View Full Version : My first post

07-17-2005, 04:36 PM
... in quite a while was a coupla days ago, but I see that it shows as my first post to these forums. Did something get re-set and everybody ended back at Junior status with 0 posts? Or, sniff, just me?
Not that it matter a whole lot, just curious.

07-17-2005, 04:46 PM
... in quite a while was a coupla days ago, but I see that it shows as my first post to these forums. Did something get re-set and everybody ended back at Junior status with 0 posts? Or, sniff, just me?
Not that it matter a whole lot, just curious.
Welcome to the MM.Net, Junior !!! :welcome:

Bunny did some housekeeping a couple days ago and it affected some of the posts. Even BDJ was reset a couple below his 4,999 and holding level. :rofl:

07-17-2005, 06:39 PM
hmmmmm. i wonder how mine is?....

07-18-2005, 04:50 PM
Figured to be something like that.

Welcome to the MM.Net, Junior !!! :welcome:

Bunny did some housekeeping a couple days ago and it affected some of the posts. Even BDJ was reset a couple below his 4,999 and holding level. :rofl:

Mike Poore
07-18-2005, 05:44 PM
... in quite a while was a coupla days ago, but I see that it shows as my first post to these forums. Did something get re-set and everybody ended back at Junior status with 0 posts? Or, sniff, just me?
Not that it matter a whole lot, just curious.
Hey, young fella, welcome to the bunch. :welcome:

1 or 1,000 it's all the same. We're all car guys and enjoy the company. :D

Um, don't park next to Charlie (AKA Bluerauder) :nono:

07-18-2005, 05:49 PM
Hey, young fella, welcome to the bunch. :welcome:

1 or 1,000 it's all the same. We're all car guys and enjoy the company. :D

Um, don't park next to Charlie (AKA Bluerauder) :nono:

Hey youngster welcome aboard :welcome: lol you gotta watch that charlie he cheats too.:rofl:

07-19-2005, 04:13 AM
Um, don't park next to Charlie (AKA Bluerauder) :nono:
I wonder who started this nasty rumor ??? :rofl: Huh, Mike? Huh !!!

Mike Poore
07-19-2005, 07:10 AM
I wonder who started this nasty rumor ??? :rofl: Huh, Mike? Huh !!!

BTW, Stock, parking next to Charlie's not what you'd think. It's just that his son, George (AKA S.O.B) distracted me while Charlie loaded his ice chest and spare tire into my trunk then challanged me to the drag race my best pal, Marauder Mark, captured for your enjoyment.

You'll also notice Charlie dialed in a second and a half delay, so he could get an early start. All in good fun, though, and at this year's grudge match the tables will be turned, since my other best friend, Barry, is gonna hook me up with a 100HP shot from his spare fogger kit. :D

07-19-2005, 03:34 PM
It's just that his son, George (AKA S.O.B) distracted me while Charlie loaded his ice chest and spare tire into my trunk .... :D
That reminds me Mike ... can I have my ice chest back ? :D With the beer this time .... :rofl:

Mike Poore
07-19-2005, 03:48 PM
That reminds me Mike ... can I have my ice chest back ? :D With the beer this time .... :rofl:
Sorry Charlie, the beer's long gone, I even filled it back up, .....twice. :D

07-19-2005, 04:10 PM
JUNIOR, welcome tot he club...

RF Overlord
07-19-2005, 04:17 PM
my other best friend, Barry, is gonna hook me up with a 100HP shot from his spare fogger kit. :DAh-HA!!! I KNEW IT!! CRUZTAKER uses nitrous! I've got you now!

Mike Poore
07-20-2005, 11:51 AM
Ah-HA!!! I KNEW IT!! CRUZTAKER uses nitrous! I've got you now!
OOPS! :eek:

Mike Poore
07-20-2005, 12:01 PM
Ah-HA!!! I KNEW IT!! CRUZTAKER uses nitrous! I've got you now!Just to clear the air. Barry told us he was thinking about a fogger kit for the beast, but hasn't posted any times, yet. Those wonderful ET's he posted from Merc's shootout at Hagerstown last year were strictly tuning and nothing more. No laughing gas, no blower. I know 'cause we were there to see him turn the 13.295 since it was me he smoked on that pass.

UM, I turned a blistering 15.714. :burn: