View Full Version : Chicken!

07-25-2005, 01:38 PM
Ok, so it's Monday, and we're all back-to-work, right? No different here. A seemingly oridinary day. Got up, went into the office, checked my messages, and headed out to see a few clients. Got home a few minutes ago, let the dog outside, cracked a cold one and started flipping through the mountain of mail we get every day.

Sounds normal, doesn't it?

I thought so, too.

I live in a middle-class neighborhood with middle-class people, just like you would expect. I'm having a day I've had a thousand times, if not more.

After sorting through the mail, checking messages. etc. I head towards the bedroom to change into my usual shorts/t-shirt attire. I walk by the laundry room, which leads to the garage. I hear a bit of a "scuffle" coming from the garage. The garage door is open, and the only car in it at the moment is the Marauder. Scuffle? This can't be good...

So I open the door and find my Australian Shepherd [Abby] duking it out with a chicken.

Time was temporarily suspended as I tried to process what was happening. Marauder-check. Spare set of BFG's-check. Abby-check.
A f---ing chicken? I chase Abby out of the garage, and concentrate my efforts on chicken extrication. The chicken takes this opportunity to hide in-you guessed it-one of my new tires. I try unsuccesfully to remove the chicken from one of the front tires. No luck. So what do I do? I start to roll the tire out of the garage. The chicken jumps to the next tire, and the next.

So here I am, rolling four new BFGs into the middle of my street [ a very quiet residential street you would never drive down unless you lived on it]. The chicken, running out of opportunities [and tires] finally takes the ride out of the garage with my last rear tire. After a minute or two, he hops out, looks around, and struts off, apparently unharmed from the incident [as was Abby]. I think about what happened for a minute, sweep the feathers out of the garage [apparently this whole little escapade started in the front yard, as evidenced by the front yard full of feathers] and roll the tires back inside. I look around for a minute and hope to hell none of the neighbors saw this, and go back inside.

I need a drink [Bud Light ain't gonna cut it this time]. 7&7 here i come...:drink:

07-25-2005, 02:02 PM
Sounds like a normal day for you Chuck, up to the 7-7 drink...

07-25-2005, 02:07 PM
That is one tough chicken; dude......:drumstck:

07-25-2005, 02:17 PM
:chicken: Oh my! :chicken:

07-25-2005, 02:37 PM
Well At least this story didnt turn into a Old Joke!, Like you rolled the tire with the Chicken in it and thats how the chicken crossed the road! Or after seeing the Chicken pecking your Marauder you grabbed it by the neck and Your Neighbors saw you..... Choking the Chicken!

OK That Was Lame :shake:

Ill Wait til someone see's a monkey messing with their Marauder and Ill Throw the "Spanking the Monkey" line in too!


07-25-2005, 05:07 PM
Ummm...Shoot. Sorry, Chuck.

My deepest apologies, Chuck, I'm very sorry.

I should have mentioned this in our last conversation, but it "slipped" my mind.

During our last ChicagoLand "Chicken Run", one chicken got away. Y'all thought this meet was about eating fried chicken, but it's not, which is why I stick to bacon double cheeseburgers. Oh, they are slippery too, but at least they are dead, and cooked...

His name is "Cogburn", we named after John Wayne's "Rooster Cogburn" screen presentation in the film "True Grit", because he's got them there John Wayne...Ummm...B*lls?

Anyway, Cogburn disappeared just about the same time John (Too Many Fords) peeled outta here headed for home. We tried to flag John down, but John doesn't spend a lot of time looking behind him. No wonder too. We haven't seen Cogburn since, I suppose he's a bit lost about now.

If you hook up with Cogburn again, tell him to "git home, now!" Please? We have another Chicken Run this coming weekend, and Cogburn is needed at the tree. He's got a sixty foot time that will blow you away, and he's rite proper in the traps as well, but I suppose you know that now.

I'm glad Abbey is okay, but I gotta LOL on this too.

Y'all thought a Chicken Run was about "meetin an eatin".


07-25-2005, 05:35 PM
No pics or movies of this? This could be winning material on AFV.

07-25-2005, 05:45 PM
Now that sounds like a interesting day too me. Even the chickens like our Marauder's!

07-25-2005, 06:12 PM
Ummm...Shoot. Sorry, Chuck.

My deepest apologies, Chuck, I'm very sorry.

I should have mentioned this in our last conversation, but it "slipped" my mind.

During our last ChicagoLand "Chicken Run", one chicken got away. Y'all thought this meet was about eating fried chicken, but it's not, which is why I stick to bacon double cheeseburgers. Oh, they are slippery too, but at least they are dead, and cooked...

His name is "Cogburn", we named after John Wayne's "Rooster Cogburn" screen presentation in the film "True Grit", because he's got them there John Wayne...Ummm...B*lls?

Anyway, Cogburn disappeared just about the same time John (Too Many Fords) peeled outta here headed for home. We tried to flag John down, but John doesn't spend a lot of time looking behind him. No wonder too. We haven't seen Cogburn since, I suppose he's a bit lost about now.

If you hook up with Cogburn again, tell him to "git home, now!" Please? We have another Chicken Run this coming weekend, and Cogburn is needed at the tree. He's got a sixty foot time that will blow you away, and he's rite proper in the traps as well, but I suppose you know that now.

I'm glad Abbey is okay, but I gotta LOL on this too.

Y'all thought a Chicken Run was about "meetin an eatin".

Wrong...I knew it.

I just knew it.

I left one piece of information out of my story on purpose. This chicken was a rooster. I thought I heard him muttering something about "Da Bearz" and "Da bullz" on his way down the street. The empty can of Old Style was a dead giveaway.

I guess this makes him a F.I.C. instead of a F.I.B. :lol:

BTW you weren't kidding about the 60' times. That Chicken can Run!

07-25-2005, 07:06 PM
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Glad I wasn't drinking anything when I read this. :lol:

07-25-2005, 07:48 PM
That puppy needs a pep talk!

07-25-2005, 08:32 PM
A rooster huh ?.
