View Full Version : No more "Iron" Mike?

06-13-2005, 03:09 PM
Anybody see the once mighty Irom Mike tyson fight over the weekend? (if that's what you want to call it). I guess he's just not what he used to be, uh? Not that I was ever a fan of his though. But what I was a bit surprised about was that the things he said in the post fight interview were actually intelligent, and very unlike the cocky Iron Mike of old who used to say things like "I'll eat your kids". Anyway, I belive he still made a bundle like many other fighters do. Just my 2 cents. feel free to add yours too. :)

06-13-2005, 03:17 PM
That was a sad performance. He only fought to pay the IRS. His career ended when Don, I've been to prison for murder, King got his hands on him. When Cus D'Amato trained and mentored Tyson he was unbeatable and a seemingly nice guy.

06-13-2005, 03:33 PM
Anybody see the once mighty Irom Mike tyson fight over the weekend?
I thought that this thread was about the "Iron Mike" statue out in front of the Infantry School at Fort Benning ..... "Follow Me". :D

06-13-2005, 03:41 PM
I beweve dat dis el be duh last fight fo him.day toed missta mike dat if en e didnted win dis fight e was dum wit fightin foe goody.He got 5 mill for this fight and when asked are you going to pay the I.R.S. He said "Ipp day wanted duh money den i'll pay dem" Good luck Iorn mkie.:up:

06-13-2005, 04:11 PM
He's an idiot.

06-13-2005, 04:49 PM
Kind of sad actually, all the potential as a young fighter under the tutelage of Cus D'Amato, and after his passing, the way his life came apart has all the makings of a modern Greek Tragedy.

His legacy will forever be what he could have been. You could never have told me 20 years ago that Tyson's name would not be uttered in the same breath with Marciano, Ali, Louis, etc.

In 2005, the big picture is now the mocked and scorned has been, ridiculed on TV by Barbara Walters, ear bites, face tatoos, movie appearances, and refusing to answer the bell. Enough said. -kjs-

06-13-2005, 04:59 PM
What is: fee fee fi, fo fo fo fee?

Mike Tyson's phone number.

06-13-2005, 05:12 PM
What is: fee fee fi, fo fo fo fee?

Mike Tyson's phone number.LOL!!!! That was a good one. :baaa:

06-13-2005, 05:13 PM
He's an idiot.Well, I haven't much argument w/you on that.

Joe Walsh
06-13-2005, 05:17 PM
I bet within 6 months he'll be wraslin' in the WWF/NWO/ECW/WCW or whatever Vince Mcmahon calls it now....

That dumb palooka needs lots of coin and NOW!

Tyson (with the generous help of Don King of course) blew over 35 million dollars!!!!


06-13-2005, 05:38 PM
Never liked the man, never will. :down:

06-13-2005, 05:52 PM
I agree, he's not the brightest bulb... Hell, there's barely a glow. He couldn't figure out this equation:

Stupid Fighter with a lot of money + Don King = Broke azz Stupid Fighter


He's well out of his prime - he was his first comeback. He openly said the only reason he was in this one was for the money... I thought he was winning (if it came to a decision, he had the first four). He got pushed down, and then decided he didn't feel like playing, anymore? Think he did it on purpose, for another reason? Not that boxing has a bad rep for that sorta thing, or anything...

06-14-2005, 12:36 AM

. He openly said the only reason he was in this one was for the money... I thought he was winning (if it came to a decision, he had the first four). He got pushed down, and then decided he didn't feel like playing, anymore? Think he did it on purpose, for another reason? Not that boxing has a bad rep for that sorta thing, or anything...I had not even considered that. That's a very good point you've made.

06-14-2005, 04:56 AM
I guess I am the lone ranger on this one but here goes...no excuse for what he has done...but...I believe he is the product of the system for super athletes in todays age...I have known several kids who were good at one sport or another and their parents or parent and every coach and person around them treated them like royality because of what they could get out of them...never saying NO to them...letting them get away with all kind of things just to keep them happy...no one ever corrects them and then they end up with millions of dollars and not knowing how to handle that kind of money...most of us on here on this board would have trouble handling that kind of money, let alone if we were a spoiled 18 to 21 year old...I really believe it is a miracle for a athlete that has been pampered in such a way to make any kind of contribution to society...my goodness they have never lived a normal life with everyone around them asking for this for that and really just around to get what they can from them...I saw a show and they featured Allen Iverson and what people said about him and all...he said the worst part was not what people said or that they thought he was a thug (which he probably is) but the fact that there was so much pressure to help so many people that he knew and how everybody wanted something from him...I do not agree with what some of these guys do, that's for sure but I do see how they could get to where they are at...I believe God has a purpose for everyone and He wants them to be fulfilled, happy and productive in society...I just hate that these young men miss out on that for what every reason...a wasted life is a wasted life and it should not be so...flame away...willie

06-14-2005, 05:15 AM
What is: fee fee fi, fo fo fo fee?

Mike Tyson's phone number.

This one is good. I couldn't agree with you more, Billy.

Bobby Clobber
06-14-2005, 06:33 AM
I read that he got $5 M for that performance, the other guy got $ 150 K .

The P.O.S. should be thrown in jail for robbery, he just "took the money and

ran" :puke:

06-14-2005, 11:14 AM
I guess I am the lone ranger on this one but here goes...no excuse for what he has done...but...I believe he is the product of the system for super athletes in todays age...I have known several kids who were good at one sport or another and their parents or parent and every coach and person around them treated them like royality because of what they could get out of them...never saying NO to them...letting them get away with all kind of things just to keep them happy...no one ever corrects them and then they end up with millions of dollars and not knowing how to handle that kind of money...most of us on here on this board would have trouble handling that kind of money, let alone if we were a spoiled 18 to 21 year old...I really believe it is a miracle for a athlete that has been pampered in such a way to make any kind of contribution to society...my goodness they have never lived a normal life with everyone around them asking for this for that and really just around to get what they can from them...I saw a show and they featured Allen Iverson and what people said about him and all...he said the worst part was not what people said or that they thought he was a thug (which he probably is) but the fact that there was so much pressure to help so many people that he knew and how everybody wanted something from him...I do not agree with what some of these guys do, that's for sure but I do see how they could get to where they are at...I believe God has a purpose for everyone and He wants them to be fulfilled, happy and productive in society...I just hate that these young men miss out on that for what every reason...a wasted life is a wasted life and it should not be so...flame away...willieI see no reason to 'flame" you at all Willie. In fact, those are some pretty deep thoughts you've shared, and ones that I for one cannot dispute. To a certain extent, I've seen the same thing with the prettiest looking girl in highschool, and the greatest looking women in my workplace of 6,500 employees. They can do almost anything right or wrong, and they will be pampered no matter what (mostly by guys) because people all want something from them, or merely like to look at them. Their rolls and experiences in thew workplace and/or school enviroments are completely different than the other 99% of their peers. And it's merely because of how they look. They can be cheating, lying individual w/our much regard for anyone else but themslef, and people will still gravitate to them.

Some people envy those individuals, or are jealous of them in some way, but atleast in a certain way, they are the ones getting the short end of the stick, because they go through their daily routines, missing out on some of life's lessons that the majority experience at a much younger age than they ever will. And they themselves, are the last person to recognize it. You cannot explain that to them, because like all of us, their world is the only one they've ever known, but unlike most of us, their world is very different than ours.

So while I agree that guys like "Iron" Mike are a waste, I also believe that there are reasons for that. Some of his problems were definately self-induced, but something tells me that he doesn't have any clue as to the reality of those issues,and their causes. He's simply out of touch, and there are others like him.

06-14-2005, 11:45 AM
...most of us on here on this board would have trouble handling that kind of money.
Yeah, but I would be willing to try despite all the trouble !!! :rolleyes: I am sure that my wife would chip in to carry her fair share of the load as well. :rofl:

Maybe the old adage is really true that "Money can't buy Happiness". Otherwise we wouldn't see so many screwed up and disfunctional celebrities. Success and happiness in life is measured in many more terms than just in dollars and cents. I'll leave it at that !!! :D

06-14-2005, 12:01 PM
Yeah, but I would be willing to try despite all the trouble !!! :rolleyes: I am sure that my wife would chip in to carry her fair share of the load as well. :rofl:

Maybe the old adage is really true that "Money can't buy Happiness". Otherwise we wouldn't see so many screwed up and disfunctional celebrities. Success and happiness in life is measured in many more terms than just in dollars and cents. I'll leave it at that !!! :D

I was reading an article on this and the gist of it was if you're not happy with what you have, more money is unlikely to change your overall level of satisfaction with your life. It comes down to how you spend it... more toys or more freedom. Celebrities most often opt for the first.

How not to buy happiness (http://mitpress.mit.edu/catalog/item/default.asp?ttype=6&tid=14403)

Considerable evidence suggests that if we use an increase in our incomes, as many of us do, simply to buy bigger houses and more expensive cars, then we do not end up any happier than before. But if we use an increase in our incomes to buy more of certain inconspicuous goods–such as freedom from a long commute or a stressful job–then the evidence paints a very different picture. The less we spend on conspicuous consumption goods, the better we can afford to alleviate congestion; and the more time we can devote to family and friends, to exercise, sleep, travel, and other restorative activities. On the best available evidence, reallocating our time and money in these and similar ways would result in healthier, longer– and happier–lives.

06-14-2005, 09:40 PM
Having the right people around you in your life makes a big difference. I cant judge Iron Mike on his past nor can anyone else. But I can say this, we will never see a fighter as good as Mike Tyson in our lifetime. My hat goes off to Cus' and his wife Camile. They gave a kid a chance who would have been dead at the age of 21. Yeah amny people say all Cus' saw was a meal ticket but Cus' trained Tyson to be a champion. They tried to teach him what life was about but time ran out for Cus'. People say alot of bad things about Mike and you are intitled to your opinions. He is unstable mentaly, this is by far no excuse but put yourself in his shoes and walk the path he has walked and see if you come to a breaking point.

And by the way I would rather say "I sho am rich" than say "Im sure, Im poor"

B.C. Bake
06-15-2005, 07:45 PM
He's an idiot.
You right logan he used to live down the street from me and HE IS AN IDIOT.
He had to sell his house, btw the police raided it a couple of times:loco: