View Full Version : The gassy farmer & his wife's revenge.

09-05-2005, 06:54 PM
You'll Fart Your Guts Out
A farmer and his wife are lying in bed together one mornig, when the farmer roles over and lets out a great big fart.
"You filthy pig!" says the farmers wife
This goes on for years and one day the farmers wife says:
"One day you're gonna fart your guts out! "
"HA! Whatever you say." Chukles the farmer and farts again
One morning the farmers wife gets up extra early and runs to the nearest shop and buys a big bag of chicken livers. She rushes home and places the livers under the covers and goes down stairs for breakfast.
Later the farmer comes down panting, his face bright red.
"What's the matter dear? " Asks his wife
"Ya' know when you said I would end up Fartin' my guts out..."
"Well it happend! "
"Oh?" says his wife "Are you alright?"
The farmer replied: "I am now I shoved em' back up again!"

09-05-2005, 07:39 PM
"Oh?" says his wife "Are you alright?"
The farmer replied: "I am now I shoved em' back up again!"
This was so wrong but soooo funny!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

David Morton
09-06-2005, 01:58 AM
It's so important to have a fulfilling job. Like a doctor, nurse or...

...I'm reminded of a story.

A man had a boil in the crack of his buttocks that wouldn't heal and one day he read an ad in the newspaper titled "Tasmanian Boil Sucker". Results were guaranteed so he went to the address and a little old lady opened the door. He said, "I'm looking for the Tasmanian boil sucker. Is this the place?" and she said that it was. In fact she was the practitioner! He informed her that his boil was in a really bad place but she assured him she had seen the worst and would perform the service for $100 and guarantee healing in a week. So he paid the $100, went into the parlor, dropped his pants and exposed his boil, which she then commenced to suck on. No sooner did he bend over he felt a fart coming on but he thought he'd probably be able to hold it for a short time. But she kept on sucking and sucking and after what seemed like five minutes he looked over his shoulder and said, "How much longer?". She said "Not long.", and went back to work on the boil. After what seemed like another five minutes he just couldn't hold the fart any longer and let a doozey of a fart rip, right in her face! She stopped, looked up at him and said,

"Are you trying to make my work unpleasant?"

09-06-2005, 05:46 AM
That was really gross ! :rolleyes:

David Morton
09-06-2005, 11:00 AM
I knew you'd get it.
