View Full Version : The Blazer is dead.

Long Live #3
06-20-2005, 09:39 PM
That's right, my truck is officially totaled. I was traveling down Euclid, right next to the Cook County court house, drinking my Dew, all of a sudden I see a Honda CRV in front of me. I slammed the brakes but it was too late. I slammed it, and then it hit a Caddy in front of it. I got a nice bruise on my left arm from the air bag, a bruise from the steering wheel, I guess i was gripping it too hard. I was doing 45 and they were at a dead stop. I'm still shooken up a bit. I want another truck but it might be a while before I drive again. R.I.P '97 Blazer, I barely modded thee.

06-20-2005, 09:44 PM
It always could have been worse. How are the occupants of the other vehicles? Heal quickly my friend.

Long Live #3
06-21-2005, 07:00 AM
Everyone else was ok. I was the only one with the injuries.

06-21-2005, 07:35 AM
At least you made it out alive. Vehicles can be replaced.

Interesting trivia: Chevy stopped building the Blazer after 2005.

06-21-2005, 08:27 AM
Glad to hear you're not seriously hurt. Sorry bout the Blazer

06-21-2005, 10:56 AM
Glad you're OK. I was a bit sad when my 97 crown vic got killed. It had served us well. I know this may sound kinda wierd, but our vehicles are like cops and firemen. they give up their lives in the line of duty protecting us from harm.

06-21-2005, 01:25 PM
Joe - Also glad to hear you are ok. :D

Long Live #3
06-21-2005, 03:53 PM
Man my neck and back are killing me! Must be the after effects of the crash.

Bradley G
06-21-2005, 04:05 PM
Joe, sounds like you got the tickey?

Maybe you should not, "Do the Dew"

whilest driving.
Is that the speed limit on that particular strech of road?
I did not see in your post, if the people you hit from behind, are ok?
Will you be returning to this location shortly, for your trial?
I am glad you are only sore, at this point.
Good Luck!
Bradley G

Long Live #3
06-22-2005, 07:46 AM
Joe, sounds like you got the tickey?

Maybe you should not, "Do the Dew"

whilest driving.
Is that the speed limit on that particular strech of road?
I did not see in your post, if the people you hit from behind, are ok?
Will you be returning to this location shortly, for your trial?
I am glad you are only sore, at this point.
Good Luck!
Bradley G

I did get the ticket. Everyone I hit were ok, I made sure of it when I got out of my truck. I will be going to the cook county court house, the same area where i had my accident. I looked at my truck again before I left work and I asked myself how I got out of that one alive. I'll tell you what, if I was driving my 83 olds I would be one dead MM.net member. I swear, It felt like hitting a brick wall that had four tires.

06-24-2005, 05:29 AM
Go get checked really good. I tore my rotator cuff in my right shoulder from my head on in 2003. Had a strong grip & all of the energy went into my right shoulder from the angle of impact. Didn't realize something was wrong until 2days later.

Bradley G
06-24-2005, 05:47 AM
Very glad to hear, that everyone was OK!Also glad you checked on the people involved, before checking for damage to your ride, Joe!
The Good news is, you will heal quick, and now their is more space left in the driveway to park your Marauder!
Good luck!
Bradley G
I did get the ticket. Everyone I hit were ok, I made sure of it when I got out of my truck. I will be going to the cook county court house, the same area where i had my accident. I looked at my truck again before I left work and I asked myself how I got out of that one alive. I'll tell you what, if I was driving my 83 olds I would be one dead MM.net member. I swear, It felt like hitting a brick wall that had four tires.

Long Live #3
06-25-2005, 12:03 PM
I don't like driving cars anymore. I'm more of a truck guy now. I wish I could afford a Marauder though. It would be my weekend driver.