View Full Version : Do you stink as a parent?

09-13-2005, 07:48 AM
This lady will make you look like Parent of the Year.

Get a load of this psycho mom. This 16 year-old boy taped his mother in one of her fits. Good grief, this is nuts. LOTS OF VULGAR LANGUAGE **there's your warning for the faint of heart**

I'm not posting this because I think it's the slightest bit amusing, but it sure started some interesting conversation at *my* forum.


09-13-2005, 08:04 AM
This lady will make you look like Parent of the Year.
Well, it looks like she has mastered the 20 word vocabulary. :rolleyes: And, she managed to use the "F" word as a noun, verb, adverb, adjective, and dangling participle on several occasions ... sometimes in the same sentence. ;)

I thought that the kid remained rather calm under this verbal assault. This woman's parenting license should be suspended indefinitely until she undergoes psychiatric evaluation and anger management training. :D

Just remember this ... later that day she was in a vehicle and on the public highways ... just waiting for "Road Rage" to set her off again. Ya'll be careful out there. :rolleyes:

09-13-2005, 08:12 AM
It floors me really, my mother has never asked me for a dime. You have to wonder what she needed 50 bucks for to make her act that way :rasta:

09-13-2005, 08:37 AM
This kid was totally off base. This mother clearly was under alot of stress. She needs help from her kids. And all he did was bait her into more rage.


09-13-2005, 08:37 AM
Bwahahahahahahahahahahahahaha :laugh:

09-13-2005, 09:01 AM
Sorry, real sorry. Some people should not be allowed to reproduce.

09-13-2005, 09:11 AM
Sorry, real sorry. Some people should not be allowed to reproduce.
"A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...
but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying,
'Damn...that was fun!'"

I can see Im going to be careful around you if/when we ever get together!
It's always good to know who you'll be sharing a jail cell with!:beer:

09-13-2005, 09:17 AM
This kid was totally off base. This mother clearly was under alot of stress. She needs help from her kids. And all he did was bait her into more rage.

I agree, she is clearly under stress about taking care of things and provides for her family. The child makes money probably only to buy things for himself... the reason he is so calm is because if is feeling good about being in control. This whole "you should have asked nicely" It's your mom kid, and in my country she would of gone over his head with a stick and that would be the end of it. Listen to that guy at the end. The kid is out of line plain and simple.

09-13-2005, 10:15 AM
I didn't watch the video, the only time I like to hear the f word coming out of a woman's mouth is if we are f------.:D

09-13-2005, 02:18 PM
Yep she's stressed out.
And He KNOWs he's being recorded.:(

09-13-2005, 05:10 PM
Yep she's stressed out.
And He KNOWs he's being recorded.:(
I was a bad kid when i was younger than that but neither my mom or dad ever talked to me like that..it sounded like a junkie looking for a fix.also why didnt the dopey sounding person offer to give it to her if hes going to pay it back to him?.WoW that sounded like the brady house. :D

09-13-2005, 05:31 PM
I was a bad kid when i was younger than that but neither my mom or dad ever talked to me like that..it sounded like a junkie looking for a fix.also why didnt the dopey sounding person offer to give it to her if hes going to pay it back to him?.WoW that sounded like the brady house. :D
What do you mean WAS??? :lol:

09-13-2005, 06:31 PM
Yep she's stressed out.
And He KNOWs he's being recorded.:(

Very true.

09-13-2005, 08:49 PM
I was a bad kid when i was younger ...
Younger than what?? :rolleyes:

09-13-2005, 09:23 PM
That clip doesn't tell the whole tale, but it's close enough.

Here's my take.:

Mom and dad divorced. There is a reason she is divorced but I can't seem to put my finger on it. :rolleyes:
Mom clueless about bring up the kid. (i.e.: set boundaries, teach right from wrong etc..)
Probably tried to show kid love by buying things instead of spending quality time and doing things together. (I know, I'm reading between the lines here.)

Kid has no respect for mom and she is at the end of her rope. (Late for work and needs the kids car for what ever reason) Go figure. :shake:

09-13-2005, 09:45 PM
Clearly the kid egged her on in some way prior to the recording. He liked being in "control" of the situation trying to record himself being calm and her acting wild, and knew that he was being recorded.
We don't see the people in the video, but we obviously see that the kid has high dollar material things. I maybe reading in between the lines a bit, but it seems as though she likes to be in control, just listen to the male wimp who talks to the kid. She is probably a single mom who spoiled the heck out her kids in order to buy their love and respect. All the while trying to be their "friend" instead of their mother. I've seen this parenting style first hand in several instances with pathetic results.
What she was saying about the kid was probably true, but to lose it like that seems unreal.

09-13-2005, 10:46 PM
This 16 year-old boy taped his mother in one of her fits. Uhmmm, yeah, you can say that again. I would sure call that a "fit" alright. Many of us get really ticked off once in awhile, but if we have any sanity at all, after we lose it a little bit, after a minute or two we make a choice to chill out and regain our composure in order to deal with the situation at hand atleast somewhat rationally to avoid making things worse so that there can be some kind of chance of a peaceful resolution sometime in the future. Especially when dealing with family members.

But that psycho just stays in a rage and keeps on going. She sounds like she's out of touch with reality. As if the world revolves around her, and she's always the martyr. I wouldn't doubt that there's either alcoholism involved, or drug abuse (or both). Sure, we don't know or see what happened in the events that lead up to this complete outrage, but in light of the fact that she allows her rage to go on and on, indicates to me that she's just completely out of control, and that this is NOT a rare incident with her, but it's a behavioral pattern, which is likely the reason why her son decided to tape this incident in the first place.

He likely deals with her when she's like that very often (whenever things don't go exactly as she plans) and he wants someone outside of that house to get some kind of idea of how flakey his mother is. And I'd say that she definately is. But it isn't a "disease" and she isn't the "victim" either. She's that way simply because she chooses to be, and if she has a history of alcohol and/or drug abuse, then her condition is self-induced. She's the problem. Not the world around her (as she probably tells herself that it is). That's how she chooses to deal with disagreements and differences of opinion. With rage.

I'm all for kids being disciplined, and having to show their parents respect. I'm even in favor of younger kids being spanked occassionally in order to enforce the lines that parents draw for them (but not abused) but this female doesn't behave even close to like a parent. She behaves like a child. I've dealt with people like that before and it's anything but pretty.

09-13-2005, 10:58 PM
I didn't watch the video, the only time I like to hear the f word coming out of a woman's mouth is if we are f------.:DNow that right there is funny ...

I don't care who ya' are.

09-14-2005, 03:01 AM
Uhmmm, yeah, you can say that again. I would sure call that a "fit" alright. Many of us get really ticked off once in awhile, but if we have any sanity at all, after we lose it a little bit, after a minute or two we make a choice to chill out and regain our composure in order to deal with the situation at hand atleast somewhat rationally to avoid making things worse so that there can be some kind of chance of a peaceful resolution sometime in the future. Especially when dealing with family members.

But that psycho just stays in a rage and keeps on going. She sounds like she's out of touch with reality. As if the world revolves around her, and she's always the martyr. I wouldn't doubt that there's either alcoholism involved, or drug abuse (or both). Sure, we don't know or see what happened in the events that lead up to this complete outrage, but in light of the fact that she allows her rage to go on and on, indicates to me that she's just completely out of control, and that this is NOT a rare incident with her, but it's a behavioral pattern, which is likely the reason why her son decided to tape this incident in the first place.

He likely deals with her when she's like that very often (whenever things don't go exactly as she plans) and he wants someone outside of that house to get some kind of idea of how flakey his mother is. And I'd say that she definately is. But it isn't a "disease" and she isn't the "victim" either. She's that way simply because she chooses to be, and if she has a history of alcohol and/or drug abuse, then her condition is self-induced. She's the problem. Not the world around her (as she probably tells herself that it is). That's how she chooses to deal with disagreements and differences of opinion. With rage.

I'm all for kids being disciplined, and having to show their parents respect. I'm even in favor of younger kids being spanked occassionally in order to enforce the lines that parents draw for them (but not abused) but this female doesn't behave even close to like a parent. She behaves like a child. I've dealt with people like that before and it's anything but pretty.

yup,.. I think Billy summed it up very well ^^^here^^^

09-14-2005, 07:01 AM
yup,.. I think Billy summed it up very well ^^^here^^^
Ya'll can analyze this forever ... but unless something is done soon ... these folks will be in the newspapers or on CNN. :( All the neighbors, friends and relatives will say that they didn't suspect a thing and that they seemed like a pretty normal family before the violent episode. :rolleyes:

Normal my azz ... the woman belongs in a straight jacket at Pilgrim State getting serious help. The kid needs to be with relatives or a foster family in order to remove him from this abusive environment. :eek: The background is absolutely immaterial. Their relationship (if you can even call it that) is Dysfunctional. Period................

09-14-2005, 07:59 AM
If I were one the neighbors listening to this all the time I would be the one to put them both to sleep...

09-14-2005, 09:21 AM
Ya'll can analyze this forever ... but unless something is done soon ... these folks will be in the newspapers or on CNN. :( ...............
...Or the 'Jerry Springer Show'. :help:

09-14-2005, 11:46 AM
Ya'll can analyze this forever ... but unless something is done soon ... these folks will be in the newspapers or on CNN. :( All the neighbors, friends and relatives will say that they didn't suspect a thing and that they seemed like a pretty normal family before the violent episode. :rolleyes:

Normal my azz ... the woman belongs in a straight jacket at Pilgrim State getting serious help. The kid needs to be with relatives or a foster family in order to remove him from this abusive environment. :eek: The background is absolutely immaterial. Their relationship (if you can even call it that) is Dysfunctional. Period................I have no argument with that^

09-14-2005, 01:16 PM
Think it's to late for "Nanny 911"? :)