View Full Version : KALIFORNIA :( Enough is ENOUGH!!

08-29-2005, 08:30 PM


08-29-2005, 08:33 PM
Just sounds like one guy reaching into another guy's pocket if you ask me :rolleyes:

08-29-2005, 08:56 PM
Just sounds like one guy reaching into another guy's pocket if you ask me :rolleyes:Sounds a little different from the non-protection of US citizens from Mad Cow disease to me!

Every stall tactic and then some used to prevent complete protection until
some other countries decided not to allow our beef into their borders...

Wouldn't want them rancher buddy contributors mad now would we...

I suppose that the fast food fry guys have lobbiests with sacks of money too!


08-29-2005, 09:55 PM
mad cow? It was funny watching the findings of the first case of mad cow in the US was from a cow imported from Canada , and the Canadian government vehemently denying it until they no longer could.

Whose rancher 'buddy' contributors are they they?

08-29-2005, 09:58 PM
"I know from personal experience that, while these snacks may not be a necessary part of a healthy diet, they sure taste good," Lockyer said in a statement. "But I, and all consumers, should have the information we need to make informed decisions about the food we eat."

Yes we do need to be protected from ourselves. Every product should come with a three foot long fold out, printed in micro lettering, that must be read, signed, and forwarded to the appropriate watch-dog group before consumption takes place

Al Goguen
08-30-2005, 04:26 AM
I think we should put a fence around Calf and not allow any products in
that they have brought a case against....See how long they like that.
The Bastages would starve, and I would give to cents....they deserve
what they get...."The Peoples Republic of":lol: