View Full Version : FHP Marauders feature

06-07-2005, 11:03 AM
Latest Issue of "Mustang and FF" had a one column article on the FHP Marauders. The tone of the article, to me, was disparaging. Their sources all seem to come from newspaper companies. Thinking about rebuttal, but maybe someone more expert on the FHP Marauders should correct these cynical impressions. DR at Reinhart Automotive would be my best choice. A bit of a boost for the Marauder too. The auto aftermarket magazine industry gives us no respect at all. My two Cents.

06-07-2005, 01:43 PM
I suspect it would crush a Mustanger's ego when he gets his azz chased down on the highway easily by a FHP bloated four door sedan with a trunk full of equipment. :mad2: Perhaps that's where the disparagement comes from.

Me? I'm waiting for those FHP Marauders to come to auction in a few years. Heh Heh Heh. :woohoo:

06-07-2005, 02:58 PM
What a waste of taxpayer money. It just goes to show how far a municipality or state government will go to raise their revenue by issuing citations and not actually stopping crime. The same people that rally in favor of the police are the people that believe the ONLY civilians who should carry guns are the police.

Remember the line, "I'm the only one professional enough in this room to handle this Glock Fowty. BANG" How about the dozens of NDs and ADs that have been sprouting up in newspaper reports after that incident?

06-07-2005, 03:12 PM
How about the dozens of NDs and ADs that have been sprouting up in newspaper reports after that incident?At the risk of sounding stupid, what's an ND and an AD?

06-07-2005, 05:08 PM
What a waste of taxpayer money. It just goes to show how far a municipality or state government will go to raise their revenue by issuing citations and not actually stopping crime.

Personally I think people driving wrecklessly at high speeds, weaving through traffic with no regard to their own personal safety let alone the safety of the people they are endangering to be just as much a criminal as anyone commiting a felony. A waste of money? The FHP Marauders were donated to the department. A sure waste money is the time it takes to clean up the accidents these wreckless drivers cause, most of which they manage to escape from, and more to the point the loss of income and personal property to those who are involved in accidents caused by wreckless drivers. These people are as much a danger on the roads as drunk drivers, make no mistake about that! High speeds, lane weaving, tailgating should be left to the professionals on a race track, not the highways of America.

06-07-2005, 05:49 PM
FHP-FLORIDA HIGHWAY PATROL. Thier purpose is to patrol the HIGHWAYS. Traffic enforcement is their JOB. This is the type of Crime that they patrol. What a better way to catch traffic criminals but to do it in a MARAUDER!

Makes perfect sense to me!

06-07-2005, 05:53 PM
EDIT:: FYI The article isn't about the FHP, it's about a staffer that was stopped in NEW JERSEY by and undercover marauder!

If you will notice they only wrote that article because one of their staffers was pulled over in NJ by an undercover Marauder patrol car. Somebody got pizzed because they got pulled over for driving like a butthole. They never talk trash about the Mustangs that the NYPD confiscate (spelling?) from street racers and use to bust people, they never talk trash about any of the undercover Cobras that the other depts accross the country decide to use. I have seen many of the cars that belong to members of their staff, it's a wonder that they make it to the office at all, all of them drive racing grade mustangs, all of them brag about driving faster than sane or safe limits. There are pictures in that magazine of illegal street racing, but all the do is bust on LEOs for pulling people over for exceeding the speed limit. The street racing articles say, "Driving like the type depicted in this article is unsafe and we at MM&Fast Musta...errr i mean Ford do not condone this type of activity". Read between the lines!!! They are not villifying it, they are just covering their A**es!! Then one of their staffers get's pulled over (chances are rightfully so) for speeding (they never say how fast he was actually going) and they blast and villify LEOs in their magazine. If i get pulled over, for any reason, and i deserved it, you'll never hear me whining about it. I'll admit to wrong and be like, "Yea i deserved that", not them. I'll tell you, they lost a subscriber because of that little blast on not only a great car, but one of the greatest most noble professions on this planet!