View Full Version : Legislation introduced to Outlaw Flintstones:

07-29-2005, 08:10 PM
for the purpose of humor only:

Legislation introduced to Outlaw Flintstones:

The House Press Relations Office today released a detailed story on Tom Delay and fellow neo-con Republicans introducing leglistation to outlaw the Flintstones.

Said Delay, "We can't have another generation expecting to earn a good living, buy a home, and raise a family on the income from one American job."

Said at a dinner celebrating the anti-American worker victory, CAFTA, by record setting corporate dollar recipient Bill Frist "This will be great for building the 2008 election war chest." "How many Americans can we fool next time. This ought to fill our offshore election accounts way past overflowing"

"We must make the world safe for Wal-Mart!" "Small family merchant terrorists are threatening to overrun our contributor's economy" said an admistration spokesman.

"Wal-Mart does not want to pay into Social Security for its poverty level workers and they pay us very well" said an unnamed official working on the Bush campaign to eliminate Social Security for all but the wealthy.

"The more cheap foreign workers the better" said John McCain of Arizona.
"This is what they pay us for" referring to numerous corporate sponsors of the event. "We will get enough from Wal-Mart that Vicente Fox can take his sacks of drug money and stuff it where the sun don't shine."



:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
