View Full Version : Send Stuff To Katrina Victims

09-01-2005, 07:09 PM
it took me a while to find an organization close to the hurricane that is actually accepting in-kind items to distribute directly to people in need. I found a company that posted something on Craigslist.org and am reprinting this imformation below.


Subject: Help American Hurricane Refugees
Date: 9/1/2005, 2:40 AM
From: CoffeeCup Team


As many of you know CoffeeCup Software is a socially active company. In the past our users have raised over 1 million dollars for September 11th efforts and over $50,000 dollars for victims of the Asian Tsunami.

Hurricane Katrina has given us a different challenge. We have accessed the situation and have found a way we can all help. Since CoffeeCup Software is located in Corpus Christi, Texas (a couple of hours south of Houston), we are calling upon anyone who receives this e-mail to send 'Goods' to our office. This will directly help the thousands upon thousands of American refugees that will be entering Houston, Beaumont, and througout Texas within the next days and weeks.

Our office will collect what you send and will drive these items by cargo truck to the refugees where they are located. Over 25,000 people will arrive at the Houston Astrodome tonight and we expect many waves of refugees over the next month. We will collect items for the next 60 days and will make trips once a week or more as needed.

Currently many Charitable organizations are overwhelmed and we want to make sure the Families and Children will be given what they really need without wait. Send as much as you wish, we have plenty of storage.

Some items we believe they need are:

Diapers, Baby Wipes, Infant Care Items
Personal Care Items (soap, razors, shaving cream, toothpaste, hygeine items)
Clothing (socks, underwear, shirts, shoes, pants, shirts)
Long Distance Calling Cards, Batteries, FM Radios, Walkie-Talkies
Toys (coloring books, crayons, puzzles, any activity toy)
and more....

Our Address is:

CoffeeCup Software
c/o Hurricane Aid
226 South Tancahua Street
Corpus Christi, Texas 78401

You can also order things online at places like Amazon.com, WalMart.com, Target.com, and others and have them sent directly to our offices as well.

Please do not send food, water, or money. This will be handled by Organized Charities. Send what you would personally want if you were placed in a very uncomfortbale position for a very long time with little or no money (use your best judgement).

We will be documenting our efforts by Web Cam and Pictures and these will be posted on our Website soon.

If you would like to Donate money you can do that here:
http://www.houstonredcross.org/ or http://national.unitedway.org/

"We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give."
- Sir Winston Churchill

Thank you so very much again,

Nick Longo
CEO CoffeeCup Software, Inc.

09-02-2005, 04:42 AM
I personally send money to the Salvation Army, vice the Red Cross for a number of reasons.;)

09-02-2005, 05:20 AM
I personally send money to the Salvation Army, vice the Red Cross for a number of reasons.;)


09-02-2005, 06:02 AM
yes... I have sent money and I agree that in most cases this is the best thing to do. HOWEVER.... I still see images of people in dire immediate need and since I now know of a way to get useful items directly into their hands without the red tape of a large charitable organization I will use this company and ship them childrens toys, clothes, personal care items, etc. With days they will be put to use by people who need it.

So, keep sending money to organizations - I am all for that; but if you have some items that people could use right now, why not box them up and ship them today.

09-02-2005, 11:14 AM
Rick, did you find any repositories in Chicago taking clothing donation? I ask because I may have access to about 300 pieces of new clothing, and that may be helpful. BTW, thanks for a job well done on this.

09-02-2005, 11:38 AM
There are some churches on the south side that are trucking things down. One of our people says there is a church around 51st and Keeler accepting goods to transport down there.

I figured I might as well ship what I have directly to the company in Corpus Christi who will delivery locally immediately. Afterall, I have regular UPS pickups every day. Besides, with the price of gas, it would probably cost me more to drive it to the south side than to ship via UPS.

Rick, did you find any repositories in Chicago taking clothing donation? I ask because I may have access to about 300 pieces of new clothing, and that may be helpful. BTW, thanks for a job well done on this.

09-02-2005, 12:33 PM
You're right, shipping directly to the scene of recovery will get stuff in victim's hands the quickest. Thanks, Rick.

09-02-2005, 07:35 PM
I ended up shipping 82 pounds of stuff today. incuded among the clothes and toys was 100 boxes of crayons.

More to ship next week.

09-05-2005, 07:55 AM
BUMP!!!! Please help

09-08-2005, 04:50 PM
I just checked their website [ www.coffeecup.com ] and they had a news crew out there today to do a piece on the over 400 boxes of stuff they have received. There is a link to the video on their site. So far I've sent five big boxes; more to ship tomorrow.

Let's not forget that there are hundreds of thousands of people in immediate need down there. If it was a tragedy that hit downtown Chicago, I know I'd be real grateful to any help i received. Perhaps an outpouring of support will take a kid who is borderline and keep him on the "straight and narrow" by showing him that the world is behind him when he is in need.