View Full Version : You gotta see this

09-03-2005, 04:48 AM
The looting and all, but the police ?
http://www.flurl.com/featured_entry.php?action=view _entry&id=16


This picture is NOT good evidence to me. The guy loooks like he is actually shopping.
However check out the link video. I guess there's one (or two) in every crowd.

09-03-2005, 07:01 AM
If they were looting like the criminals, they ought to be tried and convicted with the criminals.


We saw police walking inside walmart with shopping carts. Is it possible they took them from the looters?

The "cover" photo shows police holding a box and various DVDs. Is it possible they are returning them to the store, or putting them in their cars to but submitted to their Property Management Unit?

Ok, I am not that nieve, and this does not look good. If they are thieves, string'em up.

Joe Walsh
09-03-2005, 07:12 AM
Who knows when that picture was even taken...??...Or where??

Looks to me like two officers shopping on their lunch hour.

More B.S. and hysteria.....kinda like the "Gas Stations will all shut down at 4:00 PM Friday!!!!!" :eek: :eek:

09-03-2005, 10:22 AM
this is the reason people stereotype. I understand cloths and food, but big toy cars, dvds, and stuff that you cant even use???? And whats this with the cops doing it....IN THEIR UNIFORMS!!!!!!!! so much for being discreet huh? People have no shame these days and not even a disaster can shake a little sense into people........anyways, im just going to stop before I really go off.

09-03-2005, 10:30 AM
Some people obey the law out of fear of reprisal, other do the right thing because it is instilled in their moral fiber by their upbringing and religious beliefs...I guess it is very easy to tell the two types of people apart...don't you think?

UAW 588
09-03-2005, 11:22 AM
I betcha those two cops got brefas or sumtin after a hard day a work. What a fu*king joke. It's enough that cops get a bad rep sometimes, but these two idiots have to add more fuel to the fire. Man this is nucking futs. :mad2:

Maybe a tour of Iraq would snap them back into reality. As*holes. :bs:

09-03-2005, 11:31 AM
The still pic means anything you want it to mean, but even Forest Gump can see what's happening in the video. Like I said, I hope the 20 percent who ran, are the same cops in the video. Saves us money when firing them.

Two Hawks
09-03-2005, 11:37 AM
Who knows when that picture was even taken...??...Or where??

Looks to me like two officers shopping on their lunch hour.

More B.S. and hysteria.....kinda like the "Gas Stations will all shut down at 4:00 PM Friday!!!!!" :eek: :eek:Yea, that's why I don't shop Wal*Mart at lunch, can't get a shopping cart through
their stores with all the crap scattered all over the floor, and the shelves emptied
or in disaray. :rolleyes:

"Looks to me like two officers shopping on their lunch hour." :shake:

Looks like a hopeless situation, out manned and where would you take the looters
when they are arrested.

Hopefully they were just getting necessities. :dunno:

Big House
09-03-2005, 12:42 PM
I am going to have to agree with Joe here and say that picture doesn't say a whole lot. With the bedlam that was going on I thing the back ground of this shot would have been a lot more disarrayed. You can't always believe what you see.

And if I may ask the question...what is the difference in looting and looking for something dry to put on or food to eat or dry diapers for your baby. Would looking for basic survival needs be considered looting and if put in the same situation, if you could see yourself in that sort of desperation, would you not take what you needed to survive. A good pair of waterproof boots, some sort of water resistane pants and a jacket, some food maybe if you can find it, and possibly, just possibly something to keep you and your childrem occupied other than focusing on the despair. Yes some may have looted if you would for personal gratification and because the law wasn't going to stop them and yes they should meet the swift blow of justice, but others who took for their very survival, to stigimatize them as being lawless theives would be a gross mistatement. I think to a lot of them survival was the most important thing because as we all have seen no one had any idea when food would arrive. Off my box now. Just my .02.

Big House