View Full Version : Got a free LOF from Ford today...

King Fubar
08-25-2005, 01:30 PM
I go to the local Ford dealer to have my rear tires put on (the LM dealer won't do it) and everything is good. They move the car to the service area in front of the bays and I'm watching it like my kid at the park. I see this service kid look inside and I'm thinking cool he's getting ready to change my tires. Nope, he opened the hood :confused: , so I walk over and tell him the tires are in the trunk not under the hood. He asks me is this yours? :shake: I look at him like he just got off the short bus and say yeah and tell him about the car and he could drool over it after he changes my tires. Then I see this redneck kid go over and take it in the bay, figure I'm good, now just pacing like a father to be at the maternity ward. I look up and here she comes, I do the post rim inspection to find get this, "BLACK!!!" valve stems and caps!!! I catch up to the redneck kid and ask him where's the chrome stems and caps?? He tells me oh we didn't have any chrome stems in the bin they're back there. I tell him he's got 30 seconds for them to be in my pocket. So he runs back and brings them to me and the valve caps are all beat to *****. Needless to say I'm pissed, so I find the lead service writer and ask him if my car suppose to look the same as it came in (thought I might be missing something). He says of couse it does, so I explain the situation and show him the caps and we walk to my car and he says yeah that looks pretty stupid, I said no *****. So we both walk over to talk to Johnboy and he sticks to his no chrome stem excuse, I ask him why are my valve stems all f'd up? He says that they were to tight and he had to use pliers. I tell him my 13 yo daughter put those on when she filled the tires (I fibbed but wanted him to feel like a P :censor: y).

The writer chewed his a$$ and told him hey stupid the car suppose to look the same as it came in. So he told me to bring it in when I get a chance and he'd take care of the stems and threw in an oil change.

I just hope he realizes I'll be working for the dealer that day and watch what goes on.

08-25-2005, 01:58 PM
ISo he told me to bring it in when I get a chance and he'd take care of the stems and threw in an oil change.

I just hope he realizes I'll be working for the dealer that day and watch what goes on.
Personally, I don't think that I would go back to the same place if you had that much trouble. Free oil change or not, it sounds like too much of a chance for screw-ups. :mad:

08-25-2005, 02:02 PM
Good Thing you noticed the Valve Stems and Caps! Not Only that, Our Valve Caps are Hexes. Anyone with half a brain would have reached for a wrench instead of a pair of pliers. I also see you are a bit more patient then I am in the same situation. If my Car came back with the Caps missing and junior over there told me that they dont have any.

But thats just me

08-25-2005, 02:27 PM
Being an ex tire guy I'll tell you how it all went down...

He grabbed your valve caps with a big ol pair of vice grips and yanked them out of the wheels.
This does two things,one removes the old stems, and two removes the air from inside the tire.
Saves about 5 sec. per wheel you know.

Then grabbed a new black rubber stem and pulled it in,installed tire,aired it up(low pressure I bet) put black plastic cap on and called it a day.
Some old guy driving a Grand Marquise will never know the difference.

King Fubar
08-25-2005, 02:33 PM
Some old guy driving a Grand Marquise will never know the difference.

When I first stopped him and asked it did kinda look like his pucker factor rose just a bit.

08-25-2005, 02:57 PM
When I first stopped him and asked it did kinda look like his pucker factor rose just a bit.

When you go back, have the Queen drive the Marauder.

You can pull in right behind her in your police car. :)

08-25-2005, 03:06 PM
Why pull the valve stems to begin with? You're just changing tires, right? Not wheels...This I don't get.

08-25-2005, 03:06 PM
Well it sounds like a good ending to a terrible story:up: :down:

08-25-2005, 03:43 PM
Why pull the valve stems to begin with? You're just changing tires, right? Not wheels...This I don't get.
Lotta places I know replace the stems automatically. Avoids complaints later if the old stem happened to be cracking and then there's a leak: result is a PO'd owner. (also generates another buck or two per wheel, but I'm sure that that has nothing to do with it.)

Of course, with CHROME (HELLO--BRIGHT!! SHINY!!) stems, anybody with more than a room-temperature IQ would maybe think to check with the owner before replacing those with black rubber stems.