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08-23-2005, 10:53 AM
And Scary:
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM-WIDTH: 0px; COLOR: #575757" bgColor=#f6f6f6>"China has a plan to control and dominate the world. And the west is funding it by buying goods from China which China is using to build up its military. As with the old Soviet Union, we should not be trading with them at all.

Don't be naive and think for one moment that China will be peaceful. As soon as China is able to attack at will unopposed, it will attack the west and Japan. Don't think for a minute that a Communist country cares about behaving like a modern nation in a modern world. They want only one thing: power and control.

And where are all the Greenpeace and environmentalists?http://www.japantoday.com/images/gen/tab.gif<WBR> We always hear about how the U.S. consumes so many resources. Why no outcry over China's resource hogging which is affecting energy prices in the west?http://www.japantoday.com/images/gen/tab.gif<WBR>

Would the west have traded with the Soviet Union during the cold war?http://www.japantoday.com/images/gen/tab.gif<WBR>

And JT Mod, why don't you remove posts that contain such offensive anti-American hatred?http://www.japantoday.com/images/gen/tab.gif<WBR> You can remove everyone else's posts, but not this one?http://www.japantoday.com/images/gen/tab.gif<WBR>
</TD></TR><TR><TD bgColor=#ffffff height=10></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM-WIDTH: 0px" bgColor=#e6e6e6>And Gorbachev Said...

<SMALL>FORLEASE http://www.japantoday.com/images/gen/expand.gif (http://www.japantoday.com/e/?content=bbs&order=msg&author=FORLEASE) <NOBR>(Jul 20 2005 - 18:02)</NOBR></SMALL>

</TD></TR><TR><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM-WIDTH: 0px; COLOR: #575757" bgColor=#f6f6f6>"Gentlemen, comrades, do not be concerned about all you hear about

Glasnost and Perestroika and democracy in the coming years. They are primarily for outward consumption. There will be no significant internal changes in the Soviet Union, other than for cosmetic purposes.

Our purpose is to disarm the Americans and let them fall asleep.

We want to accomplish three things:

One, we want the Americans to withdraw conventional forces from Europe. [This has already occured under Rumsfeld's 'smaller, lighter military']

Two, we want them to withdraw nuclear forces from Europe. [This has already happened under Clinton with START II Treaty]

Three, we want the Americans to stop proceeding with Strategic Defense Initiative." [This has already happened at the 'end' of the Cold War].

-- Mikhail Gorbachev, 1989

I don't know about you, but Gorbachev's statements are classic preparations for war. When you want to invade and overrun your neighbors, you try to get them to disarm first - by pretending you want peace. Read Sun Tzu's "The Art of War". All Chinese military history and strategy is based on deception.

Don't believe for a second any talk about "disarming" or "new thinking" - that is all just talk to disarm and put the west to sleep so that China can overrun the world."
</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE> w.japantoday.com/e/%3Fcontent%3Dnews%26cat%3D9%26 id%3D343936%26display%3Dall+go rbachev+putting+the+west+to+sl eep&hl=en

FYI: http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20050823/ap_on_re_as/china_russia_1

Now go back to sleep;)

08-23-2005, 12:54 PM
It was always China's goal (after the communist take over) to dominate the world. They've just discovered it will take money to do it, and we are helping them.

We should have been bolstering Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union, not communist China.

That's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.

08-23-2005, 01:06 PM
Well, it's my belief that we will be in a shooting war with China in the late 2008 or early 2009 (if it looks like a Democrat will win the presidential election).

I think that shortly after the 2008 Olympics, China will make a move for Taiwan. China wants the Olympics to go well, but after that there is less to hold them back. We will be faced with a choice: do we honor our commitments or do we fold. If we choose to not defend Taiwan I don't see how we can ever expect another nation to trust us. If we do defend Taiwan, our involvement will primarily involve Naval and Air assets. The cost, while high, will be doable.

Right now France, Germany, and China are building a GPS system completely separate from ours. Knowing the importance of precisely locating targets and weapons, are we willing to take out Euro-owned satellites?

We have decisions to make.

08-23-2005, 01:59 PM
It's all in THE BOOK...willie

08-23-2005, 02:02 PM
All professing Communists are actually Socialists. Communism is an imaginary/theoretical state of the future when government will cease to exist and we will have "international socialism" which is the true definition of Communism. One big hippy-land where we can all hug each other and the trees too. No need for government. Everyone will live in peace and harmony! The Russian doctrine is two steps forward and one step back. National Socialism is merely another form of International Socialism. Thats right, the Nazi's are not really any different than the ('Communist') Russians they fought against. "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need" is not a quote of A. Lincoln or G. Washington as some high school and college students may believe but the socialist doctrine of Stalin as well as Hitler. Just variation on a theme. Like a rapper steeling a Bowie or Led Zepplin riff. Now for 'joke' #1) "A communist is just a socialist that's in a hurry" Next lesson: "Bilderbergers, the new world order, The Council on Foreign Relations in NY city and the Skull and Bones @ Yale!"

08-23-2005, 02:05 PM
Joke #2) A Democrat is just a Repulbican that hasn't been mugged yet.

08-23-2005, 02:32 PM
Wait - I thought Russia didn't have enough money to fight their way out of a paper bag?

China we should be wary of. Their economy is gonna be huge soon.


08-23-2005, 04:20 PM
I volunteer to take 3 Chinese brides. By marrying the Chinese now I can become an ambassador of good will and help in the future New World Order.
Wait - I thought Russia didn't have enough money to fight their way out of a paper bag?

China we should be wary of. Their economy is gonna be huge soon.


08-23-2005, 05:07 PM
I volunteer to take 3 Chinese brides. By marrying the Chinese now I can become an ambassador of good will and help in the future New World Order.

He's gonna take one for the team.

Tom Doan
08-24-2005, 01:29 AM
Dear Master Chief,
Lets not jump overboard before abandoned ship is called.
1. Who wrote the story? Chris Bodeen from the AP. The stinking AP writes the the worst lefty alarmest junk to sell their service, the more it bleeds the more it leads.
2. Who am I: Ex-Navy UDT and Marine Reconnaissance with time behind the commie lines. Started and built a large international repair company that was all Chinese execpt for 5 round eyes, 20 years in the making, fired in hostile take over, now in ShangHai doing it all again.
3."As soon as China is able to attack at will, unopposed, it will" whose quote is this? can he see the future? And what about "unopposed", you beleve the whole world is soft? The Japs might have no military but in two weeks they can be armed to the teeth, and the Koreans are plain whack jobs in the south iching for a fight, meanest bastards I've ever seen. You of all people know the US Navy is the baddest #$%&'s on the earth, you and me do not even know all the toys we have. These knucle heads have not even figured out how to do Under Way Replenishment yet, something we perfected 60 years ago, it's not how big your force is it's how good it is, verticle comand structure is proven over and over to be a losers down fall and the Chinese are the reining masters of it, nobody says squat to the person under them in rank. You and I were forced to learn every department on what ever ship we were on at the time and cross trained till we were zombies and able to do it in the dark.Any American E-5 is better than a Chinese Major.
4. Taiwan, Taiwan will join the mainland without a shot being fired, when the mainland is a better deal than they have now, and its coming. The commies will not hurt their spoiled child, when it is easier to mooch off mom and dad they will move back home just like every kid in the USA. Why? the growing power house you talked about, mom and dad just hit the big times and the living is easy, look at all the Indians moving back to India, same with all the Chinese moving back, when we looked good every collage student ended up staying but now the grass is greener.
5. We are corrupting this place with all the ills we have to offer, and I am doing it just as fast as I can. I still see shacks, but I see AC and satillite dishes on every back wall, this place is sucking up every luxury item we show on MTV. KFC, Buick, Chrysler, Pizza Hut you name it they want it and have the spare money to buy it and are turning into big lard butts fast, just like us.The commies can't stop it, the cat is out of the bag, you want to see a war, try and take KFC away, they seat 600 people at a time and are 3 stories tall. This culture is 5000 years old and they know that communism is just a passing dynasty like all the others. They like the USA, we have had a couple of wars, and they are a pain in the ass to deal with most of the time, but they see the writing on the wall and are trying to have a softer landing than the Russians did. When you read the hard ass generals words about the three evil forces "ethnic separatism" "religious extreamism" and "international terorrism" it boils down to one thing here, China hates Islam more than we do. They try to controll every thing, but know they are a soft target for terorrists.
6. They really LOVE their one kid, and their elders, and have had enough border clashes to know they suck at war and throwing bodies away is not good for the propaganda machine. The internet is unstoppable, the censors try to stop me every day and I get mad, then figure out a way around them, information is freedom, and they like the taste. We are the only fools giving up our freedoms as we spread it around the the world. Sorry for the long rant, I wish I was home, driving my cool car, screwing my cool wife, shooting my cool guns.Tom

08-24-2005, 02:19 AM
It's all in THE BOOK...willieYes Willie, it IS. The Bible fortold the days before the King of Kings himself returns to the earth to rule, that the "Kings of the East" will put together an army of 200 million troops,(only China is capable of that right now) and that army will indeed fight in the last battle on earth in the valley of Megiddo located in the middle East. The battle refered to as "Armageddon". And it's during that last battle on earth that Christ will return, and rip those armies to ribbons. That book of Revealation has some very sobering stuff!!!

China is a sleeping giant. And one that will continue to grow in power. And Isreal will be the target. That's the time clock that's ticking away, and there's no stoping it. Heavy stuff!!

08-24-2005, 03:33 PM
More interesting.

Chinese, Russian Troops Stage Landings

Chinese military helicopters seen during the Sino-Russian military exercise dubbed "Peace Mission 2005" in the northern Chinese province of Shandong, Wednesday, Aug.
August 24, 2005 4:40 PM EDT

SHANGHAI, China - Thousands of Chinese and Russian troops launched a mock amphibious landing on a Chinese beach Wednesday as Moscow's defense minister said the joint war games underscore a growing strategic partnership between the former Cold War adversaries.

Chinese state television showed fog and rain blanketing the coast of the northern Chinese province of Shandong as landing craft disgorged troops and amphibious tanks and armored vehicles in the heavy surf.

Bombers and fighter jets attacked imaginary targets on shore as soldiers charged through seaside scrub and rappelled down ropes from helicopters.

Defense Minister Sergei Ivanov met Wednesday with his Chinese counterpart Cao Gangquan, telling him the unprecedented war games showed their "strategic cooperative partnership has entered into a new stage," China's official Xinhua News Agency said.

Cao replied that the exercises deepened trust and cooperation in military affairs and had "an important realistic significance and profound historic impact on the safeguarding of regional and world peace and security."

The eight-day exercise, dubbed "Peace Mission 2005" and expected to end Thursday, involved about 7,000 Chinese troops and 1,800 Russians, along with state-of-the-art warships, warplanes and armor.

Although the two nations have previously participated in border security exercises involving other Central Asia countries, the joint war games represent the first real military cooperation between them.

Chinese and Russian generals have sought to reassure the region that the exercises aren't directed against any other nation. Under a fictional scenario, the forces have a U.N. mandate to stabilize a country plunged into violence by ethnic strife.

Yet, Chinese media and military analysts say the exercises also are aimed at showing Washington that Russia and China can respond to provocations, especially over Taiwan, which China has vowed to reclaim by force if necessary.

The two nations have also been unnerved by U.S. deployments in the Central Asia and have used their dominance of the six-nation Shanghai Cooperation Organization - whose defense ministers are observing the drills - to demand withdrawals of American forces.

Washington has said it would withdraw from Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan once combat operations in Afghanistan were finished. Last month, however, Uzbekistan ordered U.S. troops to leave the country within 180 days.

Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld said Tuesday the U.S. was monitoring the games, but didn't see them as threatening.

Russia is seen as using the exercises to pitch further sales of weapons to China, one of its leading customers, including long-range strategic bombers able to carry nuclear weapons.

Russia and China fought border skirmishes after falling out in the 1950s. However, ties have strengthened following the rise of autocratic President Vladimir Putin, aided by China's hunger for Russian oil and gas and mutual concerns over U.S. military deployments.
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