View Full Version : Dem Bill to Block Union Walkout from AFL-CIO

07-26-2005, 10:20 AM
(2005-07-25) -- Senate Democrats today introduced legislation to block the Teamsters and Service Employees labor unions from walking out of the AFL-CIO.

Teamsters President James Hoffa said his union and others want to focus their resources on recruiting new members, instead of simply throwing money at Democrat election campaigns. The departure of the two largest member unions will deplete the AFL-CIO annual budget by $20 million.

"Just like President Reagan busted the air traffic controllers strike, we must move to prevent this threat to our two-party system," said Sen. John F. Kerry, a key sponsor of the bill. "If we don't stop this illegal labor action, many people with no practical work skills may have to leave high-paying positions to go out and find actual jobs for the first time."

07-26-2005, 11:49 AM
...sad, but true. :mad2:

07-26-2005, 11:50 AM
Again, your funny.....
No Way ! John Kerry would say that in public.
Or would he?