View Full Version : Best reason to own a Marauder!

Bradley G
06-30-2005, 01:04 PM
Welcome A New Member to our Site!

I got a PM from a Newbie member, Who has yet to post on MM.net.
His Screen name is "Kramasi".
He is considering purchacing a 2004 Black Marauder Loaded. with 5000 mi.
We talked a bit this AM., A very interesting gentleman, with a very cool reason, to want to drive, a Mercury Marauder.
He said his brother is a LEO in Coconut Creek Florida.
Kramasi was evacuated from his property due to a big storm.
No one was allowed back on to the island where he lives. His Brother was able to get through the security blockade, that was not letting civilians cross.
He was shocked at the Panthers' ability(brothers car), to cross boundries (even dressed in Civies clothing)while, others were being turned away.
He said, he had a freezer full of meat , he wanted to save with his portable generator.Gaining acess to his property was a imperative to save the Goods!

I asked him, "How did you, come to mail me, instead of others?"
(thinking maybe he was a lurker, and his decision was based on merit!)
He replyed, "You were on the home page, at the time!"
At least I have a high opinion of myself!:o
So I ask the membership to welcome Kramasi, to our Collective!:snare: :high5: :cheer:
Bradley G

06-30-2005, 01:13 PM
Welcome Aboard the good ship Marauder-a great place to hang out and knock back a few cold ones...:beer:

06-30-2005, 01:19 PM
I'd like to say hello to him too. Though I'm more of a lurker as you can tell by the number of my posts over the past year (currently under 140) this site has taught me alot about my car and it's capabilities and hope that his experience is the same.

I recently had an experience with a local law enforcement officer while showing my Marauder at a Mustang show (I belong to the Mustang club and they insisted that I put in the show with all the Mustangs. It was the only non-Mustang allowed!). He insisted that it was just a "glorified" Crown Vic, but was very inquisitive about it and even wanted to go for a ride (which I did accomadate since I am a disabled retired deputy myself). Turns out it was just "sour grapes" because his patrol car was a V-6 Impala and personal car was a S-10 truck. Oh well, maybe someday he'll be able to get a real car.

07-01-2005, 09:20 AM
Thanks for the welcomes. As of 5 pm yesterday I am a Marauder Owner.
Thanks Bradley G for all the info yesterday. It made my decision easy.


07-01-2005, 09:21 AM
Thanks for the welcomes. As of 5 pm yesterday I am a Marauder Owner.
Kramasi ... Welcome :welcome: to the MM.Net and Happy Maraudering !!! :D

07-01-2005, 09:40 AM
Kramasi ... Welcome :welcome: to the MM.Net and Happy Maraudering !!! :D

Thanks Bluerauder. Great looking car you've got there.


07-01-2005, 09:41 AM
Welcome! Don't be a stranger. I know alot of us check in on the site several times a day. There is always something interesting to read.

07-01-2005, 10:58 AM
Welcome Kramasi! Another Florida owner. :)

Bradley G
07-01-2005, 01:57 PM

Let the Fun begin!:banana2: W T G ! ! !
Bradley G

Thanks for the welcomes. As of 5 pm yesterday I am a Marauder Owner.
Thanks Bradley G for all the info yesterday. It made my decision easy.


07-01-2005, 03:02 PM
Welcome aboard, go to the picnic and meet the guys.:D

07-01-2005, 03:35 PM
Welcome from Central Florida, Kramasi! I'm a new (two weeks) MM owner myself. Hope to run into you at one of the cruises (or picnics) around the state. Enjoy your new ride and post some pics when you get a chance. :)

07-01-2005, 03:37 PM
Welcome aboard. :) Congrats, enjoy your new ride. :up:

David Morton
07-01-2005, 09:37 PM
Soon you will be sporting a wide grin when you go to bed, and like the philanderer trying to get away from his wife to go be with his mistress, will be coming up with new and innovative excuses to "...go to the store..." or "...get a newspaper..." all just so you can go drive your Marauder.

It is a truly wonderfull car. Welcome, my friend. Now, go :burnout:

07-01-2005, 10:08 PM
Welcome. Is your car stock? Any plans for the future? Modding is inevitable.

07-01-2005, 10:56 PM
Welcome to our happy home. You'll find there is nothing special about these Marauders. Just some fancied-up CV/GM. So kick back and have a few. :beer:

07-02-2005, 01:47 PM
welcome aboard

07-02-2005, 03:15 PM
Gents and brother owners, please keep up the brainwashing.

"Kramsi" is "is mark" spelled backwards. If Kramsi's real name isn't Mark, or, Marc, well, yes, I suppose it is just a Gran Marq...Only different.

Welcome, Kramsi, and congrats on your ownership.

Bradley G
07-03-2005, 08:13 AM
Very Intuitive Mac!:trophy:

That's exactly what his screen name represents.
In our conversation, He mentioned the wheels on his Marauder look similar to Ford nut and Cruzetakers', Powder coated black!
I think the previous owner off'ed the car, so soon, because they thought it was, Too Fast!:P
Bradley G

Gents and brother owners, please keep up the brainwashing.

"Kramsi" is "is mark" spelled backwards. If Kramsi's real name isn't Mark, or, Marc, well, yes, I suppose it is just a Gran Marq...Only different.

Welcome, Kramsi, and congrats on your ownership.