View Full Version : Mel Gibson Chases Jane Fonda In Nuclear-powered Pro-war Bus

08-01-2005, 09:58 AM
Hollywood Bus Chase Tops 150 MPH

Actress Jane Fonda’s plan to protest the war in Iraq by leading an antiwar bus tour across the country hit an unexpected bump in the road today when actor Mel Gibson decided to chase Ms. Fonda’s bus in a pro-war bus of his own.

“If Jane Fonda thinks her antiwar bus is the only bus on the road, she is sorely mistaken,” Mr. Gibson told reporters from behind the wheel of his mammoth pro-war vehicle. “My bus is on the road and, more importantly, we are on her tail.”

Although Ms. Fonda’s antiwar bus left on her cross-country odyssey several days ago, Mr. Gibson said he was able to catch up to her quickly because her bus is powered by ecology-friendly vegetable oil while his is powered by a mighty onboard nuclear reactor.

“When it comes to taking those hills, I’ll take plutonium over Wesson Oil any day of the week,” Mr. Gibson said, revving his nuclear-powered bus’s engine for the benefit of reporters.

With Mr. Gibson’s bus in hot pursuit of Ms. Fonda’s bus, the Hollywood bus chase soon reached speeds of over 150 mph, causing some observers to predict that the actress might call off her bus tour out of safety concerns.

But for her part, Ms. Fonda remained undaunted: “I was afraid that we might have to drive this bus really fast, which is why I asked Sandra Bullock to come along.”

David Morton
08-02-2005, 07:52 PM
And he did it all in the name of Jesus. Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition!


08-03-2005, 01:25 PM
Finally some good news, the Road Warrior, Mad Max is back! Hope he has some new shells for his dubble barrell 12 ga.. As Dan Akroyd used to say-"Jane, you filthy ****"! .....The Humungus RULES! Give us the oil and no one gets hurt!

08-03-2005, 03:33 PM
The best bumper sticker ever printed:


Once a traitor, always a traitor!!