View Full Version : Can any shooting enthusiasts help me?

08-02-2005, 05:59 PM
Has anyone shot both the Heckler & Koch USP .45 and the Sig Sauer P220? I have shot the P220 before but never the USP and I am considering purchasing either one or the other. I don't know anyone who owns the USP .45 so I can't borrow one and take it to shoot so i'm trying to do as much research as possible to try to make the best decision. I really like the way both guns look although for some reason i do like the look of the HK better than the Sig. I know that is a poor thing to base judgement on so i have been looking all over the net for reviews and can't find any where people have shot both. I have found USP .40 owners who also own P229s and they say the sigs are more accurate, but i would beleive that it would be more the shooter you know. So if there is anyone out there who has shot both and could offer opinions. Thanks a lot in advance!

08-02-2005, 06:03 PM
I love the HK .45. Awesome weapon. I've fired at least 1000 rounds from my buddy's .45 Tactical.

I've never fired a Sig,.. so I can't give you a comparison.

I will say this,.. My next pistol will be an HK .45

08-02-2005, 06:06 PM
The SIG .357 is also very nice - accuracy of a 9mm with a bit more punch.


08-02-2005, 06:42 PM
I have shot neither. But my suggestion would be to go to a range that has rentals on both models. Rent them both and punch some paper.

08-02-2005, 07:22 PM
I've owned the Sig220 and shot both it and the HK USP .45. Either is a great pistol with the HK having the more comfortable grip. I have medium small hands and the trigger reach on the Sig is a bit longer than the HK. A little long for me but not enough to affect accuracy. The sig wins on recoil control in my book. Accuracy is a toss up IMO. I don't own either one now as I've fallen hard for Para Ordnance LDAs. But, if I were to buy one of them again, it would be the Sig. I tend to like the classic vs the new guy. Both are fine guns, though. I hope this is helpful.

08-02-2005, 07:27 PM
I have shot neither. But my suggestion would be to go to a range that has rentals on both models. Rent them both and punch some paper.What he said ^.

I have shot the sig 229 countless times and it is a great weapon and also great looking in two tone. I have never shot the HK.45 but I do like the way that they look. I just could not justify the price of the gun when it has a plastic handle (guys please save the drama-I know that it is not really plastic and that it is in fact more durable the all metal sig.) If that is the style that you like (metal and plastic) I would really consider the Glock 30 (shoots .45). My fav. gun of all time and I shoot it better than any other. Plus, it is atleast $300 less the HK. 45

08-02-2005, 08:41 PM
What he said ^.

I have shot the sig 229 countless times and it is a great weapon and also great looking in two tone. I have never shot the HK.45 but I do like the way that they look. I just could not justify the price of the gun when it has a plastic handle (guys please save the drama-I know that it is not really plastic and that it is in fact more durable the all metal sig.) If that is the style that you like (metal and plastic) I would really consider the Glock 30 (shoots .45). My fav. gun of all time and I shoot it better than any other. Plus, it is atleast $300 less the HK. 45
What he said. At first I didn't like Glocks, but when Glock came to our Club range (St. Charles Sportman's Club in Southern Md) a few years back....I was converted. Once you get use to their trigger, everyone of them are the same from pistol to pistol (as long as they have the same trigger release rating i.e. 5 pound trigger pull). Their realible, easy to use, and accurate, I've have placed in the money numerous times in competitions with my GLOCK 21 (full frame .45) and my Glock 30 (short frame .45). Of note the hicap mags for the 21 fit in the 30. Bottomline it's what fits you hand, find a range that rents these different models and try them all.

08-02-2005, 09:55 PM
All the firearms (handguns) mentioned in this thread are more accurate than their owners can ever hope to be. Pick one...And, practice, practice, practice. A Smith and Wesson Model 10 revolver with a 4" heavy barrel is more accurate than any of you can shoot.

My duty weapon is a wheel gun, a 4" S&W Model 19 four screw that my father carried for 35 years before me, and as blind as I am today, I can still score 465/40x in any PPC course with street loads. Try me?

Gentlemen...It's not the handgun that makes the shot, it's the shooter. It's not machine, but your skill, that gets you home alive. Just like our drag strip times and bracket racing brag here, it's not the car, the pulley, or the boost...It's your driving skill. So...

Practice, practice, practice...Race, race, race.

Practice, practice, practice...Race, race, race...

In either contest, snooze and you loose...

Fourth Horseman
08-02-2005, 11:19 PM
All the firearms (handguns) mentioned in this thread are more accurate than their owners can ever hope to be.

I can attest to that. I could, quite literally, go to the range every other day and still not have my skills where I'd like them. Going only once a month, as I do, just doesn't cut it. :shake:

My only thought on the H&K USP is that it's sort of a big gun. I'm used to my Glocks, but the USP seems very tall to me. I'm sure I'd get used to it if I worked with one for a while.

Tom Doan
08-02-2005, 11:56 PM
If it is made in .45 I got it and have been racing it in USPSA/IPSC for the last 10 years. The Sarg is right.
I think the SIG is softer but the HK points better. Try the CZ too, I love them all.
I know they are not as competitive as the .40's in trasitioning or the wonder .38's supercomps but I got them all, big and small, simple and tricked out and have regressed back to SW 625 and single stack 1911's and never win, but coming in second sure does PO the masters with the Star Trec specials.
My longest live kill was 126 meters on a runing racoon in the middle of the day with a SW 29 .44 mag on a quick kill range for the M-16, bag it , tag it, off to the path. lab for a rabies scan. I was a Recon Corpsman and my guys thought I was the perfect wack job with hand guns stashed everywhere. Do not waste your youth, I didn't. Hot wife, Hot car, more guns than God, I love life, wish I was 30 years younger to do it all over again. Still stuck in ShangHai, wishing I was shooting,screwing and driving in the land of the big PX. Tom

08-03-2005, 05:26 AM
Can I get an oohrah!

If it is made in .45 I got it and have been racing it in USPSA/IPSC for the last 10 years. The Sarg is right.
I think the SIG is softer but the HK points better. Try the CZ too, I love them all.
I know they are not as competitive as the .40's in trasitioning or the wonder .38's supercomps but I got them all, big and small, simple and tricked out and have regressed back to SW 625 and single stack 1911's and never win, but coming in second sure does PO the masters with the Star Trec specials.
My longest live kill was 126 meters on a runing racoon in the middle of the day with a SW 29 .44 mag on a quick kill range for the M-16, bag it , tag it, off to the path. lab for a rabies scan. I was a Recon Corpsman and my guys thought I was the perfect wack job with hand guns stashed everywhere. Do not waste your youth, I didn't. Hot wife, Hot car, more guns than God, I love life, wish I was 30 years younger to do it all over again. Still stuck in ShangHai, wishing I was shooting,screwing and driving in the land of the big PX. Tom

08-03-2005, 05:31 AM
All the firearms (handguns) mentioned in this thread are more accurate than their owners can ever hope to be. Pick one...And, practice, practice, practice. A Smith and Wesson Model 10 revolver with a 4" heavy barrel is more accurate than any of you can shoot.

This is what I beleive as well. "It's a poor craftsman who blames his tools" and all you know. So what i'm taking away from this thread is, whichever one does it for me is the one i should get because neither one is far superior to the other? That's what i was thinking everytime i read anything on either pistol. Thanks a lot for all your help everyone. I sincerely appreciate it!:D

08-03-2005, 05:41 AM
Pick one...And, practice, practice, practice.

Gentlemen...It's not the handgun that makes the shot, it's the shooter. It's not machine, but your skill, that gets you home alive.

A good fit is a start to keeping the patterns tight and on the X.
I couldn't shoot my Beretta 92FS worth a damm. It was all over the place... And I'm sure it was me. Picked up my Kimber and blammo, I was knocking the centers out of my targets. Same with my 629. And this result was consistent until I gave up and realized I shouldn't be wasting money shooting the Beretta.

I probably could've practiced on that POS to improve my aim. I know if I really hunkered down I could get a few shots where I intended, but why bother when I have two others that feel more like a natural extension of me? Either that or I could just buy larger targets.

08-03-2005, 05:47 AM
Can I get an oohrah!

OOOO RRRAH! :beer: :beer:

I do believe what you find most comfortable, will cause you to practice with it more thus going back to The Sarge PRACTICE practice ... :beer: :beer:

Joe Clancy

08-03-2005, 08:06 AM
I've shot a HK 45 and it is nice. Never a problem. Didn't feel as good as my Kimber Custom Shop but that is just a preference thing. Once tried to save a few bucks and got a Ruger P95DC...POS! Jams all the time. I love their revolvers but never again an auto pistol other than their .22's.

08-03-2005, 10:44 AM
I have never shot the USP, but have heard they are great. I have a Sig P228 myself and love it. Little recoil and excellent time-on-target. And very accurate right out of the box. And I will be picking up a P229 in .40 and also get a .357 barrel to use the .357SIG loads in it. I like my Sigs, but they do come at a price unfortunately.

And I would love to have a nice Kimber Custom someday, too. But the collection will not grow any more until I get a nice gun safe to keep them in and that won't be until after I have a Marauder parked in my garage... ;)

08-03-2005, 11:11 AM
All the firearms (handguns) mentioned in this thread are more accurate than their owners can ever hope to be.
Dont be so sure!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-03-2005, 09:39 PM
I have a simple recommendation: Never trust your life or that of your loved ones to anything NOT designed by John Moses Browning.:cool:

08-03-2005, 11:24 PM
I have a few shooting ranges in my area that rent out handguns. So if you can find a place that does in your area, then perhaps one of them has the guns that you're inquiring about, and you can go there to rent them.

08-04-2005, 04:31 AM
Dont be so sure!!!!!!!!!!!!
The statement that most handguns are more accurate than their owners can ever be is a true statement. Just take any quality handgun and shoot it at 25 yards while secured in a gun rest mechanism like a Ransom Rest. The guns mentioned will probably shoot 2-3 inch groups at 25 yards all day. Then have the shooter fire at the same 25 yard target. Even the best marksmen will only group 4-5 inches (hand held) at this distance.

Just curious why you disagreed with the statement? :confused:

08-04-2005, 05:18 AM
Just curious why you disagreed with the statement? :confused:
He probably shot a Beretta 92FS as well. :P

08-04-2005, 06:08 AM
He probably shot a Beretta 92FS as well. :P
.....Or maybe an old, fouled .38 snubbie.:D

08-04-2005, 06:58 AM
or a .25 beeatch killer aka Jennings .25 auto

09-10-2005, 11:59 AM
I would just like to give a big thanks to everyone who gave me input. I wound up deciding on the USP Tactical in .45. I took a few pics of it and posted them to my album so check them out if you like. Once again thank you all so very much for all your help!:beer:

09-10-2005, 12:40 PM
I guess I’m a little late to respond to this. I have shot countless guns, including Berretta 92, Browning High power, Colt Government .45 and clones. I currently have a Glock 21 (.45), 23 and 35 (both .40) and enjoy competitive pistol shooting as well PPC type matches. I have never shot a HK but believe it to be on par with my Glocks. Lets keep in mind that these for the most part are combat handguns and have more than acceptable accuracy when used for same. It has been my experience that I can shoot better than most of these guns in stock form, especially the Browning and Berretta I had. I also enjoy rifle shooting and can shoot under minute of angle as far as my rig allows. ( FN police Special .308 with leupold tactical 3.5-10x40) I am also currently the counter sniper on my departments SWAT team and have attended training from places like Blackwater and HSS International. I am in no way trying to pat myself on the back, but merely stating my qualifications.

09-10-2005, 03:53 PM
One last thought...Handgunner Mag. has done field and bench tests on both of those fine weapons. You could check them out on line for THIER opinions.. Personally, I have never fired a .45 I like better than my Kimber CS..:)


DTR 04

09-10-2005, 05:03 PM
Ohhh, a Kimber fan!!

09-11-2005, 01:55 AM
I'll stick with my custom Dan Wesson Patriot PT-EXP in 45acp for my off time. :D

09-11-2005, 05:35 AM
Researching the guns, I ran across this site
I like this;

09-11-2005, 05:34 PM
I was looking at the HK USP, and the Sig P220. I couldn't see paying so much for the USP, so I got the P220ST. Excellent price & am very happy with my choice...


09-11-2005, 09:26 PM
I've shot them both as duty weapons and actually participated in the field trials for the USP up to where it was the H/K against Colt for the final bid before H/K won out. They're both excellent weapons, but each individual is different. Unlike us in the service who have little if any choice in what weapon we carry, you should shoot them both to get a feel for what's best for you. They both point well in my opinion and are easy to shoot, but a lot more comes in to play than most people think. The size of your hand, the length of your fingers, your build and your strength all affect on how a particular weapon will "feel" to you. As for type-casting, I personally like the H/K for a field/CQB weapon, but the SIG for PST/PSO type work. In the end, they're both great weapons, but are they great for you? Consider what you want the weapon for, and how you'll carry and use it. You'll only know for sure after you've put some bullets down the barrels using it the way you plan to. Having used both, I now own and am sold on the new Springfield XD models and can recommend them as an option. Hope this helps.

09-12-2005, 02:58 AM
I am in no way trying to pat myself on the back, but merely stating my qualifications.

We say this in Texas: If it's true,.. you ain't braggin'. :D
As far as Glock vs. H&K,.. in my opinion, the H&K is slightly superior, only because it balanced a lot better. Don't get me wrong, I love my top-heavy Glock.

Dark_Knight,.. I trust you'll be happy with that H&K. Great weapon!