View Full Version : Michael Jackson Celebrates Acquittal By Having Sleepover

06-14-2005, 02:04 PM
Michael Jackson Celebrates Acquittal By Having Sleepover With Members of Jackson Juniors Fan Club.

Unconfirmed sources reports that Michael Jackson celebrated his acquittal on molestation charges yesterday by having a sleep over with members of his Jackson Juniors Fan Club. The sleep over at the Neverland ranch was well attended by all accounts and included games, special activities and one on one time with the King of Pop himself.

Jackson having been acquitted of molestation charges put out the call to members of has Jackson Juniors Fan club to come help him celebrate. Club members flocked to the ranch last night to enjoy some quality time with Mr. Jackson. 12 members of the fan club where even admitted to Jackson's private quarters to 'celebrate'. Other members of the club enjoyed a carnival on the grounds of the Neverland Ranch.

"This is a real victory for Michael." Said Kenneth Bigly, age 12, President of the Jackson Juniors Fan Club. "We knew all along that the whole case was a pack of nasty lies spread by the media to dethrone the King of Pop. Michael is a caring, loving, tender, sensual man who is also innocent of any wrong doing. I love you Michael!"

The Jackson Juniors Fan Club has seen unprecedented growth since the trial began and is open to all Jackson fans who are good looking boys between the ages of 10 and 13. The club is loosely affiliated with North American Man/Boy Love Association and the two will be holding a joint meeting in late August.

06-14-2005, 02:36 PM
Yesterday was a sad, sad day.

06-14-2005, 03:01 PM
Your news flashed are funny. Near the truth. Thats whats so scary.

But always funny:D

06-14-2005, 05:32 PM
So it appears we will never get to see this......

06-14-2005, 06:33 PM

24mb download in Apple Quicktime. RIGHT CLICK / SAVE AS

Triumph the Insult Comic Dog....from Conan.

Well worth the download....friggin hilarious!