View Full Version : Care is needed when highway breakdown occurs

06-24-2005, 05:28 AM
We all know how dangerous it can be when a stalled car is on the highway - here's video of a pileup occuring...


06-24-2005, 05:49 AM
We all know how dangerous it can be when a stalled car is on the highway - here's video of a pileup occuring...
That is some scary video. :( What is the world were these people doing?? :dunno: The old guy in the blue Mustang didn't even hit the brakes ... he must have been blind or dozing off. :rolleyes: The orange cones in the lanes leads me to believe that there was a construction zone or lane shift in that area. Such conditions call for "more attentiveness"; but the video would indicate that it was exactly the opposite. UFB. :D

06-26-2005, 10:44 PM
We all know how dangerous it can be when a stalled car is on the highway - here's video of a pileup occuring...

Holy BAT**** !

06-27-2005, 03:42 AM
That is some scary video.

Scary indeed :eek: Makes ya wonder if this was just the one time you weren't paying attention or giving it that extra bit of gas to feel the car and all of the sudden.

Long Live #3
06-27-2005, 06:19 AM
The crash that started it brought back memories of my crash again. Just the sound of the crunching metal is bad enough.

06-28-2005, 09:58 PM
The first rule in driving at speed is to move you sight line FAR out in front. At 65+ MPH this can be to a quarter mile. When I see these types of accidents, it's all driver error. Not the construction zone, or stopped car, etc. When you project your vison out far in front you will see the cars slowing down. Then you can slow down WAY early and leave about 10+ car lengths open inh front of you. This way when the morons behind you don't see what's happening and you hear them skidding, you just roll up a little and you don't get hit. I have used this 3 times already and the wreck happens behind me. Then I stop and give the info to victims that the car on the end was going to fast to stop. And another thing, if you get hit, or hit something on the freeway, try and get out of the travel lane if your car will move. Even with a blown radiator or tire some cars will start and move a few feet. It's noisy, but it's safer. Geez, sounds like I'm preaching, but if you see one of these accidents as it happens you'll understand why.

06-28-2005, 11:18 PM
Notice how the Mustang was hit from behind by someone driving
on the LEFT SHOULDER... :nono:
It could have been a lot worse if the occupants of the Mustang
were trying to get out of the Mustang when it was hit.

I've seen so many idiots drive on the shoulder when traffic backs up.
I wish we could give civilian summonses.
Its one thing to drive up on the shoulder to avoid hitting the car in front of you,
but when you drive on the shoulder just to get around traffic,
you need to have your license yanked permanently.

First of all the shoulder is full of all kinds of debris. Not just dust and dirt,
but the kind of stuff that you wouldn't walk barefoot on.
This is the kind of stuff that blowouts are made of.
When I see civilian vehicles going 60+ mph on a shoulder,
I try to get as much distance between me and them as I can.
I don't need my Limited Edition Marauder to come into contact
with anything that could possibly jeapordize its future.