View Full Version : Office '97 Help In Excel

07-30-2005, 08:48 AM
I am sure someone here can assist with an issue I have with a user at work regarding Microsoft Excel (Microsoft Office '97 Pro) that I cannot resolve running on Windows 2000 Professional.

Any Excel spreadsheet launched does this, . .

Single left click on a cell. Regardless of where the mouse is moved afterwards, it automatically highlights all cells. The application cannot be closed nor can file, edit, view, etc. be clicked on. I then have to go to task manager and force closure to get out of Excel.

I have replaced the mouse, used the eraser mouse and buttons on the latop (IBM Thinkpad) yielding the same conditions. Removed Office '97 and re-installed to no avail. (Machine re-booted several times)

Ran a virus check, spyware check showing zero found. All patterns up to date.

Loaded SR-2 for office and still has not corrected the issue.

Verified accesibility options in Control Panel and all is normal.

Compared settings under tools (Macro, Add-Ins, Customize, options) in Excel to mine and all are the same.

I have never seen this before, and am to the point of hitting my head against a brick wall.

Anyone out there have a solution for this??

Thanks in Advance, . .


07-30-2005, 08:55 AM
This happens only in Excel? Strange if so. First place I'd look would be the mouse driver.

I've had a similar issue in the past with a Logitech MX1000 laser mouse. Ended up returning it and getting a different model due to buggy drivers.

07-30-2005, 08:58 AM
I would first say it's some stupid setting hidden away somewhere that got clicked by accident, or by some error it got clicked. However, because the program crashes right after this action, I would say it's one of two things

1. Something is screwed up with your registry. Even if you un-install a program, the registry entrys are still there.

2. You have a bad stick of memory, or Excell is not using the memory correctly due to the registry conflicts. But I wouldn't put all my bets on this one since other programs you're running are running normal?

If you don't have a lot of stuff on your computer, back all your important stuff up (to CD, or an external drive), and just format the computer and start a fresh install. I do this on a regular basis.

In fact, I keep 90% of my stuff on an external drive. If something gets screwed, I just put the computer back to factory settings (It's a Dell, love that feature!) and install all my programs again.

Sure, it can be a long process, but hey - at least your excell will work :P

07-30-2005, 09:00 AM
Yep. It only does this in Excel. All other apps. run fine. Changing mice (USB) did not correct. The first mouse was a Dell Optical. The second mouse was an IBM Optical.

This happens only in Excel? Strange if so. First place I'd look would be the mouse driver.

I've had a similar issue in the past with a Logitech MX1000 laser mouse. Ended up returning it and getting a different model due to buggy drivers.

07-30-2005, 09:07 AM
The program doesn't "crash", I just cannot click the "x" to close. I have to force close thru tskmgr. The laptop was just "refreshed" by our Division IT Dept. prior to sending to me for personalizing for this user.

It should be clean as I have all the faith in the world for the Admin. that performed his "magic".


I would first say it's some stupid setting hidden away somewhere that got clicked by accident, or by some error it got clicked. However, because the program crashes right after this action, I would say it's one of two things

1. Something is screwed up with your registry. Even if you un-install a program, the registry entrys are still there.

2. You have a bad stick of memory, or Excell is not using the memory correctly due to the registry conflicts. But I wouldn't put all my bets on this one since other programs you're running are running normal?

If you don't have a lot of stuff on your computer, back all your important stuff up (to CD, or an external drive), and just format the computer and start a fresh install. I do this on a regular basis.

In fact, I keep 90% of my stuff on an external drive. If something gets screwed, I just put the computer back to factory settings (It's a Dell, love that feature!) and install all my programs again.

Sure, it can be a long process, but hey - at least your excell will work :P