View Full Version : Motorcycle Accident

08-10-2005, 01:04 AM
Hey guys,

At about 6pm today I was involved in a sort of crash. I was on my motorcycle and I was just cruising at about 30 mph.... This lady decides to veer into my lane without looking, barrelling her car toward me. Next thing I know I'm dumping the bike to avoid getting hit, Rolling on the floor and I get up with cars in every direction hearing "you okay?"

Anyway As I was rolling I dislocated my right shoulder and got some pretty good road rash on my left arm. I banged up my knees and got some rash on them, as well as my back, and on my right arm too. Had my helmet on, but it just ended up getting scratched on the visor. Luckily I put my shoulder back in before I got up (used to it since I dislocated my left shoulder 4 times in HS football) The lady drove off, never to see her in sight again.

I ended up in the hospital getting everything checked out. My right arm is back in place but it still hurts like a *****, and now hours after, my endorphins from my adrenaline are gone, and my feet, legs, knees, and arms are completely racked with pain. Luckily I got my Lidio tuner today! Will be testing it tomorrow with my bandaged left arm :)

Drive safe guys, and ALWAYS look before you turn. I would greatly appreciate that. :)

PS Will post the new bondurant pages when I feel I can remember the rest. lol

08-10-2005, 01:07 AM

Glad to hear you'll be ok.

Hang in there.

Mike Poore
08-10-2005, 03:51 AM
Hey guys,

At about 6pm today I was involved in a sort of crash. I was on my motorcycle and I was just cruising at about 30 mph.... This lady decides to veer into my lane without looking, barrelling her car toward me. Soccer Moms, the biker's worst nightmare. Sorry to hear about you're having to drop the bike. ..right now I too angry to say more. :mad:

08-10-2005, 04:26 AM
Sorry to hear the bad news, glad you made it! Will be praying for your quick and full recovery from the bumps, bruises and scrapes, -kjs-

08-10-2005, 05:24 AM

Glad your OK!!
Hope the bike didn't get too much damage, but the important thing is you are OK.
What can you say, most drivers are a POS. I have been riding for 25 years and I would have to say that drivers are more aware of bikes now than they used to be because there are so many more out there. I would have someone pull out in front of me (like RIGHT in front of me) once a week.
Of course, loud pipes seem to help.:D

Now if we can only get everyone to use handsfree cell phones. :)

08-10-2005, 05:27 AM
Soccer Moms, the biker's worst nightmare. Sorry to hear about you're having to drop the bike. ..right now I too angry to say more. :mad:

i know what you mean.... :mad2:

08-10-2005, 05:29 AM
Glad you can tell us about it. Would rather you didn't have to, but.. you know what I mean...

These two articles (related) really make me think that motorcyclists should be allowed to beat up any cager that causes one of our own to fall:

And then the follow up... the SUV driver sues!

08-10-2005, 05:33 AM
Soccer Moms, the biker's worst nightmare. Sorry to hear about you're having to drop the bike. ..right now I too angry to say more. :mad:

^^^what he said!^^^

Look at the bright side, at least you can post about it bro!

08-10-2005, 05:37 AM
Any people wonder why the American Motorcyclist Association takes such a stand against people in cages who try to kill motorcyclists. I wish that some of the states had the guts to prosecute people like that broad for attempted vehicle manslaughter. Putting a few of them in prison to learn about real pain would help things a bit.

Just look at the number of cage drivers who get off with NO PUNISHMENT when the motorcyclist dies.

Thank god you are OK. I wish that woman will have her children hit in a similar manner, but not be as lucky as you were.

She deserves everything that happens to her in life.


08-10-2005, 05:43 AM
Thank god you are OK. I wish that woman will have her children hit in a similar manner, but not be as lucky as you were.

She deserves everything that happens to her in life.


Holy $h!t Dan!!!

2003 MIB
08-10-2005, 06:22 AM
Now if we can only get everyone to use handsfree cell phones.
Huge problem in Dallas...there ought to be a law.

I'm glad you're okay, Reaper. Minor injuries fade away and the rest is all stuff that can be fixed. You were lucky (I know it doesn't seem like it now).

08-10-2005, 07:36 AM
That's a nightmare of mine, sorry to hear you had to go through it.

Just the other night I saw a Chicago cab sit at an intersection until the opposing direction gets the yellow, then FLOOR IT while still having the red and not noticing a biker is already 10 feet away from the intersection. There was a lot of swerving from the biker, luckily no fall, but I wanted to beat the snot out of that cab driver.

08-10-2005, 08:31 AM
Reaper, glad you are OK. Heal fast.
I see idiot driving every day, some are in cars/trucks/SUVs, some are on motorcycles. I travel only a few miles to work each day, but I am convinced that about ninety percent of the other drivers are out to hit me. Between the generic idiots and the ME Firsters, it gets more dangerous every year.

Dave Compson
08-10-2005, 08:40 AM
Glad you are still with us. People suck that are not aware of their surroundings and drive poorly. Hope she gets what she deserves later in life. And, i hope the bike survives.

08-10-2005, 08:44 AM
Glad to see your OK.

08-10-2005, 08:52 AM
Thanks 4 the support guys.... Ahh at least now the endorphins are gone, now I can feel everything that really hurts lol ........... What can you do? **** happens to all of us, I can't say I wasn't pissed off when I got up --

The bike is for the most part, fine. I put frame sliders on it, so most of the damage was done to those little plastic thingies, but other than that, there just a couple little scratches on the bodywork, I was planning to do a repaint anyway :D

Oh man, I feel like a 20 year old old person.... I can barely walk everything is so sore, and my right arm feels like it's hanging on by a thread- the road rash is the least of my troubles :rolleyes:

08-10-2005, 06:27 PM
Sorry about the accident. :( Hope you are feeling better soon.

Mike Poore
08-10-2005, 06:37 PM
Here's something for you folks who don't ride to try. Hold a pencil out at arm's length, yes, a simple little pencil, close one eye. Now get about fifty feet from something and sight on an object the size of a motorcycle that's coming towards you. See? Just that damned little pencil blocks your vision of that oncoming biker. Scary, isn't it.


08-10-2005, 06:40 PM
Glad you are ok.

I just sold my 2004 Yamaha R1 for that very reason. I have seen to many bad motorcycle wrecks and have had two friends killed.

Again, I am glad you are ok!