View Full Version : New Scam

07-20-2005, 08:48 PM
I hate it when people post bogus warnings...but this one is real, and it's important. So please send this warning to everyone on your e-mail list especially in your area:

If someone comes to your front door saying they are conducting a survey on deer ticks and asks you to take your clothes off and dance around with your arms up, DO NOT DO IT!!

IT IS A SCAM; they only want to see you naked. I wish I'd gotten this yesterday; I feel so stupid now.......

07-20-2005, 08:51 PM
Schit! Too late!

07-21-2005, 02:58 AM
I hate it when people post bogus warnings...but this one is real, and it's important. So please send this warning to everyone on your e-mail list especially in your area:

If someone comes to your front door saying they are conducting a survey on deer ticks and asks you to take your clothes off and dance around with your arms up, DO NOT DO IT!!

IT IS A SCAM; they only want to see you naked. I wish I'd gotten this yesterday; I feel so stupid now.......Don't talk me about it. They also got me twice in a row on those boobs title !

07-21-2005, 03:22 AM
I hate it when people post bogus warnings...but this one is real, and it's important. So please send this warning to everyone on your e-mail list especially in your area:

If someone comes to your front door saying they are conducting a survey on deer ticks and asks you to take your clothes off and dance around with your arms up, DO NOT DO IT!!

IT IS A SCAM; they only want to see you naked. I wish I'd gotten this yesterday; I feel so stupid now.......
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

...One cleaning bill and a docotor's bill for 2nd degree burns due to scalding coffe will be sent to your address via certified mail.

07-21-2005, 03:47 AM
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

IT IS A SCAM; they only want to see you naked. I wish I'd gotten this yesterday; I feel so stupid now.......
Good to know ... thanks for the tip !!! :rofl:

07-21-2005, 03:47 AM
I hate it when people post bogus warnings...but this one is real, and it's important. So please send this warning to everyone on your e-mail list especially in your area:

If someone comes to your front door saying they are conducting a survey on deer ticks and asks you to take your clothes off and dance around with your arms up, DO NOT DO IT!!

IT IS A SCAM; they only want to see you naked. I wish I'd gotten this yesterday; I feel so stupid now.......

Dan, let's be honest here, who would really want to see you naked?

Mike Poore
07-21-2005, 04:55 AM
Really? They were not telling the truth?

Boy, is Barb gonna be TICKED, they've been around here three times already!

I warned you Gordon! Don't never, ever, open one of Dan's posts while there's liquid substances anywhere your 'puter keyboard. ;)

I remind you of the unfortunate buttermilk incident. :nono:

Jolly Roger
07-21-2005, 05:14 AM
Where was this warning yesterday when I needed it?:o
I knew something didn't feel right, just coudn't put my finger on it.

07-21-2005, 06:53 AM
Dan, let's be honest here, who would really want to see you naked?

That's what is so scary.

07-21-2005, 07:32 AM
If she was 5'6 with two bouncing boobs she wouldn't need a scam!!
:D :rolleyes: :laugh:

That's what is so scary.

07-21-2005, 07:54 AM
Good to know ... thanks for the tip !!! :rofl:

Isn't that what the waiter said to the leper??? :awe: :fishslap: :rofl: