View Full Version : Steering wheel misaligned

03-14-2003, 11:35 AM
Hi, all! I'm a proud owner of a 300A as of 2/27. It has been all that I expected and hoped for.

The only issue I have is the steering wheel isn't aligned properly. On a straight course, the wheel isn't at the 12 o'clock position; more like at 1 o'clock. I don't know if this is just a cosmetic problem or an indication of something more. The car pulls slightly to the right at times, as has been noted here.

Any suggestions? Should I see the dealer ASAP or let it break in a bit. It's only 300 miles old.

My new baby is an amazing draw - three times in my first two outings people have asked my about it. Two knew what it was but hadn't seen one close up.

03-14-2003, 11:39 AM
Warranty work...

03-14-2003, 11:40 AM
I think it was just a poor job at the alignment shop. For what we are paying for the cars, take to the dealer till it's PERFECT.

03-14-2003, 11:41 AM
Breaking it in won't fix that problem. Its a toe in/out problem.
Tell dealer what you told us.......steering wheel is not centered and it pulls to the right. Oh.......and congrats on the car and welcome to the best Marauder board on the planet !

03-14-2003, 11:58 AM
Before running off to the dealer for an alignment ( and that very well could be the issue - easily fixed. i suggest checking air pressure in the fronts. a significant delta in the 2 can cause the car to pull to one side or the other. either way air or alignment it needs be be fixed.

03-14-2003, 01:29 PM
Welcome, Dclemans, and congrats on your new wife.

ChuckB took the words right outta my mouth, and if balancing tire pressure doesn't cure it, centering the steering wheel won't be much of a problem. Take another look at thing up front, one of the hikers may have put her into a curb, and washed the tire. If you can swing it, better off to get it attended to now, than wait for 1st checkup.

03-14-2003, 01:38 PM
I had the same problem and just had the dealer adjust the tow. It's mych better but stills pulls slightly. I'm wondering if it's the tires. I'd love to change them.

03-14-2003, 01:41 PM
Hey...Welcome Aboard!!!

Another Atlanta Marauder!!!! You are cordually invited to our monthly breakfast which happens to be tomorrow at 8:00am. Cracker Barrel off I-75 and Delk Road!!!

PM me if you have any questions...

03-14-2003, 02:00 PM
I need my toe adjusted, the damn thing hurts! Welcome, we found another smart one guy's, or rather he found us.

03-14-2003, 03:55 PM
Originally posted by mdmarauder
I'm wondering if it's the tires. I'd love to change them.

I put my my OEM wheels on for the first time since I bought it, yesterday.
After running 16" wheels for a month or so, I can attest....The OEM tires/wheels are crazy on uneven surfaces. This NEVER happened with the snows. On city streets this car pulls left, scoot a little right, and it pulls right. IT'S DEFINATELY THE TIRES!
I still want to start a post on this subject.

Tod, ANOTHER local....will it ever end? :alone:

DCLEMENS: My steering wheel is off to the right about 5 degrees. We have 3 years/35k to approach this problem. All in due time, all, in due time.:)

LOVE MY MM!!!!!!!!!!!!!:burnout:

03-14-2003, 05:23 PM
dclemens - Welcome aboard - If you still have a problem after checking the air pressure (as stated above) I would have the dealer realign the front end and center the steering wheel. As far as warranty I don't think the front end alignment is good for 3yrs or 36000 miles. Good luck with your ride. John :up:

03-14-2003, 05:26 PM
Gosh! It's so hard to be straight on this subject--1st thing comes to mind is to say--Well I think my wheel is probably totally off by now-HA!HA!--Can't believe I'm laughing at this --but helps----talk about mis-aligned---Duh!!!! Sorry-

03-14-2003, 05:39 PM
The fast feedback is very cool!. All four tires were at 30, so I bumped them all up to 32. No difference regarding the pull. Trust me, I'll be at the dealer next week.

03-14-2003, 07:12 PM

Mine was a little off and I had it adjusted/fixed. It was the toe as stated above. WORD OF CAUTION:nono:

Be SURE they are careful with your pretty, new wheels on the alignment machine...one of mine got some damage when I had mine done.

03-14-2003, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by jgc61sr2002
As far as warranty I don't think the front end alignment is good for 3yrs or 36000 miles.



That comment didn't come out right. I said that right after the first beer of the day. I would go back and edit it, but then it would make JGC look like the idiot.

For some reason I was thinking in this mind set: :beer:

No, not :beer:

My MM rolls(ed) straight as an arrow w/hands off the wheel. (with 16" wheels), ALTHOUGH.....my steering wheel is a slight out of center. And I mean just a pu$$y hair off center. Therefore, I was thinking my situation, the car is not out of alignment, THE STEERING WHEEL IS. Similar to windshield wiper park. The dealer swore, theres nothing wrong. But for three years, I made them adjust the park on that right wiper........just to keep them on their toes.

I'm thirsty......... :P

03-14-2003, 07:31 PM
And I mean just a pu$$y hair off center.


Maybe if you could be a little more descriptive...someone here might be able to help you with this...

:lol: :lol: :lol:

03-14-2003, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by marauderman
I'm laughing at this --but helps----talk about mis-aligned---Duh!!!! Sorry-

Oh, yeah......LOOK WHO'S WALKING..........errrrr I mean talking.


Sorry MM, I couldn't resist. I'll say two extra hail mary's tonite

03-15-2003, 05:02 PM
Let the dealer do his job, but this is actually fairly easy to adjust. To get the steering wheel vertical, both tie rod ends need to be equally adjusted to turn the wheels farther in the same direction that the steering wheel is off. For a front steer car like the Marauder, if the top of the steering wheel is off to the right, the right (passenger side) tie rod needs to be screwed out (lengthened) and the left tie rod needs to be screwed in (shortened). Note that I'm not actually recommending anyone do this. Serious wrenches only need apply. Even professionals have been known to forget to tighten the lock nuts! This adjustment actually has a name--clear vision. Real toe is easy to roughly check on a Marauder, using nothing but a tape measure. The outside groove (and only the outside groove) on the tires is straight and precise enough to get a reasonable measurement. The rear dimension should be about 1/8 inch less than the front (slight toe out), measured just low enough to get a straight shot across the car. For added confidence, you can roll the car forward or back to rotate the wheels 180 degrees and recheck.