View Full Version : 90% Brilliant, 10% Crap

Donny Carlson
06-30-2005, 08:03 PM
As one reviewer wrote, only Speilberg can screw up a Speilberg movie. Saw War of the Worlds opening night, and most of it is brilliantly done. But, without giving anything away, there's a couple huge logical flaws that ruined it for me. Unnecessary flaws.

Still, I think I'm going to go back and see it again. There are a several set pieces that are classic in their own right.

Oh, and teenagers with cell phones.... why on earth do they think they need to take phone calls or check text messages while in a movie? I wanted to smack the little bastages.

07-01-2005, 05:32 AM
I just wonder how Spielberg can make a movie that doesn't involve Nazis.
So tell me... do the aliens turn out to be Nazis?

07-01-2005, 05:10 PM
Oh, and teenagers with cell phones.... why on earth do they think they need to take phone calls or check text messages while in a movie? I wanted to smack the little bastages.
My family is getting ready to ban me from going to the movies! I have zero tolerance for cell phones during the movie and have no problem telling people to hang up, shut up and watch the movie. I thought I was about to be involved in a physical altercation at one time - but the half dozen 20 somethings put there feet on the floor, hung up & watched the movie, and I didn't even have to stand up! Sometimes people just need to be reminded.

07-01-2005, 05:52 PM
I haven't gone to the movies in almost two years now because of cell phones in the audience. I'm ready to retire today for basically the same reason.

I have no privacy anymore. I can't even take a decent dump in the company crapper without my company bluewhatever calling me there.

I hope they appreciate the my poreclain echo, I love flushing them off and sharing the ceramic reverb, because they didn't spend the time (or money) to insulate this particular cube for this particular privacy, or, write the policy that allows this particular time out.

One would think that there would be some reservations for this stuff during the average 8 hour workday, we all need a few moments or relief, yes? Apparently, not anymore.

Y'all don't like "going" to the movies anymore because of cell phone interruptions, and I'd like to be able to "go" without them too...Once. Please.

07-01-2005, 06:29 PM
^^^what y'all said!^^^
I hate cell phones going off when I just paid $35 for me and the wife to see a friggin' movie.

Not to mention,... what the hell is up with the 10 minutes of commercials?! Did I really just pay $8.50 to watch commercials!? :mad2:

So,.. if I go,.. I go to the last show on a tuesday night. No peeps 'dare! :pimp:

07-01-2005, 06:56 PM
Wow - in the town where I teach they still have a 99 cent first run theater.

Kids on phones are kicked out.

Not where I live of course. There the movies are $7.50 ($4.50 for matinees which we do as often as possible) and there are idiots on phones.

Of course, some of the people I go to the movies with simply yell out "hang up the g*d d*mn phone! We're trying to watch a movie."

It hasn't been unsuccessful yet.

Donny Carlson
07-01-2005, 07:30 PM
Y'all don't like "going" to the movies anymore because of cell phone interruptions, and I'd like to be able to "go" without them too...Once. Please.
Do what I do. Shut the damn thing off. Let em talk to voice mail.

Donny Carlson
07-01-2005, 07:37 PM
Of course, some of the people I go to the movies with simply yell out "hang up the g*d d*mn phone! We're trying to watch a movie."
There's a system used in Europe which blocks cell phone signals in movie theatres and concert halls. I doubt US multiplexes would fork out the money for this technology, but I wish they would.

Imagine, most of us managed to survive our teenage years without cell phones to keep us in instantaneous contact with our friends. Amazin, aint it.

The other problem in movie houses are inconsiderate a-holes who think they are at home watching a DVD in thier living room, and who carry on conversations with their companions. I was in the ATL last week and caught Crash at a local multiplex, and a gaggle of 20-something women, who arrived after the movie started, kept yapping on for so long I finally yelled out JESUS CHRIST SHUT THE F--- UP! They finally did stop, but not until various comments about how rude I was, and speculations about my parentage.

07-01-2005, 07:42 PM
There's a system used in Europe which blocks cell phone signals in movie theatres and concert halls. I doubt US multiplexes would fork out the money for this technology, but I wish they would.

Imagine, most of us managed to survive our teenage years without cell phones to keep us in instantaneous contact with our friends. Amazin, aint it.

The other problem in movie houses are inconsiderate a-holes who think they are at home watching a DVD in thier living room, and who carry on conversations with their companions. I was in the ATL last week and caught Crash at a local multiplex, and a gaggle of 20-something women, who arrived after the movie started, kept yapping on for so long I finally yelled out JESUS CHRIST SHUT THE F--- UP! They finally did stop, but not until various comments about how rude I was, and speculations about my parentage.

I remember hearing something like that on Fox News in say....1998? They wanted to do it in dining room restarants downtown. Wonder if it ever followed through.

07-01-2005, 09:33 PM
A litigious society that we have today... a place would get sued - probably by somebody pretending to have had an emergency call that they missed because of the jamming.

Surprisingly, the last three or four movies I went to see... no cell phones rang. Those messages before the film telling people to turn off their phone or face the penalty of ridicule and beatings seems to be working.

07-02-2005, 04:46 AM
Y'all don't like "going" to the movies anymore because of cell phone interruptions, and I'd like to be able to "go" without them too...Once. Please.
Do what I do. Shut the damn thing off. Let em talk to voice mail.And when they ask why you didn't answer your phone, you say, "guess there's not enough signal in the Head."

07-02-2005, 08:06 AM
Imagine, most of us managed to survive our teenage years without cell phones to keep us in instantaneous contact with our friends. Amazin, aint it.
We should probably cut these cell phone overusers some slack. :rolleyes: Obviously many of them are weak and insecure. That is why they absolutely must be constantly attached to their electronic umbilical cord. :D Many of these conversations are not "emergencies" per se or "important" from my perspective. Witness the henpecked husband shopping at the local grocery store that is unable to decide which catsup to buy .... just call the wifey -- she has the answers. ;) How about in the checkout line when they have to phone home to see which credit card to put the bill on. Geeeeeesssss !!!

Personally, I don't want to be "connected" all the time. Sometimes I just need some quiet time ... cruising in the Marauder. :D If someone can't get ahold of me, they'll just have to make a decision for themselves. They'll be better for it in the end. :up: Besides, I'm not that important anyway. :coolman:

That's my :twocents: on the cellphone issue. << flamesuit on >> :flamer: