View Full Version : Foose Marauder

09-13-2005, 09:21 PM
If the Foose people contacted you and wanted to "Overhaul" your Marauder, would you let them?

Before you answer, consider when it is done, they will probably want to take your car for up to a year to display at various shows around the country.

09-13-2005, 09:43 PM
I wouldn't let them within 10ft of my collection of 1/18th scale cars ...

Let alone one of my real ones.

Mind you, I'm probably only 1 out of every 455,425,403 people that wouldn't ...

But speaking ones mind is what makes this country so great.


09-13-2005, 10:00 PM
I heard that most of the cars that are done on that show wear very bad. I guess when you rush a car with that much work in one week it doesn't give the paint a lot of time to cure.

09-13-2005, 10:21 PM
I heard that most of the cars that are done on that show wear very bad. I guess when you rush a car with that much work in one week it doesn't give the paint a lot of time to cure.Well said.

Most of those jobs are a rush begining to end ... I can't even begin to imagine the corners they cut to stay on "schedule".

And as I touched upon in another thread ...

They don't seem very interested in standing behind any of that work either.

09-13-2005, 10:31 PM
I think I would if the ink was right (on the agreement that I would likely have to sign). If after only a year of regular use and not driving like a racer the car starts falling apart and looks like crap that only makes them look bad. But I would have reservations about getting my car "Overhauled" like that in such a short period of time. The paint job couldn't be any worse than the one it cam with anyway!
My stipulation would be that I get to take that hottie of a hostess out for a nice loooong Sunday drive! :drool:

09-13-2005, 11:17 PM
If the Foose people contacted you and wanted to "Overhaul" your Marauder, would you let them?

Before you answer, consider when it is done, they will probably want to take your car for up to a year to display at various shows around the country.

Nope not my Marauder. Already like it too much the way it is (and can be) without getting overhauled. Now my 95 GM HPP would be another story. Foose is amazing and I can't believe what they get done in a week. Hotties notwithstanding, The histrionics of some of the reveals is wearing a little thin for me. Still I watch when I can...for now. Got a little ricey tonight and didn't watch it all.

09-13-2005, 11:29 PM
If the Foose people contacted you and wanted to "Overhaul" your Marauder, would you let them?
Before you answer, consider when it is done, they will probably want to take your car for up to a year to display at various shows around the country.

I would let him, only if they converted it into a "two" door version:thumb:

The paint job couldn't be any worse than the one it cam with anyway!
I agree.

09-14-2005, 03:10 AM
I think he's a very talanted designer/ artist....

He basically just slams the car to the ground and adds 20" rims. Then does some graphics,..

Most of what you are paying for is the FOOSE ((R) Trademark.) name.

I am curious to see what he'd do with a Marauder,.. but prob'ly not mine! :P

09-14-2005, 05:06 AM
I for one don't know, My 03 Marauder is as close to show room cond as you can get, But if they took the car and took their time I would consider it.

09-14-2005, 06:05 AM
Like we didn't already do that with purchasing a Marauder. We bought basically a GM LSE w/ 18" wheels, monochrome paint, a "raked" look and a 5K premium. :rolleyes:
I think he's a very talanted designer/ artist....

He basically just slams the car to the ground and adds 20" rims. Then does some graphics,..

Most of what you are paying for is the FOOSE ((R) Trademark.) name....

09-14-2005, 06:32 AM
If the Foose people contacted you and wanted to "Overhaul" your Marauder, would you let them?

Before you answer, consider when it is done, they will probably want to take your car for up to a year to display at various shows around the country.
Sounds like Foose may be a combination of "Fast & Loose" from what I'm hearing. :rolleyes:

The only way that I'd be able to let my Marauder go for a year is if I had a suitable replacement in the interim .... say like .... a Shelby GT500 or Ford GT. :D

Of course, the big question is .... What are you gonna drive to MV IV if Foose has your car?? :dunno:

09-14-2005, 06:33 AM
I'd let him put wheels and tires on it, as long as I kept the orignals. :)

09-14-2005, 06:52 AM
I would bet that the work is pretty slap-dash. I know that I've read about people who had homes remade on the TV makeover shows and the problems are amazing. They talk about gaps between flooring and the walls, terrible paint, and plumbing not working. It is all about what looks good on TV, not in person. I can't believe that the car shows are any better.

09-14-2005, 07:01 AM
I doubt they could work within my stipulations. I'm a control freak.

09-14-2005, 07:51 AM
I'd like to see what he would do to somebody else's but no way I'd let him touch mine.

09-14-2005, 07:58 AM
He can draw, no doubt. But I wouldn't give him my Marauder if his first name was Foose and his last name was Mercury.

Joe Walsh
09-14-2005, 05:12 PM
No **** Way!

They can stick to 'FOOSING' ragged out cars.

I'll modify MY cars the way I want to....

Besides, They would have that Dork (not Courtney) call me 20 times and pretend that my Marauder was stolen and that they recovered it, and that the tow truck company lost it....yada yad yada. :(

09-14-2005, 05:38 PM
Look what Fooooooose did to this poor Mustang. What the Hell did he do to it? I wouldnt drive that piece of ***** if you gave it to me...Cant imagine what he would do to a Marauder. I cringe at looking at thes *****ed up Mustangs.





09-14-2005, 06:03 PM
After all i been throught HELL NO!!!!! :D

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Sounds like Foose may be a combination of "Fast & Loose" from what I'm hearing. :rolleyes::

09-14-2005, 06:56 PM
I for one don't know, My 03 Marauder is as close to show room cond as you can get, But if they took the car and took their time I would consider it. I don't know Cobra, didn't you tell me that your paint was kinda worn on your car? I remember you saying something like that. Maybe I'll volunteer you and secretly send off pictures of your car :burnout: If it were me, hell no! I drive mine every day. Though I got this buddy with a 76' El Camnio. You know that rustbucket needs to be fixed in a hurry! lol! Oh yeah, I was just kidding when I said I'd recromend your car. I know you'd be like this :bigcry:.... all week. Don't worry, I would to and I wouldn't dare do something like that :bs:....... No I'm pulling your leg, really :stupid:! That show is for dudes with really beat up cars who desperately need to be overhauled. Your's is a prize winner already. There's nothing they could do to make it better. Though I wish you'd put the Mercury emblem back on the grill rather than the Cobra one. I think it looks better that way, but that's just me. Speaking of overhauls, I really need to get thoose two scratches buffed out and fixed. I think you know what I'm talking about and thanks for trying to help to cover it up, but it just isn't working. I asked my auto body friend and he thinks it will be $200. I'll get it done in time. Sorry for going a bit off topic!

09-14-2005, 07:05 PM
I think he's a very talanted designer/ artist....

He basically just slams the car to the ground and adds 20" rims. Then does some graphics,..

Most of what you are paying for is the FOOSE ((R) Trademark.) name.

I am curious to see what he'd do with a Marauder,.. but prob'ly not mine! :PI disagree with this 100% - the "he basically..." part. :down:

I don't worship Chip Foose, but I was a fan of his designs even before he was on overhaulin' etc. He does a lot more than just add 20" rims to a car...

By saying that he slams it to the ground, and adds graphics shows your ignornace on this. :depress:

Overhaulin' doesn't allow for Chip to 'explore' his full potential because of the time limit. But even with what he has he goes much further than adding rims, graphics and lowering springs. Any fool with a brain stem can see that,


Anyways, if there was nothing out of my pocket, I would let Chip at my car for sure on Overhaulin'

09-14-2005, 07:26 PM
Like we didn't already do that with purchasing a Marauder. We bought basically a GM LSE w/ 18" wheels, monochrome paint, a "raked" look and a 5K premium. :rolleyes:

Yeah, great, thanks for reminding us. If I had some say I'd do it. I haven't ssen many of the shows but the ones I did see I didn't like the results. But I do like the cars he has done out side the show.

09-14-2005, 09:20 PM
Even though it looks nice,it's still a dime-a-dozen Mustang!!!

Look what Fooooooose did to this poor Mustang. What the Hell did he do to it? I wouldnt drive that piece of ***** if you gave it to me...Cant imagine what he would do to a Marauder. I cringe at looking at thes *****ed up Mustangs.





09-14-2005, 09:26 PM
I dont know about the Marauder, but after watching what he did for the handicapped dude I'd let him take the 66 anytime! That Mustang was Titty Sweet!! :coolman:

09-15-2005, 12:13 AM
Take my Marauder? No way!!!! I like it just the way it is unless he was going to get a 5.4L supercharged engine under the hood, or a fuel injected N/A 572 engine. But I wouldn't count on him doing that. And he would likely change the whole entire look of the Marauder, and I for one think that the Marauder looks perfect the way it is from the factory with the one exception of the Nitto P305/45/18 tires looking a whole lot better on the back than the stock tires do.

18" wheels on newer cars is one thing, but I think that the older classic cars of the 50's, & 60's look RICED out when somebody puts 18, 19, or 20" wheels on them. It just looks gay, or like it's something that a teenage girl should be driving.:down:

09-15-2005, 02:52 AM
I disagree with this 100% - the "he basically..." part. :down:

I don't worship Chip Foose, but I was a fan of his designs even before he was on overhaulin' etc. He does a lot more than just add 20" rims to a car...

By saying that he slams it to the ground, and adds graphics shows your ignornace on this. :depress:

Overhaulin' doesn't allow for Chip to 'explore' his full potential because of the time limit. But even with what he has he goes much further than adding rims, graphics and lowering springs. Any fool with a brain stem can see that,


You must be talking about some other Chip Foose,.. maybe he's in your Home Ec. class? I dunno...

The Chip Foose I am familiar with slams most cars he works on to ground and adds some very bling rims. I noticed he also likes to slightly modify existing kits.

Look at his designs and tell me that's not true with a straight face.

...anyway that's what my brain stem told me. :P

09-15-2005, 09:31 PM
Lord, there is no pleasing you people, is there?

I don't get all this blatant hatred for Chip Foose. He sure comes across as a nice enough guy---hell, I like Overhaulin' a damn sight better than American Hot Rod or Monster Garage, both of which have irrevocably convinced me that hotrodders are some of the single most dysfunctional inbred trailer-park poor-white-trash numbnutted undereducated overpaid uncouth rejects on earth. The show's clean, the censor button barely goes off (if at all), and the cars look great.

I think the show's producers DO need to be a helluva lot more careful about the projects they pick---some careful sifting needs to be done. That '66 Rustang project they picked up nearly didn't make it, and there was a more recent show with a '56 Chevy that was in such bad shape they had to go through 3 entire donor cars to make one that worked. They also need to avoid ricers at all costs---too trendy, too many of 'em, and too damn weak. This show is about American muscle---keep it that way.

Somebody mentioned the episode with the 442, and how it seemed cruel that they flogged the original engine into a seemingly premature death. Premature maybe---but only in the sense that it died sooner than it was going to. That engine was already half-dead; they did it a favor by putting it down. The guy sure seemed happy enough at the end of the show. As for the allegations that the car fell apart afterwards: Would anybody like to man up and actually post some links to these stories? So far all I've heard is a lot of nasty backstabbing internet rumors to which I give zero credence. In fact, MM.net is the ONLY place where I've heard anything of the sort...you should all be ashamed of yourselves, spreading a lot of trash without anything to back it up.

As to the subject of a Foosed-out Marauder...I don't know that there is anything he could do to it body-wise. Extra ground effects/body panels? Makes the car look even heavier and bulky; no need. Shave the door handles? Too late, they already are...well, mostly anyway. Mod the interior? No need...maybe better buckets up front, because the lateral grip pretty well sucks, especially for a car that even our Communist car mags grudgingly gave it up for on the handling issue. I could care less about 20" rims, but some Foose 18-inchers might look decent. And Foose, for all of his design abilities, is just a looks guy; he doesn't handle the mechanicals. I'd recommend restart the VT production line for that.

NOW....you want something to vent your rage on? Try this: How come all these mod shows---Overhaulin, Monster Garage, American Hot Rod, American Chopper, and Rides---only focus on puckin' Southern California?!?!? WTF...the rest of this country doesn't do modded cars? I lived in Daytona Beach for years. They have two car shows a year: the Turkey Rod Run (Thanksgiving) and the Spring Spectacular (sometime in March/April). Both of them are absolutely not to be missed...I'm rather disappointed that the Sunshine State chapter apparently has never been to either one of them for its whole existence. The Sunshine State chapter of CCoA is usually out in force; the last time I was in Daytona they had 20 perfectly beautiful Cougars at the Spring Spectacular. Where the hell are you, SS Marauders? Carlisle PA has long been notorious as an automotive mecca; how come we never see them? It's always Pebble Beach this and Orange County that...I could give a **** about SoCal. As one of my fellow Coasties once told me: "SoCal...so what."

Bottom line: Leave ol' Chip alone...he's not nearly the automotive Satan that you guys would make him out to be, not by a long way. Seems like a decent enough guy, even if he is a bit hyped. Spreading unsubstantiated rumors is a definite no-no; this entire website just left itself open to massive legal action should anybody from that organization ever think to look here. You want something to get mad at, get mad at the fact that automotive televised media thinks that nothing at all automotive happens outside of SoCal.

09-15-2005, 09:44 PM
this entire website just left itself open to massive legal action should anybody from that organization ever think to look here. .Gimmie a break. That's a serious stretch. Haven't you evr heard of the 1st ammendment? Freedom of press dude. Didn't your mom ever teach you about the "sticks & stones" theory? It's simply freedom of speach and opinions we're talking here. No need to bring legal implications, nor scare tactics of possible liability in it.

If you don't agree with anyone here, that's all good, because it's your opinion and you're not neccessarily wrong for voicing it. But neither is anyone else for voicing there's. If you want to call someone out on their allegations, fine. I haven't any issue with that. Because that's your perogative. But PULEEEEEZZE let's drop the legal garbage and warnings of "character defamation". gee...what has this society come to that nobody can ever voice their opinions nor viewpoints w/out someone threatening or warning about law suits. :rolleyes:

09-15-2005, 09:44 PM
American Chopper is based out of Orange County NY.

I would have to be the one who approved of an idea he had for my car. It'd have to be real good cuz I'm happy with it the way it is.

I think Foose has nice ideas. I do not like the idea of doing a complete overhaul in one week. They should make it 2-3 weeks with the team of 50+ guys doing the job. They have to be cutting corners to get the car done. I wonder if they have told owners the car is "done" for the show, but we will really finish it next week.

09-15-2005, 09:53 PM
Lord, there is no pleasing you people, is there?

I don't get all this blatant hatred for Chip Foose. He sure comes across as a nice enough guy---hell, I like Overhaulin' a damn sight better than American Hot Rod or Monster Garage, both of which have irrevocably convinced me that hotrodders are some of the single most dysfunctional inbred trailer-park poor-white-trash numbnutted undereducated overpaid uncouth rejects on earth. The show's clean, the censor button barely goes off (if at all), and the cars look great.

I think the show's producers DO need to be a helluva lot more careful about the projects they pick---some careful sifting needs to be done. That '66 Rustang project they picked up nearly didn't make it, and there was a more recent show with a '56 Chevy that was in such bad shape they had to go through 3 entire donor cars to make one that worked. They also need to avoid ricers at all costs---too trendy, too many of 'em, and too damn weak. This show is about American muscle---keep it that way.

Somebody mentioned the episode with the 442, and how it seemed cruel that they flogged the original engine into a seemingly premature death. Premature maybe---but only in the sense that it died sooner than it was going to. That engine was already half-dead; they did it a favor by putting it down. The guy sure seemed happy enough at the end of the show. As for the allegations that the car fell apart afterwards: Would anybody like to man up and actually post some links to these stories? So far all I've heard is a lot of nasty backstabbing internet rumors to which I give zero credence. In fact, MM.net is the ONLY place where I've heard anything of the sort...you should all be ashamed of yourselves, spreading a lot of trash without anything to back it up.

As to the subject of a Foosed-out Marauder...I don't know that there is anything he could do to it body-wise. Extra ground effects/body panels? Makes the car look even heavier and bulky; no need. Shave the door handles? Too late, they already are...well, mostly anyway. Mod the interior? No need...maybe better buckets up front, because the lateral grip pretty well sucks, especially for a car that even our Communist car mags grudgingly gave it up for on the handling issue. I could care less about 20" rims, but some Foose 18-inchers might look decent. And Foose, for all of his design abilities, is just a looks guy; he doesn't handle the mechanicals. I'd recommend restart the VT production line for that.

NOW....you want something to vent your rage on? Try this: How come all these mod shows---Overhaulin, Monster Garage, American Hot Rod, American Chopper, and Rides---only focus on puckin' Southern California?!?!? WTF...the rest of this country doesn't do modded cars? I lived in Daytona Beach for years. They have two car shows a year: the Turkey Rod Run (Thanksgiving) and the Spring Spectacular (sometime in March/April). Both of them are absolutely not to be missed...I'm rather disappointed that the Sunshine State chapter apparently has never been to either one of them for its whole existence. The Sunshine State chapter of CCoA is usually out in force; the last time I was in Daytona they had 20 perfectly beautiful Cougars at the Spring Spectacular. Where the hell are you, SS Marauders? Carlisle PA has long been notorious as an automotive mecca; how come we never see them? It's always Pebble Beach this and Orange County that...I could give a **** about SoCal. As one of my fellow Coasties once told me: "SoCal...so what."

Bottom line: Leave ol' Chip alone...he's not nearly the automotive Satan that you guys would make him out to be, not by a long way. Seems like a decent enough guy, even if he is a bit hyped. Spreading unsubstantiated rumors is a definite no-no; this entire website just left itself open to massive legal action should anybody from that organization ever think to look here. You want something to get mad at, get mad at the fact that automotive televised media thinks that nothing at all automotive happens outside of SoCal.

Too much caffein? No one said the guy was an automotive Satan. I dont like his style. Its tacky and gaudy. His crap appeals to someone i guess, but not me. Thats my opinion. My taste is clean, classy, sharp, and low key...subtle but smooth. Not gaudy and pimp daddy! Those Mustangs he butchered look like crap, and I would expect a pimp to drive one. That orange abomination to a classic car is a waste too.

09-15-2005, 10:07 PM
I think Chip Foose is an awesome designer, when he has the time schedule to do it. Granted, the cars he designs on Overhaulin' are still incredible, but they don't even compare to the Riddler award winning cars he's done in the past. Those cars took literally months, even years to build. I remember watching the episode of Rides when they were showing the latest Riddler winner. Just the ingenuity and customization put into that car was mind boggling.


As for Overhauling my MM?? All I want is a S/C and a new black paint job.:lol:

09-15-2005, 10:41 PM
I dont like his style. Its tacky and gaudy. His crap appeals to someone i guess, but not me. Thats my opinion. My taste is clean, classy, sharp, and low key...subtle but smooth. Not gaudy and pimp daddy! Those Mustangs he butchered look like crap, and I would expect a pimp to drive one. Very well stated Dave. What Dave has said above^ pretty much sums up my taste too. That doesn't neccessarily make me or Dave better people than someone who designs such cars, nor someone who likes their cars to look like that. It simply indicates different tastes.

It's kinda like us and the ricers. Some of them are punks, but that isn't neccessarily because of the cars they drive. I've met some very well behaved and emotionally mature kids who drive ricer cars. I cannot stand their taste in cars, and I would never compliment them on their cars either, but some of them are real respectful and cool kids, and are also pleasureable to talk to. It's just taste in cars as far as I'm concerned.

09-16-2005, 01:15 AM
Somebody mentioned the episode with the 442, and how it seemed cruel that they flogged the original engine into a seemingly premature death. Premature maybe---but only in the sense that it died sooner than it was going to. That engine was already half-dead; they did it a favor by putting it down. The guy sure seemed happy enough at the end of the show. As for the allegations that the car fell apart afterwards: Would anybody like to man up and actually post some links to these stories? So far all I've heard is a lot of nasty backstabbing internet rumors to which I give zero credence. In fact, MM.net is the ONLY place where I've heard anything of the sort...you should all be ashamed of yourselves, spreading a lot of trash without anything to back it up.
. I can take a hint ...

I'll be more than happy to "man up".

Go here & read for yourself :


There's a poster there with the handle of "LandShark" .... who are in fact the hubby & wife owners of the 442 in question.

If you were implying I made this all up, just because I don't care for his customizing tastes, well ..... that's just absolutely absurd.

I simply shared a factual situation.

I don't see how that can be considered shameful or stabbing anyone in the back.

09-16-2005, 05:24 AM
I like Foose.

There, I said it and I'm not taking it back.

I like watching all of those rebuild shows (except Boyd's and Orange County Osbornes) because they do technical work at various levels and I try to pick out the pearls of knowledge from all the oysters. Some episodes have more pearls than others is all.

That 514 Gambler 70 Mustang was awesome! Having owned an R-code 70 (Yellow with 428 SCJ) I can appreciate trying to stay original and yet make it new and fresh.

Pearls of wisdom. That's what you have to look for.


09-16-2005, 06:00 AM
I think Chip Foose is an awesome designer, when he has the time schedule to do it. Granted, the cars he designs on Overhaulin' are still incredible, but they don't even compare to the Riddler award winning cars he's done in the past. Those cars took literally months, even years to build. I remember watching the episode of Rides when they were showing the latest Riddler winner. Just the ingenuity and customization put into that car was mind boggling.


As for Overhauling my MM?? All I want is a S/C and a new black paint job.:lol:

I agree on all points! Well put. Having been to the autorama as a competitor, spending 4 days there, you realize the months if not years that go into cars at that level.

09-16-2005, 07:18 AM
You must be talking about some other Chip Foose,.. maybe he's in your Home Ec. class? I dunno...

The Chip Foose I am familiar with slams most cars he works on to ground and adds some very bling rims. I noticed he also likes to slightly modify existing kits.

Look at his designs and tell me that's not true with a straight face.

...anyway that's what my brain stem told me. :P
Yes, Petrograde, you're right...after looking at this picture (and seing it built on rides), I have to agree with you - all he did was 'slam it to the ground', add some 'bling wheels' and modify an existing kit:


:lol: Petrograde, you're ignorance grows the more you talk about this. Really. And I just said that with a straight face, up until I saw the picture, thenI started laughing...

09-16-2005, 07:56 AM
Yes, Petrograde, you're right...after looking at this picture (and seing it built on rides), I have to agree with you - all he did was 'slam it to the ground', add some 'bling wheels' and modify an existing kit:


:lol: Petrograde, you're ignorance grows the more you talk about this. Really. And I just said that with a straight face, up until I saw the picture, thenI started laughing...

LOL @ Fan boys.

Granted there are alot of things that are added and so on, a bit of detail. However, all the cars have the same main theme. Drop the car till the tires are just under the finders, put 20"+ rims on. I'm sorry but my car is a car, and cars should be driven. If I want art I'll buy a painting, his stuff just isn't practical. Beautiful creations, nice status symbols... but for driving... could I really do smokey burnouts in one of those cars? Couls I go rip around the track? I think you are missing the point of what people who aren't into him are saying. They aren't cars anymore, not in the practical sense. Being the center of attention doesn't appeal to everyone. ;)

09-16-2005, 08:15 AM
LOL @ Fan boys.

Granted there are alot of things that are added and so on, a bit of detail.

Are you kidding me? A bit of detail? Did you see the episode that this was shown in? This car was hand built from the ground up. All the suspension components were designed by him. The body lines were all changed and done in metal work. There's no fiberglass anything on this car. You're only looking at it from a visual perspective. There's so much more underneath the surface. It took approx. a year to build this car.

Granted, it will never see the track, and maybe the only driving it'll ever do is up and down the trailer. I'm not a "Fanboy" but I respect the man for the sheer engineering ability and attention to detail. To me, I'd rather have that car in my garage instead of a painting hanging on my wall if they both cost the same.

09-16-2005, 08:22 AM
Listen I build race cars. Minis actually. My view on cars in not cute, not pretty. Power, speed, agility. I have no use for a car I can't drive. And yes I said a little detail, the details that would matter to me as a man who has cars to drive them. all the fabricating, and paint and blah blah blah has 0 value to me. That's why I'm selling the 19" forged wheels on my car. Beautiful, but dreadfully heavy, alot of unsprung weight. They are for shows and crusing, things I don't do. So again, yes a bit of detail, because the art detail means 0 to me. Thats all, I have nothing bad to say about him, the vehichles are beautiful. Just have 0 value to me.

09-16-2005, 08:39 AM
Listen I build race cars. Minis actually. My view on cars in not cute, not pretty. Power, speed, agility. I have no use for a car I can't drive. And yes I said a little detail, the details that would matter to me as a man who has cars to drive them. all the fabricating, and paint and blah blah blah has 0 value to me. That's why I'm selling the 19" forged wheels on my car. Beautiful, but dreadfully heavy, alot of unsprung weight. They are for shows and crusing, things I don't do. So again, yes a bit of detail, because the art detail means 0 to me. Thats all, I have nothing bad to say about him, the vehichles are beautiful. Just have 0 value to me.

Fair enough. I can see where your more interested in the "mechanics", the ability to make it go fast, handle, etc. There's quite a few on this board, which is cool. Not much room for a fancy paint job when you're trading it with someone on the track, right?:beer:

I'm interested in his attention to detail and such because I used to compete in IASCA (stereo competitions). When I was in the World Finals, everything was about attention to detail. E.g. even the wiring that is hidden under the carpet had all the lettering lined up in a row. All the screwhead were facing the same direction (even though not a single screw was visible). So that's why I enjoy Foose's vehicles.

09-16-2005, 08:47 AM
Fair enough. I can see where your more interested in the "mechanics", the ability to make it go fast, handle, etc. There's quite a few on this board, which is cool. Not much room for a fancy paint job when you're trading it with someone on the track, right?:beer:

I'm interested in his attention to detail and such because I used to compete in IASCA (stereo competitions). When I was in the World Finals, everything was about attention to detail. E.g. even the wiring that is hidden under the carpet had all the lettering lined up in a row. All the screwhead were facing the same direction (even though not a single screw was visible). So that's why I enjoy Foose's vehicles.
See that's what I mean some of us are aesthetic, some not so much. I just have a hard time seeing how mot liking something makes you ignorant you know? just no need to attack people personally. Hense my first post.

09-16-2005, 08:50 AM
See that's what I mean some of us are aesthetic, some not so much. I just have a hard time seeing how mot liking something makes you ignorant you know? just no need to attack people personally. Hense my first post.

Sorry, man. If you took that personally, I apologize. It's all good. :beer:

09-16-2005, 09:01 AM
Sorry, man. If you took that personally, I apologize. It's all good. :beer:Naw you're fine man, I'm talkin about the one guy telling petrograde or whatnot that's he's ignorant pretty much for not liking what foose does. I just find that unproductive :)

09-16-2005, 09:34 AM
If the Foose people contacted you and wanted to "Overhaul" your Marauder, would you let them?

Before you answer, consider when it is done, they will probably want to take your car for up to a year to display at various shows around the country.
Look at all this ***** you started. :nono: This is just as bad as a S/C or Oil Thread. :eek:

Now go stand in the :corner:

...and when you are finished there, go and pick on 'little old ladies in Buicks'. :lol:

09-16-2005, 09:40 AM
i would let Chip Foose have my car... not to be on (the rushed show) overhaulin though. but to hook it up and me not have to pay a dime... sure i would.

09-16-2005, 09:43 AM
Look at all this ***** you started. :nono: This is just as bad as a S/C or Oil Thread. :eek:

Now go stand in the :corner:

...and when you are finished there, go and pick on 'little old ladies in Buicks'. :lol:

Hey, that lil ole lady thought she was drivin a hotrod :shake: :D .

She started it, I only finshed it! :banana2:

09-16-2005, 10:26 AM
See that's what I mean some of us are aesthetic, some not so much. I just have a hard time seeing how mot liking something makes you ignorant you know? just no need to attack people personally. Hense my first post.
I didn't call him ignorant because he doesn't like it. In fact, I don't necessarily like the foose ride pictured above myself...

Whether a person likes the design or not, there's a lot more work that goes into his rides than just 'slamming it to the ground' and putting on 'bling wheels'

If you can't see the ignorance in that, AND you think I was calling him ignorant because of his likes and dislikes, then you're just as ignorant.

09-16-2005, 10:34 AM
I didn't call him ignorant because he doesn't like it. In fact, I don't necessarily like the foose ride pictured above myself...

Whether a person likes the design or not, there's a lot more work that goes into his rides than just 'slamming it to the ground' and putting on 'bling wheels'

If you can't see the ignorance in that, AND you think I was calling him ignorant because of his likes and dislikes, then you're just as ignorant.
LOL you're an idiot, not gonna waste time. :) You clearly think you know alot and that gives you authority to attack people personally. Know your role kid, it'd do you good ;)

09-16-2005, 11:09 AM
LOL you're an idiot, not gonna waste time. :) You clearly think you know alot and that gives you authority to attack people personally. Know your role kid, it'd do you good ;)
:baaa: :baaa:

09-16-2005, 11:13 AM
Well, I guess your either a hotrroder or not. To each their own...... :rasta:

09-16-2005, 02:29 PM
Yes, Petrograde, you're right...after looking at this picture (and seing it built on rides), I have to agree with you - all he did was 'slam it to the ground', add some 'bling wheels' and modify an existing kit:


:lol: Petrograde, you're ignorance grows the more you talk about this. Really. And I just said that with a straight face, up until I saw the picture, thenI started laughing...

hmm,.. where to start? I believe we were talking about our Marauders. and 'Overhaulin' ...right? Not some fancy, impractible Dusenberg-looking thing.

I never said Foose couldn't build cars. But I stand by my earlier statement in regards to Overhaulinimpracticable.

If you can't see the ignorance in that, AND you think I was calling him ignorant because of his likes and dislikes, then you're just as ignorant.

:stupid: :lol: I guess you do know it all kiddo. :up:

Maybe your boy Chip will read this and makeover your car. :lovies2:

I've said my peace, ..I'm done with this thread.

09-16-2005, 03:11 PM
hmm,.. where to start? I believe we were talking about our Marauders. and 'Overhaulin' ...right? Not some fancy, impractible Dusenberg-looking thing.

I never said Foose couldn't build cars. But I stand by my earlier statement in regards to Overhaulinimpracticable.

I've said my peace, ..I'm done with this thread.
You're right, we were talking about Overhaulin' and Marauders. But you said that all Chip does is 'slam them to the ground' and put on 'bling wheels'. So therefore, we must conclude ond of two things...

1. You've never seen more than half an episode of Overhaulin', or
2. You dislike Chip's designs completely

Both of which are not bad things at all. In fact, it doesn't matter if you like Chip's designs or not. I don't like all of his designs either. If someone said all his designs look like crap - fine; that's their opinion. However, you have to be clueless as to the work he does to make a statement such as the one you did, and not think that no one was going to call you out on it.

The same goes for people who mod their cars. A guy spends may spend 10 years building a custom car all by himself, and does a great job on it. Yet, some people don't like the way it looks. Does that automatically mean that the person didn't do any work on it because someone doesn't like it? To have a conclusion like that would be ignorant - which is what you did.

Maybe it's that we're cross-threading our posts? Using double-meanings? I dunno.

Is overhaulin' impracticle? - yes (but it's a tv show, c'mon)
Is chip foose building quality vehicles on overhaulin'? - questionable.
Does Chip's design looks good - up to you.
Does he do a lot of work on them - It appears to be so.

That's where I stand...

09-29-2005, 11:41 AM
I'll OVERHAULIT myself... you'll see.

09-29-2005, 03:12 PM
If you don't like Foose, how about Coddington?