View Full Version : Omg!

08-12-2005, 01:25 PM
On the way home from work today, I passed a BP station...93 octane is 3.09.9 per gallon.


08-12-2005, 01:27 PM
Whats your usual price?

08-12-2005, 01:27 PM
Does your route home take you through Canada or something?

08-12-2005, 01:30 PM
Crude closed at an all time high again today....$67 a barrel. It was $50 a barrel 3 months ago.

The worse part is that the full effects of this haven't even hit the pumps yet.

08-12-2005, 01:31 PM
Going to work Tuesday I passed a Shell that was $2.72/gal for 93 octane. Going to work today the price was $3.02/gal for 93 octane. 30 cent/gal increase in 4 days, seems kinda bogus to me. And that $3.02/gal changed to $2.96/gal when I was going home 5 hours later.

08-12-2005, 01:33 PM
It's 2.67 for 93 @ Mobil in Wisconsin. Good thing I'm staying for another week :D

08-12-2005, 01:34 PM
On the way home from work today, I passed a BP station...93 octane is 3.09.9 per gallon.

I have recomputed my gasoline budget to get to Marauderville III and it looks like I'll only be able to make it to Cleveland. I'll be looking for a ride the rest of the way !!! :rolleyes:

J/K !!! :rofl:

08-12-2005, 01:36 PM
Its not bogus. Crude Oil price is determined by world market....supply and demand. Its not controlled by US based oil companies, so forget that notion.

Crude has risen 45% in 2005!!

BTW, Bloomberg says to expect continued price increases.

We haven'y seen the worst of it by a long shot.

08-12-2005, 01:45 PM
Does anyone have some extra Vasoline? :eek:

08-12-2005, 01:57 PM
Crude closed at an all time high again today....$67 a barrel. It was $50 a barrel 3 months ago.

The worse part is that the full effects of this haven't even hit the pumps yet.And they said that by Labor Day, it will be at least $70.00 a barrel and to expect our gas to be higher then it is now. I seen the gas jump well over .10 a gallon in the past week here :( . I talked to my girlfriend in OK over a week ago, and their gas prices were at least .10 to .12 a gallon higher then here in Detroit.

08-12-2005, 02:00 PM
Does anyone have some extra Vasoline? :eek: Sorry, that's petroleum based too, so, no grease.

08-12-2005, 02:01 PM
I have recomputed my gasoline budget to get to Marauderville III and it looks like I'll only be able to make it to Cleveland. I'll be looking for a ride the rest of the way !!! :rolleyes:

J/K !!! :rofl::rofl: I have some friends in Cleveland with Siberian Huskies. Maybe you can get a ride the rest of the way to Detroit via a dog team and training cart :lol: . Dog food may be cheaper the gas :D . Keema is a retired lead dog and will help you get part way back home......:D. May it is time for me to pull out those dog sleds again :P

08-12-2005, 02:04 PM
Its not bogus. Crude Oil price is determined by world market....supply and demand. Its not controlled by US based oil companies, so forget that notion.
I would find this a little easier to swallow if the oil companies would stop posting their "obscene" annual profit margins in the 30% range. :mad:

08-12-2005, 02:11 PM
On the way home from work today, I passed a BP station...93 octane is 3.09.9 per gallon.


Holy Crap. :depress:
I have to stay out of these gas threads while I am contemplating spending $6K on more go fast goodies.(I won't say SC in here) Oh what the hell.......its been a long time since I busted in on one of Mac's threads. ;)

08-12-2005, 02:20 PM
I would find this a little easier to swallow if the oil companies would stop posting their "obscene" annual profit margins in the 30% range. :mad:

I'm not going to sit here and defend the oil companies. They do make good profits. BUT, it appears you might be getting your news from ill sources.

Unocal, the world's largest oil company, posted the following in thier 2004 annual report:

Revenue $ 8.2 Billion
Net Earnings $ 1.2 Billion

That's about a 15% bottom line.

However, they also spent $ 1.7 Billion in capital expenditures and drilling/exploration R&D not deducted in the calculation of net income.

So, essentially, they spent more in cash investing in refinery and drilling equipment than they earned for the year.

A quick review of the world's other large oil companies yields similar information. The huge spike in demand has crushed supply and has driven up the price. The price is high because supply is very limited and HUGE dollars are being spent on exploration and drilling to bolster supply. Overly simplified explanation? Yes, but accurate enough to explain what we are seeing.

LOL....its amazing how popular it is right now to "demonize" corporate america and oil companies. When people get scared about things they don't understand, they want to look for scapegoats. The sensationlist media only makes things worse. Anger sells.

Okay...back to the regularly scheduled program.

EDIT - BTW, you can find Unocal's annual reports history HERE (http://ir.unocal.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=111875&p=irol-SECText&TEXT=aHR0cDovL2NjYm4uMTBrd2l6Y XJkLmNvbS94bWwvZmlsaW5nLnhtbD9 yZXBvPXRlbmsmaXBhZ2U9MzMyMDMxM SZkb2M9MSZudW09MQ==)

08-12-2005, 02:20 PM
Holy Crap. :depress:
I have to stay out of these gas threads while I am contemplating spending $6K on more go fast goodies.(I won't say SC in here) Oh what the hell.......its been a long time since I busted in on one of Mac's threads. ;) It's great to see you posting again, Sam, we missed you.

08-12-2005, 02:31 PM
LOL....its amazing how popular it is right now to "demonize" corporate america and oil companies. When people get scared about things they don't understand, they want to look for scapegoats. True, however, what I don't understand why gasoline at the pump instantly skyrockets, when other oil products on the shelves in auto parts stores and at the Jiffy Lube do not. Isn't there some kind of "float" involved here? When crude hits 67 bucks a barrel, as it did today, it will be weeks before that gasoline is in our tanks. Yet, I'm watching this pump monkey change the sign and pumps while I'm listening to closing market reports on the radio! WTF?

What happens to this extra cash between the announcement, and the next delivery truck? The stuff underground at the gas station still cost them .30 cents less per gallon, right? It just doesn't add up for me. On a simple radio broadcast, my pump prices go up instantly, and I don't get that.

08-12-2005, 02:32 PM
It's great to see you posting again, Sam, we missed you. ^^^DITTO!! ^^^

Agent M79
08-12-2005, 03:10 PM
Here is a basic outline of gasoline pricing. Don't know if it answers all the questions asked here. CLEEEK (http://money.howstuffworks.com/gas-price.htm)

There are alternatives that emulate the current model using different technologies and consumables. All require real infrastructure that doesn't exist yet. All end up with a model that is similar to current distribution methods which means if you are unhappy with capitalism now you will be for the remainder of your life time because it isn't going to change.

The reason companies make profits is because we buy their products or through our lifestyles promote dependence on profit making infrastructures. People who elect to live lives where these dependencies are minimized are viewed as people on 'the fringe'.

Do some research into 'living within your means', 'frugal living', 'living off the grid', ... you get the picture. There you will not find realistic mention of SUVs, 3000sq.ft. homes, accuring credit debt. You will find information on minimizing energy use, making wise financial choices, and building a lifestyle that does not create dependence on infrastructures, materials, and consumables that you find abhorent that companies make money on because you buy their stuff.

Don't like gas prices? Start building a life where gas use is minimized, or better yet eliminated.

08-12-2005, 03:37 PM
^^^DITTO!! ^^^

Thanks Mac and Mary.
Its great to be back. I didn't realize how much I missed you guys until I came wandering back in. The people on this site are the best on the web. :banana2:

I have made some lifelong friendships here. :beer:

08-12-2005, 03:44 PM
May it is time for me to pull out those dog sleds again :P
Well Donna...I can attest that it has snowed here on some pretty unusual dates...that may be a possibility.

08-12-2005, 03:50 PM
Just saw. Premium unleaded here is 2.68.9

Agent M79
08-12-2005, 04:19 PM
Just saw. Premium unleaded here is 2.68.9
2.729 here. And I do nothing but make it worse on myself with my twitchy trigger foot.

08-12-2005, 04:21 PM
:D Never fear....if there is no snow and we can not use sleds, we well just use the training rig for those huskies:D Husky saying: will Mush for food

In both pics....Keema is the red husky in lead.

Well Donna...I can attest that it has snowed here on some pretty unusual dates...that may be a possibility.

08-12-2005, 04:24 PM
On the way home from work today, I passed a BP station...93 octane is 3.09.9 per gallon.


:Gulp: This trip to Woodward's gonna hurt. $800 ball park for gas :depress:

08-12-2005, 05:07 PM
Since last Friday I have spent $130 on gas for both cars. I guess I wll be driving the PT for a while now. You guys won't mind me at the Dream Cruise in my PT now will you???? :rolleyes:

08-12-2005, 05:08 PM
Unocal, the world's largest oil company, posted the following in thier 2004 annual report:

Revenue $ 8.2 Billion
Net Earnings $ 1.2 Billion

That's about a 15% bottom line.
World's Largest??? That must be on the production and drilling end only. Exxon-Mobil posted revenues of $291.252 Billion in 2004, Net Income of $25.333 Billion, while providing returns of 26.4% and 26.2% to shareholders in each of the last two years. The numbers for Unocal pale in comparison. H3LL, their entire revenue stream is only 1/3 of Exxon-Mobil's Net. I'd bet British Petroleum is even bigger. :rolleyes:

My only point in this is that the oil companies across the board are doing pretty well ... be it 15% or 26% or 30%. Yet, they take every opportunity and lame excuse to stick it to the consumer who has little in the way of real options. Few other industries can get away with the profit margins that the oil companies do.

OK, I will quit complaining now and let some else have a chance on the :soapbox:

08-12-2005, 07:23 PM
The local Giant Eagle offers .10 cents off per gallon (at their fueling station) for each $50 spent on groceries.

Jessica saved up $500 worth of credit meaning we would theoretically get $1.00 off per gallon.

We weren't quite sure what the specific rules were...but decided to take the chance tonight and roll BOTH the Aviator and MM up there. It ends up that our vehicle fill tank side are opposite....so we pulled in together and I back right up against her rear bumper so that the hose reaches both tanks. We figure at best, it's a one time deal once you enter your code into the pump.

We filled both cars to the brim only to discover just as the Aviator is nearly full, the pump slows down to a crawl as it closes in on 30 gallons. That was apparently the limit.

30 gallons of 93 at $1.75 = $52.50.

Not too shabby.

I wonder how long they'll keep this promotion going?:cool:

08-12-2005, 07:56 PM
The local Giant Eagle offers .10 cents off per gallon (at their fueling station) for each $50 spent on groceries.

Jessica saved up $500 worth of credit meaning we would theoretically get $1.00 off per gallon.

We weren't quite sure what the specific rules were...but decided to take the chance tonight and roll BOTH the Aviator and MM up there. It ends up that our vehicle fill tank side are opposite....so we pulled in together and I back right up against her rear bumper so that the hose reaches both tanks. We figure at best, it's a one time deal once you enter your code into the pump.

We filled both cars to the brim only to discover just as the Aviator is nearly full, the pump slows down to a crawl as it closes in on 30 gallons. That was apparently the limit.

30 gallons of 93 at $1.75 = $52.50.

Not too shabby.

I wonder how long they'll keep this promotion going?:cool:

A very good deal :D :cool: :up:

08-12-2005, 08:22 PM
Holy Crap. :depress:
I have to stay out of these gas threads while I am contemplating spending $6K on more go fast goodies.(I won't say SC in here) Oh what the hell.......its been a long time since I busted in on one of Mac's threads. ;)

Hi Sam, god to see you back---hope all is O K at your place--it would be nice if you joined us at our picnic on Oct 22nd at Grapevine Lake--planning a big turn-out--check the North Texas Marauders site for info--Again, glad you are back, Maury :banana2:

08-12-2005, 09:02 PM
True, however, what I don't understand why gasoline at the pump instantly skyrockets, when other oil products on the shelves in auto parts stores and at the Jiffy Lube do not. Isn't there some kind of "float" involved here? When crude hits 67 bucks a barrel, as it did today, it will be weeks before that gasoline is in our tanks. Yet, I'm watching this pump monkey change the sign and pumps while I'm listening to closing market reports on the radio! WTF?

What happens to this extra cash between the announcement, and the next delivery truck? The stuff underground at the gas station still cost them .30 cents less per gallon, right? It just doesn't add up for me. On a simple radio broadcast, my pump prices go up instantly, and I don't get that.
It's simple we need gas so we can't afford to protest. Thus the prices will continue to go up and up.

BTW, filled up at Quicktrip today and my knees buckled when i saw it was $2.75 a gallon . And they were usually the cheaper places.

08-12-2005, 09:13 PM
The real story is this ... The last refinery built in the U.S. was completed in 1976.

In the last 25 years, the number of U.S. refineries has
fallen by half, from 308 in 1979 to 146, according to the U.S.
Department of Energy. The last one built was Marathon Oil Corp.'s
plant in Garyville, Louisiana, dedicated in 1976.

How many times have you seen a oil company merger or takeover end with the closing of an excess refinery or because it's too expensive to maintain or update? All the while, shrinking the actual capacity in the U.S. refinery base, why are people surprized when prices for "refined" oil products are subject to a tremendous price swing on the slightest disruption to the remaining refineries.

"Refineries have closed rather than make the capital
investments required to meet increasing environmental
regulations," says Bill Greehey, 68, chief executive of San
Antonio-based Valero Energy Corp., the third-largest U.S. oil
refiner. "More closures are expected, primarily smaller

While refinery closures over the last few decades have been
partly offset by expansion and upgrades at remaining plants,
total U.S. crude oil processing capacity peaked at 18.6 million
barrels a day in 1981.

Capacity today is 16.9 million barrels, up 13 percent from
15 million in 1994, according to the U.S. Department of Energy.

Gasoline consumption will reach 13.3 million barrels daily
by 2025, 46 percent above this year's 9.1 million average, the
government estimates. Domestic refinery capacity will increase 29
percent over the same period, assuming no refineries are built.

U.S. refineries have run at 92.5 percent of capacity, on
average, in the past 12 months, compared with 87.6 percent in

Demand has been outpacing imports and domestic production,
and U.S. gasoline inventories have been below the five-year
average for most of this year.

"Domestic refineries are producing flat-out," says
Representative Joe Barton, 54, a Texas Republican who heads the
House Energy and Commerce Committee. "The lack of refining
capacity needs to be addressed."

So, this is why you see giant jumps at the pumps every summer and after a "big fire" or explosion at a refinery.


08-12-2005, 09:17 PM
Your retailers can be anticipating a near-term shortage of product, so they raise prices to maintain control of their supply and to offset any future lack of supply, which admittedly should only be temporary.

You can always try to report them to your state consumer advocate for price gouging, which is usually illegal under certain conditions.


08-12-2005, 09:48 PM
So, this is why you see giant jumps at the pumps every summer and after a "big fire" or explosion at a refinery.



I agree with you.
There have been reports recently of at least 3 - 5 refineries that have been temporarily closed due to accidents and/or severly needed maintenance.
Whenever this happens the supply of our refined fuels decreases and our overseas demand for OUR refined fuels stays the same.

Yes, I said OVERSEAS DEMAND for OUR refined fuels.
Our refined fuels are the cleanest in the world.
Many countries import their fuels from the US.
So not only are we paying for the high demand, but other countries are as well,
and they are paying a lot more than WE are...

08-12-2005, 09:58 PM
Screw it. I'm buying one of these:

http://www.insightcentral.net/_images/about-side.jpg (http://www.insightcentral.net)

$22,080 MSRP w/ CVT, 57/56 mpg, 65 hp, batteries included

The yin to the Marauder's yang. And its got a VTEC baby!

08-12-2005, 10:48 PM
Screw it. I'm buying one of these:

http://www.insightcentral.net/_images/about-side.jpg (http://www.insightcentral.net)

$22,080 MSRP w/ CVT, 57/56 mpg, 65 hp, batteries included

The yin to the Marauder's yang. And its got a VTEC baby!

And you'll never see that kind of gas mileage.

Make sure you have Bunny's list.
This way when the batteries die, one of us can drive by
and hook up a pull strap to drag you home...

08-13-2005, 02:26 PM
Just wait-a few more years and the 'giant sleeping Panda' (AKA "China") will awaken, get in all their new cars and start competing with us for crude/gasoline reserves. Then you gonna see the price really start to go up.

08-13-2005, 03:27 PM
Screw it. I'm buying one of these:

http://www.insightcentral.net/_images/about-side.jpg (http://www.insightcentral.net/)

$22,080 MSRP w/ CVT, 57/56 mpg, 65 hp, batteries included

The yin to the Marauder's yang. And its got a VTEC baby!I have 65HP on my weed wacker:lol: Sorry, I'll switch to hydrogen, pull it out of my swimming pool and keep my 650hp.:burnout:

08-13-2005, 03:56 PM
I just filled the MM up. At RaceTrack in Orlando, Florida, the cost was $2.66 a gallon for 93 octane.

08-13-2005, 04:30 PM
Just wait-a few more years and the 'giant sleeping Panda' (AKA "China") will awaken, get in all their new cars and start competing with us for crude/gasoline reserves. Then you gonna see the price really start to go up.

No need to wait. China's booming indutrial economy has that country importing oil big time for the first time in history. Until recently, it always exported most of its oil. China's imports stood at 120 mln tons in 2004, becoming the world's second largest oil consumer after Japan. Last year China imported 40.5% of its oil. Next year it will import 42.5%. By 2010 China's daily oil consumption will crest 9.3 million barrels....roughly 37% greater than 2005 consumptions levels.

Donny Carlson
08-13-2005, 05:55 PM
I was swearing under my breath when I filled up two days ago for $2.55 a gallon, up 20 cents from the previous fill up. Today, same station, 2.679.

Eh, if I wanted mileage instead of fun, I'd drive a Civic.

08-15-2005, 08:06 PM
I have 65HP on my weed wacker:lol: Sorry, I'll switch to hydrogen, pull it out of my swimming pool and keep my 650hp.:burnout:
Screw hydrogen, I don't want everyone driving a rolling h-bomb! E85 is the way to go! Alchol fueled cars yeild very high performance with minimal drop in ecconomy. Someone should really try to tune a Marauder to run on E85. That would be awsome.

08-15-2005, 08:24 PM
Guess I'll use bacon grease then while I get bent over.
Sorry, that's petroleum based too, so, no grease.
Haven't filled up in two days(truck was the last one to get it) and was suprised to see premium at 2.999 when it was 2.699 two days ago.

08-15-2005, 09:12 PM
I'm going with one of these: :D


08-16-2005, 08:06 AM
Heck, I am just happy that gas is available at any price. I remember having to figure out which day was my day to buy it on. I am hoping that that the high prices will cause a lot of people to stay off the road, so I can have more FUN without them in my way!

08-16-2005, 12:21 PM
I'm going with one of these: :D


Oh yes. I recognize that. That's the "Flux Capacitor" :D

Donny Carlson
08-16-2005, 01:40 PM
I was swearing under my breath when I filled up two days ago for $2.55 a gallon, up 20 cents from the previous fill up. Today, same station, 2.679.

Eh, if I wanted mileage instead of fun, I'd drive a Civic.

Yeesh. Paid $2.859 for 93 Octane in Hotlanta yesterday.

Bobby Clobber
08-16-2005, 01:52 PM
How about 1.19 a litre for 91 octane here?

4.5 litres cdn = 1 gal cdn

5gal cdn = 6gal US

I figure i'm paying $ 5.35 and change for a gallon here,

so 5/6 of that would be ??????????????????????????????

Around $4.50 cdn

Exchange rate is about 20c on the $ so that 'd be what ?????????

120% of $ 4.50 or $5.40? Hang on to your hats folks it's going to get worse. :depress: :cry: :shake:

08-16-2005, 01:54 PM
I filled up last night at my secret el-cheapo pump, paid 2.83.9. Drove by this morning, 3.01.9. Can you imagine prices in Hawaii, or, Western Europe?

08-16-2005, 02:45 PM
I paid $2.79/gal (93 Oct.) in Hillsbourgh,TX today .....

I guess we've got it better than a lot of folks out there!

08-16-2005, 03:58 PM
We must all 'bite the bullit' to help China develop their industry. We can afford high fuel prices when one considers it really isn't all that high when allowing for inflation. In a few more years (2010?) when Ford is the truck division of Honda we will be able to purchase a subcompact 4 door 'Metro-Marauder' Honda based on a 6 psi supercharged, all alloy 1.0 litre 3 cylinder Suzuki engine that was used in the Geo Metro. I predict it will be an excellent ice racer account light weight and 100 horsepower high output on 80 octane premium gasohol. The CVT transmission will allow for reliable 5000 rpm shifting and be a favorite of soccer-moms and law-enforcement everywhere. Figure about $50,000 retail, plus $5,000 more for supercharging package with special badging included. LEO (only) option will include 10 psi boost for 120 hp! The 113" wheelbase stretch version will be loved by taxi drivers and funeral homes. Gas guzzlers like old '03-'04 Marauders will be crushed under mandatory New World Order legislation but include a generous $1,000 credit on your simplified income tax return. Just mail in a post card with the box checked for your 75% flat rate payroll deduction on mandatory E-transfer to NWO account

08-17-2005, 06:55 AM
We must all 'bite the bullit' to help China develop their industry. We can afford high fuel prices when one considers it really isn't all that high when allowing for inflation. In a few more years (2010?) when Ford is the truck division of Honda we will be able to purchase a subcompact 4 door 'Metro-Marauder' Honda based on a 6 psi supercharged, all alloy 1.0 litre 3 cylinder Suzuki engine that was used in the Geo Metro. I predict it will be an excellent ice racer account light weight and 100 horsepower high output on 80 octane premium gasohol. The CVT transmission will allow for reliable 5000 rpm shifting and be a favorite of soccer-moms and law-enforcement everywhere. Figure about $50,000 retail, plus $5,000 more for supercharging package with special badging included. LEO (only) option will include 10 psi boost for 120 hp! The 113" wheelbase stretch version will be loved by taxi drivers and funeral homes. Gas guzzlers like old '03-'04 Marauders will be crushed under mandatory New World Order legislation but include a generous $1,000 credit on your simplified income tax return. Just mail in a post card with the box checked for your 75% flat rate payroll deduction on mandatory E-transfer to NWO accountI am scared now. That is too close to the truth of what the future might be. Yeeesh. Gives me the willies.

08-17-2005, 08:31 PM
Yah--well who's going to clean up all that dog poop along the highway?

All those guys who have been complaining for years about their wives having a headache at bedtime ought to be happy now. There's not a day that goes by that we aren't getting screwed by a bunch of raghead cameljockeys who are using our money to finance more terrorism. I don't even smoke, but I feel like I should light up a cigarette after I fill the tank. Too many old movies, I guess!

:rofl: I have some friends in Cleveland with Siberian Huskies. Maybe you can get a ride the rest of the way to Detroit via a dog team and training cart :lol: . Dog food may be cheaper the gas :D . Keema is a retired lead dog and will help you get part way back home......:D. May it is time for me to pull out those dog sleds again :P

08-20-2005, 07:50 AM
On the way home from work today, I passed a BP station...93 octane is 3.09.9 per gallon.


I guess it's time for you old guys to trade in your gas-guzzlin Marauders for a more economical Toyota, or a 4-cylinder engine of the like.


Donny Carlson
08-20-2005, 07:55 AM
I guess it's time for you old guys to trade in your gas-guzzlin Marauders for a more economical Toyota, or a 4-cylinder engine of the like.

Nah. Time to make the old lady get a job/second job to pay for gas.

08-20-2005, 08:01 AM
I'm always on the lookout for a 3-wheel bicycle with a big basket in the back. Hey! Old guys? Lisa, 40 will be here before you know it! Has it been explained to you yet how time speeds up as you age? Also, by 2010 4 cylinder cars will be the desirable option with 2 and 3 cylinder engines being standard.
I guess it's time for you old guys to trade in your gas-guzzlin Marauders for a more economical Toyota, or a 4-cylinder engine of the like.


08-20-2005, 08:10 AM
87 is @ 3.17 per gallon in California
Go figure.......................W ere DOOMED

08-20-2005, 09:54 AM
I guess it's time for you old guys to trade in your gas-guzzlin Marauders for a more economical Toyota, or a 4-cylinder engine of the like. :baaa:The Young Guys maybe.

08-20-2005, 10:55 AM
I always said that I would bi itch about gas prices when they were more than bottled water...guess its about time!:lol:

08-20-2005, 04:00 PM
Ahh, gas prices. Every American complains about them but virually all domestic oil drilling and exploration is nixed by the environmentalists. I wonder how many places we could go to find oil. The Greal Lakes? Off the coast of CA? Others?

It galls me. Alas, but it is to be expected from our environmental left.



A reference: http://www.takingliberty.us