View Full Version : I got into a Accident today

09-03-2005, 08:23 PM
Driving on Rt 1 south at around 6:45ish, This black woman in a Aveo cuts me off. If I didn't brake I would have hit her, so I in Protest to what she just did Lean on the horn. Her and Her Passengers response was to Flip me off .

I not wanting to deal with this, signal and go around and end up back infront of her.

Looking in my mirror I see her and her passenger laughing having a gay old time, as they start to flip me off again At this point traffic slows so I get on the breaks and then Wham!!! The B*&%h rearends me.

I stop, and hit the 4ways. She gets out of her car in this pissed off state and starts making a beeline for my car. I, not wanting to leave my car parked in the left lane start moving to the shoulder when I here her screaming "You trying to leave the Scene!! Get the F%*k Back here!!!A@#%$^e!!!!!"
I put my arm out the window pointing to the shoulder where I stop and hit the trunk release button so I have access to the Aluminum Bat I carry back there, as I have a bad feeling this will get ugly.

So she's complaining to me about what the f%&k I was thinking, didn't I see her signal (yes signaling makes everything right http://www.crownvic.net/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/nonono2.gif) I remain calm and call the police. She's still threatening me that I should be glad her boyfriend wasn't with herhttp://www.crownvic.net/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif

Cop gets there and she finally moves her car out of the left lane where she left it http://www.crownvic.net/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/uh.gif
Statements were taken, the cop then tells me and I quote "I should Give you a Ticket for ILLEGAL LANE CHANGE" http://www.crownvic.net/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wtf.gif

First off, What the Hell is a Illegal Lane change!!!!! http://www.crownvic.net/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif http://www.crownvic.net/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grrr.gif

Car is not damaged too bad, but its enough to aggravate me.

Pics to be posted tomorrow when its light out. Her car is screwed though.
So that brightened up my mood.

09-03-2005, 08:44 PM
I feel for you man. One thing about the panther cars though is that the other guy will almost end up on the short end.

09-03-2005, 11:53 PM
Driving on Rt 1 south at around 6:45ish, This black woman in a Aveo cuts me off. If I didn't brake I would have hit her, so I in Protest to what she just did Lean on the horn. Her and Her Passengers response was to Flip me off .

I not wanting to deal with this, signal and go around and end up back infront of her.

Looking in my mirror I see her and her passenger laughing having a gay old time, as they start to flip me off again At this point traffic slows so I get on the breaks and then Wham!!! The B*&%h rearends me.

I stop, and hit the 4ways. She gets out of her car in this pissed off state and starts making a beeline for my car. I, not wanting to leave my car parked in the left lane start moving to the shoulder when I here her screaming "You trying to leave the Scene!! Get the F%*k Back here!!!A@#%$^e!!!!!"
I put my arm out the window pointing to the shoulder where I stop and hit the trunk release button so I have access to the Aluminum Bat I carry back there, as I have a bad feeling this will get ugly.

So she's complaining to me about what the f%&k I was thinking, didn't I see her signal (yes signaling makes everything right http://www.crownvic.net/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/nonono2.gif) I remain calm and call the police. She's still threatening me that I should be glad her boyfriend wasn't with herhttp://www.crownvic.net/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif

Cop gets there and she finally moves her car out of the left lane where she left it http://www.crownvic.net/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/uh.gif
Statements were taken, the cop then tells me and I quote "I should Give you a Ticket for ILLEGAL LANE CHANGE" http://www.crownvic.net/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wtf.gif

First off, What the Hell is a Illegal Lane change!!!!! http://www.crownvic.net/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shocked.gif http://www.crownvic.net/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grrr.gif

Car is not damaged too bad, but its enough to aggravate me.

Pics to be posted tomorrow when its light out. Her car is screwed though.
So that brightened up my mood.

Take the loudmouthed b**** to court after getting a good chiropractor and attorney.

Hope all works out OK.


09-04-2005, 05:24 AM
Take the loudmouthed b**** to court after getting a good chiropractor and attorney.

Hope all works out OK.


In this instance,.. I am in complete agreement with David. :D

I guess she forgot that she rear-ended you. Plain and simple, she's at fault.

09-04-2005, 09:51 AM
Thanks guys,

Here is the damage the Vic sustained from her POS Aveo.

Note that this was a 30mph rear colision, Her car is seriously screwed up where as mine, well see for yourself:D

09-04-2005, 09:53 AM
This is after I washed the bumper, and the last 2 are after the claybar and scratch remover

09-04-2005, 09:55 AM
The cop said the ticket thing because of your age.

When I was young, I was in a head on accident with 2 old people who pretended to be hurt. Even though they ran a light, I got a fail to yield ticket.

Go figure. I guess I should've pretended to have whiplash. I always wonder what the outcome would've been if I had slumped over in the seat.

09-04-2005, 10:05 AM
Some people should just be Shot! She cuts YOU and then has the nevrve to flip YOU off! WTF??!!! Then the (CU Next Tuesday) Dont pay attention and rearends YOU and then Gives YOU a attitude!!! UGH!! Then to top it all off, The Cop Comes and gives YOU a Hard time!! How Were you able to not explode on that B!tch. I Tend to lose my mind in accidents caused by someone being a Ass. She would have needed her BF there If I was in the same situation!

On a Lighter Note, Great Job getting the damage out, It would have been all worth it if the Airbags deployed in that B!tches Fat mouth!

09-04-2005, 10:14 AM
Some people should just be Shot! She cuts YOU and then has the nevrve to flip YOU off! WTF??!!! Then the (CU Next Tuesday) Dont pay attention and rearends YOU and then Gives YOU a attitude!!! UGH!! Then to top it all off, The Cop Comes and gives YOU a Hard time!! How Were you able to not explode on that B!tch. I Tend to lose my mind in accidents caused by someone being a Ass. She would have needed her BF there If I was in the same situation!

On a Lighter Note, Great Job getting the damage out, It would have been all worth it if the Airbags deployed in that B!tches Fat mouth!
The cop I think was aggitated from her because he got a statement from her first, which took all of 45 minutes for her story. Mostly because she was probably trying to get something out of it. My time with the cop lasted at most 15 minutes. No tickets were issued, the cop even said that she should have gotten a ticket for the lane change deal and following to closely, But he didn't give them to her.(probably didn't want her around any longer:P )

If you could have seen the damage her car sustained, :D New hood, fenders, headlights and a bumper, Possible structural damage by the looks of how the front crumpled up.

She Got OWN3D!!!!11!!:lol:

09-04-2005, 03:18 PM
I would have a professional look at the rear section of your car as sometimes damage can be hidden especially if you were hit at 30MPH.

09-04-2005, 03:52 PM
Is the term "unassured clear distance" a foreign term to the Police in your town? Did you say your neck hurt?

09-04-2005, 04:21 PM
Sorry to hear about your unfortunate incident. :( The other party is 100% at fault in failing to keep her vehicle under ciontrol.

09-04-2005, 04:54 PM
Is the term "unassured clear distance" a foreign term to the Police in your town? Did you say your neck hurt?
I think the cop just wanted her dumbass to leave as she was definitely aggravating him by trying to blame this on me:rolleyes:

No my neck doesn't hurt but thanks for asking:D

I checked the car out when I cleaned it up, Supports are good no bends or fractures. The Foam Isn't even disturbed, its just the cover. A testament to these cars durability, that and for getting hit at 30mph Her car took the brunt of the damage. :cool:

David Morton
09-04-2005, 10:24 PM
Look at the paint on the gas cartriges for the bumper. If they have been compressed once (and they probably have) then they need to be replaced.

You're probably right about why the cop said what he did. In the end it's a cut-and-dried failure to follow at a safe distance on her part.

09-05-2005, 06:36 AM
Sorry to hear of your misfortune ..1 question , was the cop the boyfriend?

09-05-2005, 07:15 AM
I think the cop just wanted her dumbass to leave as she was definitely aggravating him by trying to blame this on me:rolleyes:

No my neck doesn't hurt but thanks for asking:D

I checked the car out when I cleaned it up, Supports are good no bends or fractures. The Foam Isn't even disturbed, its just the cover. A testament to these cars durability, that and for getting hit at 30mph Her car took the brunt of the damage. :cool:
Are you "sure" your neck dosen't hurt - these things can surface after a day or two.

09-05-2005, 11:39 AM
Are you "sure" your neck dosen't hurt - these things can surface after a day or two.
I'm not a greedy person, as long as her insurance pays for my bumper I'll be happy, If she tries to get me to pay for her damages, then all bets are off.

Hm, I'll go and check those canisters someone here mentioned.

Just looked, everything is a-ok.

Cover just has a little cut in it. All the supports and the canisters are in perfect shape.