View Full Version : ANOTHER Reason Kids Shouldn't Have Licenses! ARGH!!!

08-27-2005, 09:24 PM
I was at the local coffee shop tonight with Viki and two other people just chatting and there were these creepy kids outside. One couldn't have been older than 16, the other no more than 15 and the other no more than 12/13. They were all smoking, and not the normal coffee shop goers. They were driving a white Ford Explorer, mid-90s, dirty. The driver had long greasy hair and they were all dressed in clothes way too big.

I'm driving the Marquis tonight.

The kids get up and start to leave (I guess we got to loud when we came outside, but hey, we were having a good time.) I spent some time across the parking lot talking cars with another guy. While the girls sat about 10 feet from these kids. Either way, those kids get up and leave and about 30 minutes later I decide it's time to take Viki home. It's 10:30.

As I'm walking to my car, I spot across the road and into the next parking lot, behind some bushes their obviously white Explorer.

I drive out of the coffee shop and their lights pop on and they pull out and start to follow.

I turn right at the next light floor it. I start loosing them fairly quickly (I suppose the had a v6) and I wasn't being dangerous. I go about one mile and then through a light, they seem far behind. I pull into a neighborhood (slowly) and take my second left into a circular driveway. They pull in and pass, but I guess I jumped the gun out of the neighborhood too early. They flip around really quick and start pursuit again. I try another place to hide and think I loose them but no, they come out on the other end. Finally I pull into and apartment complex and back into a spot beside a police car. I turn off my lights and wait. They almost take a left and then see me and pull around and wait, they won't come close. I decide that since I'm behind them to pull up and tag their license plate (I do, 432-TEX) and I go to the right of the car and pull out of their and down the road again. I'm going fairly slow, roughly 2 or 3 mph under while I call highway patrol. They put me on hold while I watch these kids follow me for 3 or so miles. The dispatcher gets on and says that he's put an APB out on the car to all units in the area. I hope so. I do not want to go back to Viki's house and I'm not feeling good about them following me since I think it's because I've got her in my car.

To make an even longer story short they see me on my cell and turn the other way, I go back that way (since I have to) and they were no longer following me, nor could they see me over a quarter mile back. I drop Viki off and continue home with no more problems.

WTF is up with kids!? I THINK they go to my school but I'm not 100% sure. Either way, that was no game, and I was not wanting to play around.

My best bet is that these kids were smoking something other than tobacco and driving without a license. Argh. Someone needs to beat their kids once in a while. At least I wasn't confrontational.

08-27-2005, 09:50 PM
Be careful James ! I know I don't have to tell you but there's a lot of nuts out there. Don't know if you saw my post but I got rear ended at a stop light tonight and the other car ran. The main reason I didn"d pursue them further after getting their tag is you just don't know what kind of people you are dealing with out there these days. I don't want to lose any of our marauder family to some nut on the street. Probobly just kids but you hear of stuff like that getting out of hand every day with tragic endings. You handled it right by reporting it. Glad it worked out OK.

08-27-2005, 11:21 PM
I'd watch out too, but let the kids have their licences just leave the low life idiots on their own.

08-28-2005, 01:03 AM
Is there something you did to provoke them?? Or They just a bunch of Tools that have nothing better to do?

08-28-2005, 06:50 AM
We didn't really pursue, and I was trying to avoid them at all costs. I don't care what age they are, they were driving which means they were capable of anything and I had a female in the car which made me even more nervous about their intentions.

I think one of the kids mumbled a comment about them smoking at such a young age but I said nothing, the only thing I did was see them there.

08-28-2005, 08:24 AM
We didn't really pursue.....[/i].

James, you know I love you and I always enjoy reading your posts but, isn't that like saying someone is a "little" pregnant?

I think one of the kids mumbled a comment about them smoking at such a young age but I said nothing, the only thing I did was see them there.

More of the story starts to get revealed.....

08-28-2005, 10:10 AM
James, you go give those "young" kids the what-fer! You show them how life is not all beer and slackin' once you reach the ripe old age of . . .

uh, 18? :D


08-28-2005, 11:53 AM
No, we didn't pursue in the sense that we were not actively going after them. We were behind them by about 3/4's of a mile simply because that's the only we had to go back home.

I was trying to stay out of their line of site the entire time.

James, you know I love you and I always enjoy reading your posts but, isn't that like saying someone is a "little" pregnant?

More of the story starts to get revealed.....

08-28-2005, 06:09 PM
LOL... you sure they just weren't huge Grand Marquis Fans and they just wanted to tell you about a website dedicated to them? http://mercurymarauder.net/forums/images/smilies/biggrin.gif

I kid, I kid.

08-28-2005, 10:43 PM
James, you go give those "young" kids the what-fer! You show them how life is not all beer and slackin' once you reach the ripe old age of . . .

uh, 18? :D

I've always been like that (straight edge which means no smoke, drugs or drink) and it annoys everyone my age. Don't care. I won't be drying when their dieing.

08-29-2005, 04:13 AM
18? I have a kid that age.

08-29-2005, 07:04 AM
I've always been like that (straight edge which means no smoke, drugs or drink) and it annoys everyone my age. Don't care. I won't be drying when their dieing.
Keep on annoying them, Motorhead. It takes a much bigger set of cojones to walk your own path than to do what everyoe else does. Plus - pot, alcohol, crack etc. and fast cars don't mix well at all.

08-29-2005, 07:12 AM
I was at the local coffee shop tonight with Viki and two other people just chatting and there were these creepy kids outside. One couldn't have been older than 16, the other no more than 15 and the other no more than 12/13. They were all smoking, and not the normal coffee shop goers. They were driving a white Ford Explorer, mid-90s, dirty. The driver had long greasy hair and they were all dressed in clothes way too big.

I'm driving the Marquis tonight.

The kids get up and start to leave (I guess we got to loud when we came outside, but hey, we were having a good time.) I spent some time across the parking lot talking cars with another guy. While the girls sat about 10 feet from these kids. Either way, those kids get up and leave and about 30 minutes later I decide it's time to take Viki home. It's 10:30.

As I'm walking to my car, I spot across the road and into the next parking lot, behind some bushes their obviously white Explorer.

I drive out of the coffee shop and their lights pop on and they pull out and start to follow.

I turn right at the next light floor it. I start loosing them fairly quickly (I suppose the had a v6) and I wasn't being dangerous. I go about one mile and then through a light, they seem far behind. I pull into a neighborhood (slowly) and take my second left into a circular driveway. They pull in and pass, but I guess I jumped the gun out of the neighborhood too early. They flip around really quick and start pursuit again. I try another place to hide and think I loose them but no, they come out on the other end. Finally I pull into and apartment complex and back into a spot beside a police car. I turn off my lights and wait. They almost take a left and then see me and pull around and wait, they won't come close. I decide that since I'm behind them to pull up and tag their license plate (I do, 432-TEX) and I go to the right of the car and pull out of their and down the road again. I'm going fairly slow, roughly 2 or 3 mph under while I call highway patrol. They put me on hold while I watch these kids follow me for 3 or so miles. The dispatcher gets on and says that he's put an APB out on the car to all units in the area. I hope so. I do not want to go back to Viki's house and I'm not feeling good about them following me since I think it's because I've got her in my car.

To make an even longer story short they see me on my cell and turn the other way, I go back that way (since I have to) and they were no longer following me, nor could they see me over a quarter mile back. I drop Viki off and continue home with no more problems.

WTF is up with kids!? I THINK they go to my school but I'm not 100% sure. Either way, that was no game, and I was not wanting to play around.

My best bet is that these kids were smoking something other than tobacco and driving without a license. Argh. Someone needs to beat their kids once in a while. At least I wasn't confrontational.I had sort of a similar experience when I was in college at UCF. Drunk (or stoned, maybe?) rednecks in a huge 4WD pickup messing with a college kid in a 6cyl Monarch. I was sober, knew the roads around school like th back of my hand. they followed me off campus, I snagged a side road and floored, looped back to campus. They vanished when they finally realized I led them into the campus police parking lot. The drunk idiots actually followed me into the campus cop parking lot, maked with big UCF Police signs. Dumbazzes. :rofl:

08-30-2005, 10:02 AM
When I was 18 or 19 I had friends and I had enemies like any other teen and the few times someone was following me to 'beat my azz' or whatever I just let them follow me to the police station.

Thats my advice in the future for you...just let them follow you to the nearest police/sheriff/state patrol station, or even fire station if thats whats closest, and ask if they want to come inside with you.

The cloak and dagger attempts through neighborhoods will only make them feel like they have accomplished thier goal in scaring you.

08-30-2005, 10:32 AM
I've always been like that (straight edge which means no smoke, drugs or drink) and it annoys everyone my age. Don't care. I won't be drying when their dieing.
Oh like you'll honestly die if you take a few shots of whisky. Dude, don't do that to yourself, trust me, when you have zero friends or buddies to hang out with later in life, you'll regret it. I'm not saying to be very liberal about what you do, just don't be so uptight about everything and be smart about it!

08-30-2005, 10:39 AM
Steven -

You're not actually encouraging underage drinking, are ya? ;)

(Motorhead is 19 according to his info.)

I always tell everyone I gave up drinking in high school, which is true. The students look at me, puzzled, and don't know whether I never drank or just drank in HS. That's good enough for me.

I figure I save enough money each year by not drinking and smoking (and playing golf) that I can afford, well, a Marauder. :D


Oh like you'll honestly die if you take a few shots of whisky. Dude, don't do that to yourself, trust me, when you have zero friends or buddies to hang out with later in life, you'll regret it. I'm not saying to be very liberal about what you do, just don't be so uptight about everything and be smart about it!

08-30-2005, 10:40 AM
Hey look!

I'm Penguin Bashing Champion again.

Uh, just like everyone else, I guess.


08-30-2005, 10:52 AM
Steven -

You're not actually encouraging underage drinking, are ya? ;)

(Motorhead is 19 according to his info.)

I always tell everyone I gave up drinking in high school, which is true. The students look at me, puzzled, and don't know whether I never drank or just drank in HS. That's good enough for me.

I figure I save enough money each year by not drinking and smoking (and playing golf) that I can afford, well, a Marauder. :D

-A Hey, he could be Canadian for all we know and it is 19 up there. Unless you're French living in Montreal and it is 18 there. All I'm trying to say that is if you live life being up tight, not willing to get messed up even a little, you will reget not having a fun and slightly crazzy young adulthood later on. I'm not saying to totally get screwed up, just have fun. No need to be such a prick about it or be cold turkey, etc. And as far as I'm concered, the drinking age should be 19/20 in the U.S. It used to be 18 like twenty years ago or so anyway.

08-30-2005, 11:34 AM
Oh like you'll honestly die if you take a few shots of whisky. Dude, don't do that to yourself, trust me, when you have zero friends or buddies to hang out with later in life, you'll regret it. I'm not saying to be very liberal about what you do, just don't be so uptight about everything and be smart about it!

If you don't have any friends 'cause you don't drink then you're hangin' in the wrong places. Don't drink just to "fit in." I did that and wasted most of my younger adult life. Since I've been sober (going on 20 years), I've gained some REAL friends. I can count on one hand, (with several fingers left over) how many of my "drinking friends" are still in my life.

08-30-2005, 11:39 AM
If you don't have any friends 'cause you don't drink then you're hangin' in the wrong places. Don't drink just to "fit in." I did that and wasted most of my younger adult life. Since I've been sober (going on 20 years), I've gained some REAL friends. I can count on one hand, (with several fingers left over) how many of my "drinking friends" are still in my life.
Yeah there is merit in that too. Some people are just in it or are just your friends for the money so you can buy the stuff and they end up drinking most of it and that is wrong. I understand what you are saying too. A lot of people that drink/ smoke pot do end up going no where in life. Some change and still do stuff on the side but they tone it down so they can succeed and get a job. You should be careful who you talk to and what you do to an extent but don't be so close minded to everything that you're afraid to try it. Now obviously, you aren't going to remain friends with everyone you talked to in your late teens/ early tewnties but if you spend a good deal of time atleast hanging out with some of em, you'll have some good friends to help get you through the rest of your life.