View Full Version : Amnesty International Demands Remedy for Saddam's Low Morale

06-14-2005, 09:05 AM
(2005-06-14) -- With a newly-released video showing a gloomy, disheveled Saddam Hussein, Amnesty International today called on President George Bush to take steps to remedy the former Iraqi dictator's "low morale."

The previously-chipper Mr. Hussein, whose cheerfulness frequently led to public displays of celebratory gunfire, has been detained pending trial on dozens of charges related to the torture and untimely death of thousands of his fellow countrymen.

"The facility where President Hussein is held incommunicado is just another terrifying island in the American gulag archipelago," said an unnamed Amnesty spokesman. "We call on President Bush to do something for Saddam to cheer him up."

The Amnesty source suggested several ways to lift Mr. Hussein's spirits, including "allowing him to follow U.S. news media coverage of America's failed imperialist efforts to export democracy to Iraq."

"A few hours each day with CNN and the New York Times will return that old sparkle to Saddam's eyes in no time," he said.

06-14-2005, 09:36 AM
Gee, maybe house him with another "high" profile leader? Like.....Gen. Noriega, then maybe he could get that nose candy and be real happy!!

Fourth Horseman
06-14-2005, 10:29 AM
I say we let the Kurds have him. He probably won't live long, but I promise he won't be bored. :coolman:

06-14-2005, 10:48 AM
Maybe that unnamed spokesperson would like to spend time with Saddam "incommunicato" and try to cheer him up. They could share a cell.

06-14-2005, 10:54 AM
Get him a room with Paris Hilton...

06-14-2005, 10:55 AM
Got a link to the story?

06-14-2005, 11:04 AM
(2005-06-14) -- With a newly-released video showing a gloomy, disheveled Saddam Hussein, Amnesty International today called on President George Bush to take steps to remedy the former Iraqi dictator's "low morale."
Awwwwww .... how sad !!! :rolleyes: He should be housed with the general population and he'll get his morale boosted quite frequently !! :rofl:

06-14-2005, 11:13 AM
Why don't they throw a party for him and invite Abu Musab Zarqawi for a specially decorated cake?