View Full Version : F-22 pictures

08-05-2005, 06:02 PM
Wanna see some cool pictures?

clicky clicky (http://ghostrider.homestead.com/Langley_Fighters.html)

Dr Caleb
08-05-2005, 06:17 PM
Very cool! Thanks D.

08-05-2005, 06:25 PM

those are sweet! Great plane!

08-05-2005, 06:45 PM
My part time job. Got Gas, will travel

08-05-2005, 07:56 PM
Those things are SOOOO cool...

they build 'em right down the street from my shop at Lockheed/Martin (Marietta)...

when they test flight them (with an F-16 on the wing)...the 16 can't keep up! We always walk outside to watch them. We are also on one of the takeoff flight paths for them...they come over so close you feel like you can touch them.

Those of you that get to "play" with them are certainly fortunate...

08-05-2005, 08:02 PM
soooo cool, thanks for sharing :)

Brother Mike
08-05-2005, 10:07 PM
Negative Voodoo One-the pattern is full

he he he

08-05-2005, 11:52 PM
[QUOTE=dwasson]Wanna see some cool pictures?

Great Pics!!! Thanks

08-05-2005, 11:57 PM
Those things are SOOOO cool...

they build 'em right down the street from my shop at Lockheed/Martin (Marietta)...

when they test flight them (with an F-16 on the wing)...the 16 can't keep up! We always walk outside to watch them. We are also on one of the takeoff flight paths for them...they come over so close you feel like you can touch them.

Those of you that get to "play" with them are certainly fortunate...If you want to get a little closer and hear how loud those are and see how far back that F-16 really is.....wait till I get back.

08-06-2005, 04:45 AM
If you want to get a little closer and hear how loud those are and see how far back that F-16 really is.....wait till I get back.
You're on, my friend!

08-06-2005, 05:05 AM
I have a soft spot in my heart for the F-16 since my local Air Base, is where roughly 50% of all F-16 fighter pilots were trained.... sometimes those boys played at low altitude and would break the sound barrier over land and pissed off some folks.

The F-16 a much older plane; is faster than the Raptor at the top end.

F-16 -- 1500 mph (Mach 2)

F-22 -- 1000 mph (Mach 1.8)

What makes the Raptor very special (F-22) is that it can Supercruise at speeds above Mach 1 without using the afterburners, therefore fuel consumption is much lower than the F-16 which needs the afterburners to go supersonic and therefore uses far more fuel.

Fourth Horseman
08-06-2005, 08:01 PM
What makes the Raptor very special (F-22) is that it can Supercruise at speeds above Mach 1 without using the afterburners, therefore fuel consumption is much lower than the F-16 which needs the afterburners to go supersonic and therefore uses far more fuel.

Think of the tactical options this opens up. I mean, for a moment forget about the low RCS, the low probability intercept RADAR, the fighter data link, the sensor fusion and all the other things that make this the most powerful fighter on the planet. Just think about the super cruise. The ability to chase down fleeing adversaries or egress hostile airspace and outdistance pursuers. The ability to get a second element of F/A-22s into a tactically adventagous position for multi-element engagements, and to do so without needing fuel-hungry afterburners. It's simply amazing.

I'm going to be sad to see the almighty Eagle finally relegated to a second string roll, but I can't wait to see the Raptor go operational.

Raptors = we win.

Great pictures, by the way. Are there high resolution versions of those around anywhere?

08-06-2005, 08:17 PM
I love forward progression in technology. I remember how impress I was at the air show in New Orleans when an Eagle took off, pulled straight up and disappeared into the sky. Bad guys will poop in their pants IF they see the 22 coming. But, was this one of the test planes that nosed down and crashed on take off because the computer software glitched screwing up the fly-by-wire controls? If so, I hope the problem has been solved. We need a plane like this to stay ahead of the curve, but it makes one hope the plane does not have to be networked for software updates, etc.

08-06-2005, 08:22 PM
They all crash in testing. During the tests of the F-15 some of the pilots called it the "Lawn Dart". They said that if you lived in Nevada, sooner or later you'd have a F-15 sticking in your yard.

08-06-2005, 09:38 PM
Think of the tactical options this opens up. I mean, for a moment forget about the low RCS, the low probability intercept RADAR, the fighter data link, the sensor fusion and all the other things that make this the most powerful fighter on the planet. Just think about the super cruise. The ability to chase down fleeing adversaries or egress hostile airspace and outdistance pursuers. The ability to get a second element of F/A-22s into a tactically adventagous position for multi-element engagements, and to do so without needing fuel-hungry afterburners. It's simply amazing.

I'm going to be sad to see the almighty Eagle finally relegated to a second string roll, but I can't wait to see the Raptor go operational.

Raptors = we win.

Great pictures, by the way. Are there high resolution versions of those around anywhere?
Fantastic piece of technology!

Too bad that, like everything else these days, the US taxpaying public gets screwed in the process and only a few hundred planes will be made when we need thousands.

Nice plane but way too expensive!


David Morton
08-07-2005, 03:25 AM
High-tech didn't save the Germans in WWII!

What beat the Axis was industrial might. The awesome resources, industrial capacity, and agricultural output of America that was used to feed and equip the Allied armies (mostly Soviet), THAT was what beat the Axis.

When we've sent enough of our industrial base to China, and they decide to divest themselves of our Treasury Bills in order to send us into another Great Depression, I doubt if the F-22, even in the thousands, will make much difference. The Chineese will put 700 million men into the field with fairly modern equipment, equipment we sold them, and we will rue the day we decided to turn over our democracy to corporations and forgo paying off the national debt in favor of floating more loans for other peoples' children to pay off so we (and mostly those corporations) could enjoy tax cuts.

Revel today, fellow Romans, for soon the payment for our greed and false pride will come due. We have already suffered a devastating and humiliating attack by an enemy armed with BOXCUTTERS! I only hope our current foray into global geopolitical hedgemony a la neocon "New World" is only Vietnam II, but I fear it will be much worse.

Celebrate your high-tech while it lasts. I plan to. It's "How I learned to stop worrying and love the MARAUDER!"

(cut to scene of Slim Pickens riding a nuclear bomb into a Soviet military complex, waving his cowboy hat, yelling...)


...end of rant.

08-07-2005, 03:50 AM
You're on, my friend!

Dan, I want some of that too, please! Can I bring my son also?


08-07-2005, 06:55 AM
Cool man Cool,but does it come in Black... Neat pics.

08-07-2005, 08:13 AM
High-tech didn't save the Germans in WWII!

What beat the Axis was industrial might. The awesome resources, industrial capacity, and agricultural output of America that was used to feed and equip the Allied armies (mostly Soviet), THAT was what beat the Axis.

When we've sent enough of our industrial base to China, and they decide to divest themselves of our Treasury Bills in order to send us into another Great Depression, I doubt if the F-22, even in the thousands, will make much difference. The Chineese will put 700 million men into the field with fairly modern equipment, equipment we sold them, and we will rue the day we decided to turn over our democracy to corporations and forgo paying off the national debt in favor of floating more loans for other peoples' children to pay off so we (and mostly those corporations) could enjoy tax cuts.

Revel today, fellow Romans, for soon the payment for our greed and false pride will come due. We have already suffered a devastating and humiliating attack by an enemy armed with BOXCUTTERS! I only hope our current foray into global geopolitical hedgemony a la neocon "New World" is only Vietnam II, but I fear it will be much worse.

Celebrate your high-tech while it lasts. I plan to. It's "How I learned to stop worrying and love the MARAUDER!"

(cut to scene of Slim Pickens riding a nuclear bomb into a Soviet military complex, waving his cowboy hat, yelling...)


...end of rant.
I fear that your observations are spot on.

I am reminded of the people in poorer countries who eat the seed we send and then starve because there is no food being grown.

During a economic depression the wealthy make even more money.

With the general public hooked on credit cards and recently refinanced mortgages, people will loose the things they own quickly in a severe downturn.

The curent regime has anticipated this and taken away many of the benefits of personal bankruptcy filing. Interest rates are rising about .25 each time Greenspan and his toadies convene a meeting. Most corporations are sitting on a hoard of cash ready to pounce on a desperate public as they liquidate
in a desperate attempt to survive.

Let's hope that things improve soon and our population becomes wise enough to save ourselves and our future.

Best Regards,


08-07-2005, 12:11 PM

I am glad my two sons who are in the Navy training to defend our country do not have to read your rant! One at the United States Naval Academy in his senior year who will be in naval aviation and someday flying the F-22 and my other son at GaTech in Navy ROTC. We do not live in a perfect world, country or society, but its ours and my boys will defend it for all of us. My rant is over.


08-07-2005, 01:06 PM

I am glad my two sons who are in the Navy training to defend our country do not have to read your rant! One at the United States Naval Academy in his senior year who will be in naval aviation and someday flying the F-22 and my other son at GaTech in Navy ROTC. We do not live in a perfect world, country or society, but its ours and my boys will defend it for all of us. My rant is over.


Nobody said anything even close to disrespect for your boys or any of our fine fighting forces. The jabs have been at those ELECTED officials at the top who are hell bent on running this great ship aground. Try really hard to not connect comments/complaints about the administration as being directed at our brave and trusted men/women in the armed forces. The administration has worked overtime in the propaganda department to get those two concepts intertwined. Its not unpatriotic to complain about the government. Just the opposite! How do you think we came about anyway? Complaining about the British government. :lol:

08-07-2005, 01:19 PM
Nobody said anything even close to disrespect for your boys or any of our fine fighting forces. The jabs have been at those ELECTED officials at the top who are hell bent on running this great ship aground. Try really hard to not connect comments/complaints about the administration as being directed at our brave and trusted men/women in the armed forces. The administration has worked overtime in the propaganda department to get those two concepts intertwined. Its not unpatriotic to complain about the government. Just the opposite! How do you think we came about anyway? Complaining about the British government. :lol:Do you notice that some people, all they do is complaint about our government/regime?

Do you notice that some people have nothing good to say about our country?

How do we know that these folks that only complaint about the government/regime are patriotic americans???

Do you feel that habitual complaining makes you patriotic???

Do you believe that those that are not complaining must be stupid, because only the ones that complaint really know the REAL TRUTH and the rest of us are a bunch of idiots???

08-07-2005, 01:43 PM
Do you notice that some people, all they do is complaint about our government/regime?

Do you notice that some people have nothing good to say about our country?

How do we know that these folks that only complaint about the government/regime are patriotic americans???

Do you feel that habitual complaining makes you patriotic???

Do you believe that those that are not complaining must be stupid, because only the ones that complaint really know the REAL TRUTH and the rest of us are a bunch of idiots???

Did you ever notice that some people can't see the forest for the trees ?

What is your definition of a patriot?

08-07-2005, 01:48 PM
Did you ever notice that some people can't see the forest for the trees ?

What is your definition of a patriot?Someone who rights a wrong with his actions, not his mouth.

Agent M79
08-07-2005, 01:56 PM
What an awesome fighter aircraft. Enjoy it, gents, for it is likely one of the last manned fighters to be made. The limiting technology is now the very fragile pilot and so s/he must go.

08-07-2005, 02:20 PM
Someone who rights a wrong with his actions, not his mouth.

Agreed. How is discussing (and acting by voting and/or other political actions) government failures/foibles considered unpatriotic? Is the difference one's definition of what is "wrong"?

08-07-2005, 02:26 PM
Dan, I want some of that too, please! Can I bring my son also?

BobSure thing, the only problem is timing when they get rolled out of the plant. But, there's other things to see like C-5's, C-130's, and of course my favorites the Hueys and Cobras.

08-07-2005, 03:50 PM
The limiting technology is now the very fragile pilot and so s/he must go.
You are dead on. Before technology has properly advanced, the software will decide whether or not to fire.

As I geuss I kinda started the digression, I apologize. I just had a simple question about a 20 second news clip I heard. The 22 is really a spectacular plane. And as said earlier, probably the last human piloted fighter/attack plane.

Regarding those who took the discussion as a personal attack on their sons, read the Constitution. (and more specifically the Bill of Rights) That is what your sons are defending.

Take a look at the old argument of Flag burning. I would like to see some "Americans" who burn THE FLAG go on a one way hunting trip, but the Constitution has been intrepreted by the US Supreme Court to give those folks freedom of speach/expression.

It is ironic, and sad, that Americans have the right to burn the symbol of the document that give them the right to burn the symbol. I disagree with that "right." But as a democratic society, we must rally to elect leaders who will appoint Federal Judges that might be more conservative. That is the way the democratic system was designed. Love it, live with it, do something to change it (remember:you have the right to speak too), or leave. Boo-hooing about your sons, who choose to join the military, will solve nothing. In fact it helps to strenghen the resolve of those who disagree with you. If nothing else, as free Americans, folks will just say things to try to P1$$ you off. As your sons have the heart and COURAGE to join-up, especially a young man who is acedemically advanced enough to be accepted into one of the US military academys, I would believe that they have the resiliance to not get their fealing hurt over mere words. They may possibly face much worse.

Back to the topic. Nice plane. Sorry my question sparked such a rediculous rant. Hope no one plays lawn darts too much with it. :)

08-07-2005, 06:30 PM

I am glad my two sons who are in the Navy training to defend our country do not have to read your rant! One at the United States Naval Academy in his senior year who will be in naval aviation and someday flying the F-22 and my other son at GaTech in Navy ROTC. We do not live in a perfect world, country or society, but its ours and my boys will defend it for all of us. My rant is over.

Brute Force did a fine job of parsing this situation.

Patriotism is great. Hiding behind false patriotism is manipulative at best.

I will quote your beloved current president: "either you're with us or against us"

This also applies most importantly to the American people, not just multinational corporations, India, China, Mexico, and the House of Saud.

Patriots get to think too!

I will cite Thomas Paine, Benjamin Franklin, and Samual Adams.

Hats off to your brave boys.

May the operations they engage in be worthy of their service.

Best Regards,


08-07-2005, 06:43 PM
Agreed. How is discussing (and acting by voting and/or other political actions) government failures/foibles considered unpatriotic? Is the difference one's definition of what is "wrong"?You strike me as a reasonable person and you have expressed your opinion clearly and without resulting to offensive commentary....indeed you have the right to disagree, even the duty; when you see wrongdoing.

I would like to ask you to answer this question: If you know a person that puts down the government and business institutions of your country and this person is always negative, this person does not seem capable of saying anything positive about a country that I assume you love...would you, at some point in time grow tired of the whining and complaining?

08-07-2005, 07:25 PM
I would like to ask you to answer this question: If you know a person that puts down the government and business institutions of your country and this person is always negative, this person does not seem capable of saying anything positive about a country that I assume you love...would you, at some point in time grow tired of the whining and complaining?

If the core truth that said "whiner" kept harping on was false, then yes, I would grow tired of the listening to that messenger. However, if that core truth were indeed valid, being tired of the messenger should reinforce my own resolve to correct that core truth and thus quiet the messenger (at least about that particular message :D ). Brushing it aside as an anomaly when the facts indicate otherwise is the lazy way out. A patriot (by our agreed definition) would seek out the facts (*not* opinions of pundits) about the matter and act accordingly on them.

David Morton
08-07-2005, 07:46 PM
Someone who rights a wrong with his actions, not his mouth.That's it exactly Smokie.

What some folks don't see though is that in politics, speech is action. That's why it's called politics.

Free speech. There's a reason why it was the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights.

08-08-2005, 04:30 AM
Can we agree that the F-22 Raptor is a beautiful, powerful warbird?

Can we be proud of the fact that it is ours, we made it and the other governments/regimes of the world do not?

Come on, is there anything at all that makes your chest swell up with pride about our country/form of government that you will be willing to commit to a keyboard.....anything good to say? :D

08-08-2005, 07:29 AM
Can we agree that the F-22 Raptor is a beautiful, powerful warbird?

Can we be proud of the fact that it is ours, we made it and the other governments/regimes of the world do not?

Come on, is there anything at all that makes your chest swell up with pride about our country/form of government that you will be willing to commit to a keyboard.....anything good to say? :D

Indeed. A fantastic machine!

Best Regards,



Fourth Horseman
08-08-2005, 09:22 AM
They all crash in testing. During the tests of the F-15 some of the pilots called it the "Lawn Dart". They said that if you lived in Nevada, sooner or later you'd have a F-15 sticking in your yard.

That was the F-16 actually, and quite a few of them crashed until the problem was resolved.

EDIT: I should note that it was a physical wiring problem with the F-16, and not a software problem, as was the case with one of the early F/A-22s that crash landed.

Fourth Horseman
08-08-2005, 09:36 AM
High-tech didn't save the Germans in WWII!

Perhaps not, but the F-15 currently has a kill-loss ratio in excess of 120:0. Seeing as how an F/A-22 can eat an F-15's lunch, I'd say that high-tech can, has and will continue to give us a significant force multiplication for the foreseeable future.

When we've sent enough of our industrial base to China, and they decide to divest themselves of our Treasury Bills in order to send us into another Great Depression, I doubt if the F-22, even in the thousands, will make much difference. The Chineese will put 700 million men into the field with fairly modern equipment, equipment we sold them

Equipment we sold them? I think you mean equipment the Russians and Europeans sold them. Further... you can have 700 million men in uniform, but if you can't move them what good are they? So if you're talking about a land war in Asia, then I might agree with you. If you're talking about China projecting that military power then I disagree. They do not have the sea or airlift capacity move even a small fraction of that force. While they are building up their military very significantly, they still lack and will continue to lack sea and air lift capability for a long time to come. This is essentially a 1950s military machine that is only just now grunting, rolling over and waking up to the reality that they're out of date. Are they a threat? Sure. Will they become a bigger threat going forward? Definitely? Could they mount an invasion of CONUS now or in the next 25 years? Certainly not.

That's my $0.02 worth of reality.