View Full Version : Toronto area restaurant?

07-25-2005, 08:04 AM
My lovely bride and I are zooming into Toronto Sunday to meet some friends from from Buffalo and see Blue Man Group. We want to have dinner after the show. Can any any of you who know Toronto recommend a good place to eat and talk? Somewhere west of Yonge Street, hopefully close to an exit on the QEW would be perfect.


07-25-2005, 08:36 AM
That would put you in the 'Theater district' lots of places to choose from along King Street (intersection with John St) across from the Princess of Wales Theater. Another choice would be a little east of there called the Strand, upscale but very good.



Mike Poore
07-25-2005, 08:47 AM
My lovely bride and I are zooming into Toronto Sunday to meet some friends from from Buffalo and see Blue Man Group. We want to have dinner after the show. Can any any of you who know Toronto recommend a good place to eat and talk? Somewhere west of Yonge Street, hopefully close to an exit on the QEW would be perfect.

Thanks.Dan, we found a little brew pub off Church (I think) downtown called C'est'what or some such. SAY WHAT? is how to say it. They feature local bands and wonderful home brew and the food was OK,;but the beer is outstanding. You can find 'em on line, and they have a newsletter. It's worth a look. :beer:
Added later with edit:

I found it, Dan. Here's the link. http://www.cestwhat.com/

07-25-2005, 08:54 AM
Try this:

and then click on the Panasonic Theater and then go to the bottom of the page they have 'restaurants nearby' and you can click the restaurant and get a little description and pic

07-25-2005, 08:56 AM
What a great town, Toronto. They have wonderful theater....about restaurants?? can't remember the name but it's Japanese and near the theater district. (Love Sushi ) Might be up thataway next month. Possibly driving thru on way to Marauderville III. See y'all there. I'm just a little junior member but love the MM. I guess it's just in my blood....born that way. Love cars!!

07-25-2005, 09:09 AM
What a great town, Toronto. They have wonderful theater....about restaurants?? can't remember the name but it's Japanese and near the theater district. (Love Sushi ) Might be up thataway next month. Possibly driving thru on way to Marauderville III. See y'all there. I'm just a little junior member but love the MM. I guess it's just in my blood....born that way. Love cars!!:welcome:...

Mike Poore
07-25-2005, 09:13 AM
What a great town, Toronto. They have wonderful theater....about restaurants?? can't remember the name but it's Japanese and near the theater district. (Love Sushi )
We had a bad experience at the Sushi joint, but it might have just been one of those nights, y'know?

:welcome:Hey, welcome, and hope you make Marauderville lll. This is a great bunch of folks, and you'll have a ball.

07-25-2005, 09:14 AM
There's an Irish Pub right in that area too... I don't remember much beyond the Guiness by my wife says it was great! Lots of great places in the theater district!

07-25-2005, 09:28 AM
Thanks for the welcome, Bunny.

08-03-2005, 07:47 PM
My lovely bride and I are zooming into Toronto Sunday to meet some friends from from Buffalo and see Blue Man Group. We want to have dinner after the show. Can any any of you who know Toronto recommend a good place to eat and talk? Somewhere west of Yonge Street, hopefully close to an exit on the QEW would be perfect.

Been away for a while, and missed this message... There's no shortage of nice restaurants, in and around downtown (and you were right there). Where'd you end up going?

08-03-2005, 09:22 PM
Been away for a while, and missed this message... There's no shortage of nice restaurants, in and around downtown (and you were right there). Where'd you end up going?

We ended up at the Duke of Gloucester just down the block on Yonge Street. Great beer, great atmosphere, OK food.

08-04-2005, 07:04 PM
We ended up at the Duke of Gloucester just down the block on Yonge Street. Great beer, great atmosphere, OK food.
One of the better English Pubs, around :cool: The bar was actually made in Britain, and shipped over :eek: Must've cost a pretty penny to do that!

I've never had bad food there, but never been really wowed with it, either. Did you order one of the English ciders? I haven't been in a while, but it's usually a nice treat...

08-04-2005, 07:04 PM
I spend alot of time for business in Toronto and the place my wife always wants to go to is...

Marcel's French Restaurant
315 King St. W. (upstairs) Toronto, Ontario (416) 591-8600

It's in the Entertainment District, King & John

Great Food and a really nice upscale decor.

08-04-2005, 07:34 PM
I spend alot of time for business in Toronto and the place my wife always wants to go to is...

Marcel's French Restaurant
315 King St. W. (upstairs) Toronto, Ontario (416) 591-8600

It's in the Entertainment District, King & John

Great Food and a really nice upscale decor.
Marcel's is nice. The prices are pretty reasonable, and makes a nice roasted lamb.

Next time you're in town, try the Esplanade Bier Market... It's around Yonge and Front (about 15 minutes from Marcel's). Not as fancy as the above, atmosphere isn't the same - it's more of a trendy bar (you may have to smack some yuppies around). With a 25+ page beer list, they will be sure to have a beverage you can enjoy :beer:

08-04-2005, 08:36 PM
The Duke of Gloucester was perfect for our purposes. We were looking for a place to talk to our friends from Buffalo and didn't want a lot of noise.

08-06-2005, 06:24 AM
Sigh, I miss livin' in TO...

08-25-2005, 08:33 PM
The Caribana festival in T.O this year was just amazing! My first time at the festival and I was just blown away! I've always liked Toronto and would move there in a flash if the work wasn't keeping me here.
Yonge St. was a zoo! There were literally hundreds of police on patrol, with squads of about a dozen or so on every block, just to keep things "polite".

I'll be at next years Caribana for sure!