Be careful. It looks quite dangerous to me and it would be considered a weapon in many states.
Dang it! Dad showed up. :bigcry:

06-06-2005, 08:03 PM
James - Be careful. It looks quite dangerous to me and it would be considered a weapon in many states. We got 40 schedule PVC and after a lot of practice, these combustions aren't high enough to explode the chamber...at all! The chamber isn't even visibly worn in any way. Still as smooth and thick as new. (Compared to the left overs we have.) We could build a few more.

Besides, I live in South Carolina. Nothing is illegal here:) It's like a baseball bat, it's not considered a weapon unless you use it as one. And we're not doing such so no worries!

06-06-2005, 08:14 PM
James: Be sure to call us from the hospital! :up:

06-06-2005, 08:35 PM
I will! I'll take pictures of that too...or have pictures taken!

06-06-2005, 09:00 PM
James: Be sure to call us from the hospital! :up:Jimmy, Marty is just jealous cuz he can't do that in New York (nor anything else) w/out going to jail. :D ...but on a more serious note....just out of curiosity, why don't you use black iron pipe instead of the plastic stuff? Wouldn't the iron be a lot safer due to increased durability? You can get the ends threaded and buy end caps for it too.

06-06-2005, 09:12 PM
Um...my first guess is Iron gets hot. Second, plastic is cheap. Third, this is 40 schedule piping. Fourthly, these are large enough combustions to throw a potato really far, but not a large enough one to burst the pipe. You can barely feel the piping move and everything is sealed REALLY tight.

As in, the seal we used is construction/industrial grade glue. It took two seconds and this stuff was SEALED TIGHT.

Here is an almost exact replica of what we built, broken down. The only difference is where we put the igniter, and the "taper tip" I don't know what that means but we sharped our ends so we smack the potato on the top, then the excess goes flying out and the potato is perfectly wedged in there. We then stuff it down with a walking stick.

Jimmy, Marty is just jealous cuz he can't do that in New York (nor anything else) w/out going to jail. :D ...but on a more serious note....just out of curiosity, why don't you use black iron pipe instead of the plastic stuff? Wouldn't the iron be a lot safer due to increased durability? You can get the ends threaded and buy end caps for it too.

06-06-2005, 09:25 PM
Well I think that puting all of that together with iron pipe wouldn't cost anymore than about $30 but it's just a thought. I think that I'd want to wear safety glasses if I was using one of those things that are plastic. But it's your thang dude. Atleast it's some good clean fun. I've never used one of those things, so pardon me if I'm making something out of nothing, but you might want to check for any hairline cracks in the pipe at the end of each day's useage.

06-06-2005, 09:44 PM
Yup we do. And compared to the pipe that has NOT been used, it's identical:)

06-06-2005, 10:12 PM
Only problem with BIP is the friction. Screaming potatoes like to slide against plastic. I shove a little Pledge down the barrel of mine when we're going for distance (lemon scent). BIP would slow it down big time, might not even shoot at all....plus its' harder to run from the cops with a 30 pound veggie slinger!

Here's an idea- paint it John Deere green and tell them its' the latest planter, all the farmers in Idaho are using it (if they don't buy the telescope thing, that is).

Also, when your ignitor wears out try a coleman lamp lighter. They last longer and produce a broader flame, it uses a flint. Better flame travel, more complete combustion, more power.

Heck, tie 8 of them togehter in 90 degree banks of 4 and put a supercharger on it. Only question then is.....who has the best tune for your veggo matic? Diablo, SCT??? (tick tock tick tock)

06-06-2005, 10:23 PM
I built me one them too....to remind the neighbor to put his dog inside at night when he's howling at the moon.

I found carb cleaner to be the best propellant, doesn't gum up the innards as much as hair spray. But you have to monitor the "shot weight".....at night you can see through the combustion chamber, has a nice red glow to it :D . Too much juice and the flame follows the potato out the barrel :flamer: .

Aquanet makes a cool blue flame at night. A friend stuffs glow sticks in the potatos and after it's fired, has the kids go search for them in the dark on the farm. :D Good way to get the kids tired before bed.

06-07-2005, 04:46 AM
I have cracked small PVC Schedule 40 pipes with my bare hands. It means nothing without a OD spec because the wall thickness is all different from each size.
Now Schedule 80......... :D

06-07-2005, 05:22 AM
To know a potato cannon is to try one.

Once you do, you realize that the PVC is just right and you're not going to shoot your eye out. ;)

Bursting wide open is unlikely too.

06-07-2005, 05:44 AM
I would be careful especially post 911. That could be considered a home made mortar .

It is a crime to have /use one in Connecticut. I have two of them in my property room. In one case two idiots shot out the window of our dispatch center and then resisted arrest after a long car/foot chase. It was kind of funny because a woman from an unrelated case had just called our PD and threatened to kill me and my LT and then BAM! five minutes later we're being shot at. In Connecticut its considered a dangerous weapon not a firearm.

06-07-2005, 05:55 AM
I would be careful especially post 911. That could be considered a home made mortar .

It is a crime to have /use one in Connecticut. I have two of them in my property room. In one case two idiots shot out the window of our dispatch center and then resisted arrest after a long car/foot chase. It was kind of funny because a woman from an unrelated case had just called our PD and threatened to kill me and my LT and then BAM! five minutes later we're being shot at. In Connecticut its considered a dangerous weapon not a firearm.

Hey, last summer we had a fund to get James to MVII. This summer we can have a thread to help him make bail. :D

06-07-2005, 05:56 AM
My cat is a dangerous weapon of mass destruction if you pick him up wrong...


06-07-2005, 05:59 AM
WHAT NO NOS???:lol:


Mike Poore
06-07-2005, 07:10 AM
James: Be sure to call us from the hospital! :up:
Don't worry, guys. That tater gun's a gud'un, and safe as can be. It's a lot of fun and local nannyisms aside it's gonna be just fine. I guess you cant get Ronson lighter fluid these days, but it's what we always used. I'm not sure I'm in favor of the gasoline soaked tennis balls, but other than that, have fun and blast away.

06-07-2005, 07:24 AM
My cat is a dangerous weapon of mass destruction if you pick him up wrong...

Thats a great photo. He looks like hes going to kick the butt of the person that put that thing on his head.:)

06-07-2005, 08:32 AM
Yeah, the pipe is strong enough. Here's some about the federal law that protects me:)

All I have to be careful about is WHERE I shoot and what I shoot at.


Department of the Treasury

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms

Washington, DC 20226

As defined in section 921(a) (3) of Title 18, United States Code (USC) the term "firearm" means --

(A) any weapon (including a starter gun) which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive;
(B) the frame or receiver of any such weapon;
(C) any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or
(D) any destructive device. Such term does not include an antique firearm.
As defined in 26 USC subsection 5845(f) (2) the term destructive device includes any type of weapon by whatever name known which will, or which may readily be converted to, expel a projectile by the action of an explosive or other propellent, the barrel or barrels of which have a bore of more than one-half inch in diameter, except a shotgun or shotgun shell which the Secretary or his delegate finds is generally recognized as particularly suitable for sporting purposes; and (3) any combination of parts either designed or intended for use in converting any device into a destructive device as defined in subparagraphs (1) and (2) and from which a destructive device may be readily assembled. The term 'destructive device' shall not include any device which is neither designed nor redesigned for use as a weapon; any device, although originally designed for use as a weapon, which is redesigned for use as a signaling, pyrotechnic, line throwing, safety, or similar device; surplus ordnance sold, loaned, or given by the Secretary of the Army pursuant to the provisions of section 4684(2), 4685, or 4686 of title 10 of the USC; or any other device which the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate finds is not likely to be used as a weapon, or is an antique or is a rifle which the owner intends to use solely for sporting purposes.

It is unlawful for anyone to make or possess a destructive device which is not registered in accordance with the provisions of the National Firearms Act.

We have previously examined that certain muzzle loading devices known as "potato guns." These potato guns are constructed from PVC plastic tubing. They use hair spray or a similar aerosol substance for a propellant, and have some type of spark ignitor. We have determined that these devices, as described, are not firearms provided that they are used solely for launching potatoes for recreational purposes. However, any such devices which are used as weapons or used to launch other forms of projectiles may be firearms and destructive devices as defined.

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms

Firearms Technology Branch, Room 6450

650 Massachusetts Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20226

Sincerely yours,


Curtis H. A. Bartlett Acting Chief, Firearms Technology Branch


06-07-2005, 09:03 AM
Its a gun aka: weapon. Period. If someone gets hurt you will find out the hard way. It could be a person hit by your potato or one of your friends of the plastic gun explodes.

Federal law is great. What about your local criminal and civil laws. Dont just hang your hat on what suits your needs.

06-07-2005, 09:51 AM
Yeah, the pipe is strong enough. Here's some about the federal law that protects me:)

All I have to be careful about is WHERE I shoot and what I shoot at.


Department of the Treasury

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms

Washington, DC 20226

As defined in section 921(a) (3) of Title 18, United States Code (USC) the term "firearm" means --

(A) any weapon (including a starter gun) which will or is designed to or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive;
(B) the frame or receiver of any such weapon;
(C) any firearm muffler or firearm silencer; or
(D) any destructive device. Such term does not include an antique firearm.
As defined in 26 USC subsection 5845(f) (2) the term destructive device includes any type of weapon by whatever name known which will, or which may readily be converted to, expel a projectile by the action of an explosive or other propellent, the barrel or barrels of which have a bore of more than one-half inch in diameter, except a shotgun or shotgun shell which the Secretary or his delegate finds is generally recognized as particularly suitable for sporting purposes; and (3) any combination of parts either designed or intended for use in converting any device into a destructive device as defined in subparagraphs (1) and (2) and from which a destructive device may be readily assembled. The term 'destructive device' shall not include any device which is neither designed nor redesigned for use as a weapon; any device, although originally designed for use as a weapon, which is redesigned for use as a signaling, pyrotechnic, line throwing, safety, or similar device; surplus ordnance sold, loaned, or given by the Secretary of the Army pursuant to the provisions of section 4684(2), 4685, or 4686 of title 10 of the USC; or any other device which the Secretary of the Treasury or his delegate finds is not likely to be used as a weapon, or is an antique or is a rifle which the owner intends to use solely for sporting purposes.

It is unlawful for anyone to make or possess a destructive device which is not registered in accordance with the provisions of the National Firearms Act.

We have previously examined that certain muzzle loading devices known as "potato guns." These potato guns are constructed from PVC plastic tubing. They use hair spray or a similar aerosol substance for a propellant, and have some type of spark ignitor. We have determined that these devices, as described, are not firearms provided that they are used solely for launching potatoes for recreational purposes. However, any such devices which are used as weapons or used to launch other forms of projectiles may be firearms and destructive devices as defined.

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms

Firearms Technology Branch, Room 6450

650 Massachusetts Avenue NW

Washington, DC 20226

Sincerely yours,


Curtis H. A. Bartlett Acting Chief, Firearms Technology Branch


Yep, James, you go with that. I am pretty sure when you are sharing a cell with Bubba, he won't care much about what the ATF has to say. All I will say is don't drop the soap....

06-07-2005, 09:51 AM
We used to shot tennis balls out of ours.
If you soaked them in lighter fluid and shot them at night they atracked the police.
It was cool when they said thats cool do it again!
We use to do the same thing by cutting out the ends of Coke cans and use lighter fluid to launch the tennis balls. We even had tennis ball wars with teams and it was great watching them light up the school yard. When the cops came we just ran into the woods to loose them. I hope my new buddy 'BCPD199' doesn't read this and bring me up on charges from 25 - 30 yrs ago. :eek:

Remember James don't try this at home we were 'Untrained Juveniles' with nothing better to do.

06-07-2005, 10:23 AM
Its a gun aka: weapon. Period. If someone gets hurt you will find out the hard way. It could be a person hit by your potato or one of your friends of the plastic gun explodes.

Federal law is great. What about your local criminal and civil laws. Dont just hang your hat on what suits your needs.
It's the Wildlife code that's the real oppressive force in Illinois. :rolleyes:

06-07-2005, 12:14 PM
I would be careful especially post 911. That could be considered a home made mortar .

It is a crime to have /use one in Connecticut. ......... In Connecticut its considered a dangerous weapon not a firearm.That's because CT is almost as bad as New York. You have to watch how you breath around here or you'll be threatened with a fine and/or jail time. The more the population increases, the worse it gets. It seems like the greater the population, the more liberal the politics tend to be around here. That's why I had to take a ride to Kentucky to see a friend just to shoot up a car and a manhole cover with my 50 BMG.:rolleyes:

06-07-2005, 12:38 PM
I realize this. It's a weapon if we use it as one. Just like a baseball bat.

If it's purpose is not intended as a weapon it's not. However it can be considered an intended weapon if we use it in city limits. So we don't.

Its a gun aka: weapon. Period. If someone gets hurt you will find out the hard way. It could be a person hit by your potato or one of your friends of the plastic gun explodes.

Federal law is great. What about your local criminal and civil laws. Dont just hang your hat on what suits your needs.

2003 MIB
06-07-2005, 12:45 PM
Researching the BATFE is a hobby of mine (we live about 70 miles from Waco). Despite opinions to the contary from more mature and learned members of our MM.net community, I have to side with James on this one. I think he's okay to possess the device and will not be in trouble unless it is used or judged used as a weapon of mashed destruction....:rolleyes:

06-07-2005, 01:07 PM
Researching the BATFE is a hobby of mine (we live about 70 miles from Waco). Despite opinions to the contary from more mature and learned members of our MM.net community, I have to side with James on this one. I think he's okay to possess the device and will not be in trouble unless it is used or judged used as a weapon of mashed destruction....:rolleyes:LOL.. ...I agree completely. There are exceptions, but most people who live near or in a city will veiw anything that fires a projectile as being terrible, or a potential legal problem, especially if they reside in a state where liberal politics thrive in (ie CA, NY, NJ, DC.,CT,MA, etc,etc). It's a cultural thing for the most part. Unfortunately some parts of the country(including where I live) are simply overbearing with restrictive laws that only serve to restrict those who are LAW abiding anyway. (uh ho, don't get me started:eek: ).....

2003 MIB
06-07-2005, 01:15 PM
It's a cultural thing for the most part. Unfortunately some parts of the country(including where I live) are simply overbearing with restrictive laws that only serve to restrict those who are LAW abiding anyway. (uh ho, don't get me started:eek: ).....
Yep Billy!- I think you and I both know that's a different topic in a different thread on a different board.:beer:

06-07-2005, 01:18 PM
Yep Billy!- I think you and I both know that's a different topic in a different thread on a different board.:beer:YES..........

06-07-2005, 01:33 PM
*** thinking of a better spud gun design ***

*** evil grin ***

Mike Poore
06-07-2005, 02:52 PM
*** thinking of a better spud gun design ***

*** evil grin ***
Uh, Oh, here we go! Are you possibly thinking Acetylene/Oxygen and ballons; Huuuummmmm? If anyone wants to talk about these noisy little devices, I can be forced to divulge secrets of my mis-spent youth at Francis Stockslager's farm, on July 4th's ...past. :shake:

06-07-2005, 02:59 PM
Tell yer buddy Paul to get a damn hair cut.

06-07-2005, 03:07 PM
Well, I am sorta torn here, the 51 year old that I am would say...stop it James too dangerous !!!!!.....the 15 year old kid that forever lurks within my soul is saying COOL, WAY TO GO JAMES... :banana: :cuke::banana:

06-07-2005, 03:59 PM
Well, I am sorta torn here, the 51 year old that I am would say...stop it James too dangerous !!!!!.....the 15 year old kid that forever lurks within my soul is saying COOL, WAY TO GO JAMES... :banana: :cuke::banana:

Same here. Guilty as charged. :D

06-07-2005, 06:30 PM
What they said^^^^.


James fire me up tater with sour cream & bacon. :food:

06-07-2005, 06:45 PM

Paul, a haircut!? Paul is known around school as this oddball crazy guy who always says off-the-wall things and could pass for a retard the way he runs down the hall, yet he's in the top twenty of our class.

So Paul with a haircut just isn't Paul!

At least I got a hair cut! (Me at INDY II and me now)



I love my hair short...the whole long thing was about the dumbest thing I've ever done to myself. Minus the facial hair I'm now attempting to grow.:rolleyes:

06-07-2005, 06:57 PM

Paul, a haircut!? Paul is known around school as this oddball crazy guy who always says off-the-wall things and could pass for a retard the way he runs down the hall, yet he's in the top twenty of our class.

So Paul with a haircut just isn't Paul!

At least I got a hair cut! (Me at INDY II and me now)



I love my hair short...the whole long thing was about the dumbest thing I've ever done to myself. Minus the facial hair I'm now attempting to grow.:rolleyes:
You call that short young man, you need a buzz. :lawnmower:

06-07-2005, 07:00 PM
I got it cut today actually. So it's somewhere between what's in the more recent picture and what you have:P

06-07-2005, 07:37 PM
So my buddy and I built a handy dandy potato cannon.
You'll put your eye out !!! :rolleyes:

Donny Carlson
06-07-2005, 09:01 PM
Besides, I live in South Carolina. Nothing is illegal here:)


06-07-2005, 10:03 PM
Even Elaine....

06-08-2005, 02:43 AM


Mike Poore
06-08-2005, 03:29 AM
You call that short young man, you need a buzz. :lawnmower:
OMG! It's Ferris Bueller!

So, in the new movie, Ferris Bueller's day off II. They swipe his old man's Cobra, go to the local Lowes, buy enough schedule 40 pipe to construct a big mother potato gun, and win the national contest by launching a spud that ....:eek:

06-08-2005, 06:47 AM



06-08-2005, 06:51 AM
Also, no running with the potato cannon!

gray bear
06-08-2005, 09:30 AM
*** thinking of a better spud gun design ***

*** evil grin ***
I made one about 15 years ago. I used 2" schedule 40 with a y just in front of the ignition chamber. We mounted the button in the y so it was styled more like a rifle. Sharpened the end so I would cut into the potato easier when you stuff it in. The cheaper the hair spray the better it worked. I shot the side of my log cabin home and all I could find was a wet spot on the wall, everything else dissapeared. Fired it into some metal lathe and made fries. This thing was fun. Especially when I conned my friend into putting an egg on the end of the barrel, when he fired it busted and went all over him. Below is a sample of the design.

06-08-2005, 09:54 AM
Especially when I conned my friend into putting an egg on the end of the barrel, when he fired it busted and went all over him. Below is a sample of the design.
Reminds me of the time a friend of mine said that you could put a raw egg in the palm of your hand and squeeze and it would not break. :rolleyes: We decided to try this experiment in my kitchen. :( 12-year old boy's brains are not fully developed. ;)

The egg was tough ... but the pressure build up was too much. When the egg finally let go ... there was egg yolk in every corner, crack, and crevice of the kitchen. :rofl: I couldn't believe the extent of the wall and ceiling coverage that came out of that tiny little egg. :o

It took the two of us about 2 hours to clean up before my mother came home. The yellow spots on her red and white checked curtains did me in -- even though we soaked and scrubbed.

This is one of life's lessons that I passed on to my kids very early -- so they didn't make the same mistake in their Mom's kitchen. :lol:

gray bear
06-08-2005, 03:24 PM
Reminds me of the time a friend of mine said that you could put a raw egg in the palm of your hand and squeeze and it would not break. :rolleyes: We decided to try this experiment in my kitchen. :( 12-year old boy's brains are not fully developed. ;)

The egg was tough ... but the pressure build up was too much. When the egg finally let go ... there was egg yolk in every corner, crack, and crevice of the kitchen. :rofl: I couldn't believe the extent of the wall and ceiling coverage that came out of that tiny little egg. :o

It took the two of us about 2 hours to clean up before my mother came home. The yellow spots on her red and white checked curtains did me in -- even though we soaked and scrubbed.

This is one of life's lessons that I passed on to my kids very early -- so they didn't make the same mistake in their Mom's kitchen. :lol:No excused here, I was 40 and he was 50. Guess some brains never fully develope. :rofl:

06-08-2005, 04:13 PM
No excused here, I was 40 and he was 50. Guess some brains never fully develope. :rofl:
At least you had the foresight to go outside. You did go outside, right?? :rofl:

06-08-2005, 05:16 PM
Just be careful, I'm still young so I know what its like to want to have fun.

build something so you know it can stand the force, then build it stronger.