View Full Version : What would you do

09-16-2005, 03:12 PM
If you went out to your driveway and saw THIS?

See pic.

09-16-2005, 03:16 PM
help me out here man,.. are you referring to the Taurus(?) who's bumper is over the line?

or,.. am I not seeing something else?

09-16-2005, 03:20 PM
help me out here man,.. are you referring to the Taurus(?) who's bumper is over the line?

or,.. am I not seeing something else?
I bet the bumper in the drive. That would make me mad if I couldn't get out, but there appears to be enough room.

09-16-2005, 03:54 PM
um... saw what ?

09-16-2005, 03:59 PM
Are you talking about how the car (looks like a Sable) is parked??

09-16-2005, 04:00 PM
I think he means, the neighbor's lawn looks better than yours...

09-16-2005, 04:05 PM
so then..... the answer must beeeeeeeee...

Buy Miracle Grow ? :rolleyes:

09-16-2005, 04:26 PM
Looks like a prime target for the driveways across the street! I've seen it happen before (what you need is an old car...70-80's Caprice or Olds that you really don't care about and is already banged up!).

09-16-2005, 04:38 PM
If you don't recognize the car. Call the Police .It's probably stolen.

09-16-2005, 05:01 PM
If you don't recognize the car. Call the Police .It's probably stolen.
Is That it? there used to be a Marauder there? :eek:

09-16-2005, 05:08 PM
OK that was funny jg. And my lawn has brown leaves on it and is actually better than the ones next to it (that doesn't say much, but hey I don't rake, I mulch)

The problem is I go to work early enough that some days it's dark. Like today when I was within about 1 inch of hitting this Sable with my MM (and no the reverse lights did not light up any reflectors or anything - it was damn near invisible).

This was prior to 7 AM.

I come home and have to go around it again to get back in my driveway. The idiots next door had another beer party last night (college kids). The owner (not a resident's car) was either drunk and still asleep or gone in another vehicle and didn't think it was worth his/her time to move it forward a few feet.

This was at 5PM

I have my 1-yr old with me and decide it's not my task to hunt them down. That's why we have LEOs. They come by and take the plate #. Wife/kid and I go to dinner and when we return the car is gone - either moved or towed. I don't care as long as it's gone.

Had I actually HIT said Sable you would have seen a smoking crater instead. I WISH I had my winter beater already. Then I might have *oops* hit the damn thing.

Trivial? Maybe, but wait 'til it's your MM one inch from being dinged. :P


09-16-2005, 05:39 PM
I used to have the same problem from disrespectful neighbors and their visitors. Even had someone breakdown in front of the house while i was at work, right at the edge and leave it for a week without telling me it had. Called the police thinking it was abandoned. Now no one parks in front of the house, but just in case someone comes to the hood who doesn't know any better i park my truck on the street in front of the house (while i'm away at whereever) and the car in the driveway.

Problem solved.

Now if i can just find a way to get rid of the basketball goal across the street. Have to look out for it every time i back out of the driveway.:mad2:

Some people just have no manners.

09-16-2005, 05:45 PM
Your making a mountain out of a mole hill. Who cares he parked a foot over the line? Have you never parked a few inches in the wrong place? everyone has. Maybe a if you wrote a note that said "please dont park in my driveway" that would resolve the situation. Why are college kids always the enemy? Its you old scrooges who bring everyone's day down. :rasta:

09-16-2005, 06:05 PM
If you went out to your driveway and saw THIS?

See pic.
Unless you are talking about the Marauder that is "supposed" to be in the driveway that isn't there anymore, I would just let it go. :rolleyes:

If it is about the excellent parking job by the Sable owner, I would probably quitely "fume" a minute or two about how stupid people can be. Then, I would just write it off to another lesson in "Dumb Stuff the People Do". :D Absolutely no sense in getting your blood pressure worked up. :mad:

09-16-2005, 06:54 PM
Your making a mountain out of a mole hill. Who cares he parked a foot over the line? Why are college kids always the enemy? Its you old scrooges who bring everyone's day down. :rasta:

:geezer: :laugh:

09-17-2005, 08:02 AM
Aye. Those parking snags and basketball gorilla goal obstacles smack of suburbia.

Try living in a rural setting. No problems with the neighbor's cars, but their animals are a different matter.

We've seen a neighbor's half-size donkey jump a 5-foot fence twice to breed another neighbor's full-size donkey mare in heat about 2 miles away.

There was the mass emu (think ostrich, but smaller) escape from the farm down the road. (You think dodging deer on a foggy road at 5 a.m. is tough? You ain't seen nothin' yet.)

We had a pair of escaped dogs (one was draggin' his chain complete with full-size tire attached) try to get in to breed our dog.

The cows across the street, while contributing to the picturesque rural landscape atmosphere, are sometimes loud enough you can hear them inside our house from over the hill.

And just to show I'm not above dingin' myself, our dog Tiny (200+lbs.) snuck out through our fence and bit the neighbor's little dog on its own porch. (I paid the neighbor's $270 vet bill, because it my policy to remain friendly with neighbors, especially when it wasn't their fault -- Their tree came down in the winds after Hurricane K rolled through and crushed a 10 section of my fenceline.)

Of course, I so love the country-lifestyle and I wouldn't change a thing. I just try to keep on speaking terms with all my neighbors because reasonable people can solve most problems with a little discussion.


09-17-2005, 08:08 AM
Do you want a list? Let's start with beer cans in my yard and them waking up my young daughter due to being loud, urinating along the fence between our houses (the fence that I own). IF you want more I have it.

See, they rent the place, and don't give a *****. Parents get together and buy houses for college kids nowadays and let them pay rent (maybe) - all in all it is cheaper than the dorms. The kids treat the house and neighborhood like crap because it isn't theirs, and the parents get most or all of their money back when selling because houses in college towns are always in high demand. Win-win for them. Lose for those of us who live here.

And yes, I'm planning on selling in the spring or summer. That really sucks because right now I am less than one block from a good elementary school. There are two such "rentals" on the street now, and the trend is predicted to continue.

I'll answer your questions with questions, also. Why is it always young kids who think what they do doesn't bother anyone? And why can't they learn to respect others and their property? It would have taken less than 30 seconds to put it somewhere else. Why are kids so damn lazy? :P

See? I can stereotype too.

At 35 I'm hardly old, and I teach HS kids every day. I have a bit of experience on their attitudes.

What bothers me is that had I actually hit the car it would have been my fault, technically. Gee, I wonder if they would have the audacity to complain to me about their car.

And no, I have never parked a few inches in the wrong place. When I have initially, I move it. That's called respect. It's also called taking care of my own stuff.


Your making a mountain out of a mole hill. Who cares he parked a foot over the line? Have you never parked a few inches in the wrong place? everyone has. Maybe a if you wrote a note that said "please dont park in my driveway" that would resolve the situation. Why are college kids always the enemy? Its you old scrooges who bring everyone's day down. :rasta:

09-17-2005, 09:06 AM
OK that was funny jg. And my lawn has brown leaves on it and is actually better than the ones next to it (that doesn't say much, but hey I don't rake, I mulch)

The problem is I go to work early enough that some days it's dark. Like today when I was within about 1 inch of hitting this Sable with my MM (and no the reverse lights did not light up any reflectors or anything - it was damn near invisible).

This was prior to 7 AM.

I come home and have to go around it again to get back in my driveway. The idiots next door had another beer party last night (college kids). The owner (not a resident's car) was either drunk and still asleep or gone in another vehicle and didn't think it was worth his/her time to move it forward a few feet.

This was at 5PM

I have my 1-yr old with me and decide it's not my task to hunt them down. That's why we have LEOs. They come by and take the plate #. Wife/kid and I go to dinner and when we return the car is gone - either moved or towed. I don't care as long as it's gone.

Had I actually HIT said Sable you would have seen a smoking crater instead. I WISH I had my winter beater already. Then I might have *oops* hit the damn thing.

Trivial? Maybe, but wait 'til it's your MM one inch from being dinged. :P

-AI'm with you on this one. I usually call Police or Public Safety/Code Enforcement.

What I would LIKE to do is have a small camp (car) fire and toast marshmallows!

09-17-2005, 08:12 PM
Trivial? Maybe, but wait 'til it's your MM one inch from being dinged.

In Queens, New York, that would be considered a crime, generally punishable by incarceration.

09-17-2005, 08:20 PM
I would promptly start up the cv and put the push bars to use. :wasntme:


09-17-2005, 08:21 PM
Is it possible that the kid was parked behind someone else and had no room to creep forward?

09-17-2005, 09:43 PM
Is it possible that the kid was parked behind someone else and had no room to creep forward?

No, it's not.


09-18-2005, 05:44 AM
Have a meet(serve lotsa beer) :beer: and when we get drunk we'll go over and kik in the door drag em out one by one kiking and screaming beat the p*** outta them :banana: and quess what problem solved not only with them but the whole neighborhood too. :nono: .
Have you tried pulling one aside and just calmly explaining your feelings. maybe they dont really relize its bothering you.talk to them and at least you know for sure how you stand with them.

09-18-2005, 06:31 AM
Your making a mountain out of a mole hill. Who cares he parked a foot over the line? Have you never parked a few inches in the wrong place? everyone has. Maybe a if you wrote a note that said "please dont park in my driveway" that would resolve the situation. Why are college kids always the enemy? Its you old scrooges who bring everyone's day down. :rasta:

Maybe breaking the law is ok for college kids,this shows no respect, and here where I live there is no on street parking at all, same thing kids had a party next door, broke bottles in the street and abandoned a ricer, called Leo, and he called the Hook.

09-18-2005, 07:23 AM
Your making a mountain out of a mole hill. Who cares he parked a foot over the line? Have you never parked a few inches in the wrong place? everyone has. Maybe a if you wrote a note that said "please dont park in my driveway" that would resolve the situation. Why are college kids always the enemy? Its you old scrooges who bring everyone's day down. :rasta:
That's a stupid statement, what you need to do is have respect for other people's property. That's why we get the short end of the stick so often. :mad:

09-18-2005, 07:40 AM
OK that was funny jg. And my lawn has brown leaves on it and is actually better than the ones next to it (that doesn't say much, but hey I don't rake, I mulch)

The problem is I go to work early enough that some days it's dark. Like today when I was within about 1 inch of hitting this Sable with my MM (and no the reverse lights did not light up any reflectors or anything - it was damn near invisible).

This was prior to 7 AM.

I come home and have to go around it again to get back in my driveway. The idiots next door had another beer party last night (college kids). The owner (not a resident's car) was either drunk and still asleep or gone in another vehicle and didn't think it was worth his/her time to move it forward a few feet.

This was at 5PM

I have my 1-yr old with me and decide it's not my task to hunt them down. That's why we have LEOs. They come by and take the plate #. Wife/kid and I go to dinner and when we return the car is gone - either moved or towed. I don't care as long as it's gone.

Had I actually HIT said Sable you would have seen a smoking crater instead. I WISH I had my winter beater already. Then I might have *oops* hit the damn thing.

Trivial? Maybe, but wait 'til it's your MM one inch from being dinged. :P

-A I had that problem in N.Y..I couldn't get out of the drive way, I put a jack under the rear of the car ,jacked it up and swong the back out to the middle of the street, I then called the Police and reported it parked that way, it was towed. problem over.

09-18-2005, 03:56 PM
Try living in a rural setting.......
My neighbor burns tires when I play Mettalica too loud on my outdoor 200 watt 8 speaker yard surround system...:P

His son has a 200 watt yamaha kareoke system in the shed and swears he sings as well as Bon Jovi...:puke:

We all have issues....the trick is to annoy them back occationally.

Next time, have friend push the car with a beater to where it belongs...some 200 feet up the street in front of a fire hydrant...then call the law.;)

09-18-2005, 04:13 PM
In Queens, New York, that would be considered a crime, generally punishable by incarceration.
I concur!! In Queens they Would Torch the Car First then Ask Questions Later!

OK the Sable is a Few Inches into the Driveway, but Is it me or is that Driveway Like 10 Feet Wide?!!! Unless you Are doing a 4 Wheel Slide into the Driveway, Or you have the Driveway thats facing the Drivers Side of the Sable, Id Say a Few Inches Is much better then coming home and Seeing the Sable Parking IN your Driveway

09-18-2005, 04:31 PM

09-18-2005, 04:51 PM
I concur!! In Queens they Would Torch the Car First then Ask Questions Later!

OK the Sable is a Few Inches into the Driveway, but Is it me or is that Driveway Like 10 Feet Wide?!!! Unless you Are doing a 4 Wheel Slide into the Driveway, Or you have the Driveway thats facing the Drivers Side of the Sable, Id Say a Few Inches Is much better then coming home and Seeing the Sable Parking IN your Driveway

The question is not whether I *could* get around it but that I should have to in the first place. They don't use their garage because it's filled with crap, so they park on the street.

Were they actually in the driveway I would have just called the tow myself. Isn't something on my property subject to whatever I like to do to it? Like fuschia paint or whatever?


Uh, yeah! Right! Snargle!

09-19-2005, 05:45 AM
I would use it as an excuse to move. I know of a big red house that is now empty!



Bradley G
09-19-2005, 05:57 AM
Sweep it!:D
If you went out to your driveway and saw THIS?

See pic.

09-19-2005, 06:04 AM
Screw sweeping. The wind will do that every other weekend when the wind changes. :)

Besides, I'd sweep all my stuff up and then just have everyone else's stuff in my driveway by the time I was finished.

09-19-2005, 06:07 AM
Riiiight. And I'll just park my private 747 in that garage.

What are you doing for a lift these days?

I would use it as an excuse to move. I know of a big red house that is now empty!



09-19-2005, 07:38 AM
I know how you feel about the college kids. The world owes them everything. I work on a college campus and some of their biggest complaints are:

1. We are breaking up their parties with 2 or 3 thousand people at them, way too early. We break them up at 1:00AM when the neighbors complain. They say that they should be allowed to party until 3AM at least.

2. The university doesn't provide them drunk buses so that they can go out every weekend and get trashed.

The best one :

We made them put out a bonfire that they had started next to their apartment building. It was ten feet away from the building and starting to buckle the siding.

09-19-2005, 08:11 AM
Next time, have friend push the car with a beater to where it belongs...some 200 feet up the street in front of a fire hydrant...then call the law.;)

Better than that: I was watching some movie the other day with John Travolta, he was the bad guy. Somebody in the movie had a "portable" fire hydrant in a bag. Set it up in front of the wife's car and it got a ticket. That's the way to go!

09-19-2005, 08:24 PM
Riiiight. And I'll just park my private 747 in that garage.

What are you doing for a lift these days?
Doing without for the most part. (sigh) Got a floor jack and ramps. The lift is for sale if you have the space!



09-19-2005, 11:18 PM
Maybe next time they'll park on the lawn. Then you can bury the car under leaves.

09-20-2005, 06:28 PM
We've had some colleges crack-down on underage drinking here in Michigan account of deaths and other troubles. Mich. State U. is notorius for drunken rioting and they are finally cracking down. Grand Valley State has been raiding both on and off campus drinking parties and ticketing/expelling underage drinkers with police reinforcements. Hit 'em in the pocket book, give 'em a record, and put their parents on the spot and things will change for the better.

09-20-2005, 07:21 PM
Raking leaves is for suckers.

Maybe next time they'll park on the lawn. Then you can bury the car under leaves.

09-20-2005, 09:11 PM
Raking leaves is for suckers.
Got that right. I think I will drink about 27 beers, get out the drums, shake up the neighborhood, set fire to the offending car.....then rake the leaves...then take a new puzzle picture to post so we can have this much fun again tomorrow...what a concept.

I love this crap:beer:

09-21-2005, 12:06 AM
Raking leaves is for suckers.

Yes, but burying the car under them is a whole other matter.