View Full Version : Bluerauder Checks In with an Update

09-26-2005, 03:10 PM
So far, so good :up:

First, I would like to thank the entire membership here for the prayers and the overwhelming support offered to my son, Chuck, and the family during this difficult time. :) I read all the notes and found it to be a quite moving and emotional experience. :cry: Needed some time to gather my composure before attempting to do an update on the situation. :rolleyes: I am certain that all of your prayers and wishes made a difference in this case.

Thanks also to Mike Poore who tracked me down by cell phone and was able to provide an update here on the MM.Net to keep everyone in the loop while I was off the net.

Now for the Update. It seems that my son had a stroke at age 27. He is a Captain in the US Army and is very physically fit, runs every day, works out alot, plays sports, eats right, and doesn't smoke. All signs point to a "fluke" episode. Every test came back clean including the CAT scan, MRI, MRA, Blood work, and Echocardiogram. The neurologist team at University Hospital in Missouri could find no root cause of this incident. Apparently, a loose piece of plaque found its way into the brain and it got lodged in a narrow passageway among all the blood vessels. The doctors found a lesion in the brain on the left side about 1/2 to 3/4 inch long where loss of blood flow had killed the neurons/cells that resulted in the stroke.

Whether this is considered a minor stroke, I don't know. Fortunately, the area of the brain where this occurred does not affect memory, speech, motor coordination, or major body functions. The problem was centered in the sensory area (touch and feel sense). Basically, the right half of his body is in a constant state of numbness that he describes as the "pins and needles" feeling when your foot or hand falls asleep. However, it has not gone away. The problem seems to focus more on his right arm and hand; but is also noticeable in his right leg, chest and the right side of his face.

As for the prognosis, the doctors feel that he should recover "in time". This may be a matter of days or weeks or months. No one knows at this point. They do feel that his excellent condition is what helped to minimize the effects and should aid in his recovery.

He was released from University Hospital on Friday and transported by ambulance back to Fort Leonard Wood. The Army decided to retain him for the weekend and set him up with physical therapy and such beginning today. He was released from the FLW Hospital this afternnoon and he is now home in familiar surroundings. Now begins the Road to Recovery.

Again, thanks to all for your words of support and your prayers and good wishes. :D They really mean alot. This place is great !!! :2thumbs:

09-26-2005, 04:01 PM
Oh my god Charlie :eek: .Had no idea .If theres anything that i can do ..Me and Peg wish him the best in a speedy recovery.:2thumbs:.Will pm you..

09-26-2005, 04:06 PM
Your son is strong, young, healthy. With God's grace he will fully recover. Time heals.:)

Joe Walsh
09-26-2005, 04:12 PM
Charlie, I'm glad to hear that Chuck is doing reasonably well.
The good news is that great strides have been made in helping stroke patients recover after suffering nerve damage.
It will take a while, but I'm confident he will regain normal sensory/touch function.

09-26-2005, 04:22 PM
Charlie, I am also a little late to the thread, but knowing you and your fortitude, I am sure with prayer and the great genes you and your wife have supplied your son, he will be on his way to a full recovery. Take care and please be assured that everyone here will answer any call or request you need. Godspeed!

Again, thanks to all for your words of support and your prayers and good wishes. :D They really mean alot. This place is great !!! :2thumbs:

09-26-2005, 04:40 PM
Keep the faith! Everything will work out. We are all pulling for your son and your family.

09-26-2005, 05:20 PM
Charlie - Thanks for the update. Praying for a speedy recovery.

09-26-2005, 05:37 PM
Thanks for the update. Hoping all ends well and soon.

09-26-2005, 06:14 PM
He's young and strong, my prayers for a complete recovery :up:

09-26-2005, 07:24 PM
Best wishes and prayers on you son's recovery. If your son has been to Iraq or SWA in any region, let me advise you of this...I've been to Iraq for three tours since day one of the ground war and I've been lucky with only a strange respiratory infection that took me almost a year get over. Several of my unit members haven't been so lucky. We've had 5 cases of diabetes occuring in members with no family history of the disease, two cases of epilepsy, and a stroke occur...all in members of exceptional health and fitness since deploying to Iraq. Six of these eight were all on jump status and had to pass a Class III flight physical, which would have caught any problems prior to deployment. I'm not sure how the Army handles things, but I was angry to the point of hurting someone over how some of my troops were dealt with. As of today, only one has been retained in the service, he now has Type II diabetes and is non-deployable and soon to PCS to a desk job at Langley. If your son doesn't get better, push like heck to have him seen by specialists and ensure everything is documented well in his medical records. Make copies of everything and try to get copies of any X-rays, MRI's, CAT's etc. If they medically board him out, he'll need everything he can to work his VA disability afterwards, and the military is super slow in forwarding any documentation, provided they can find it. I sincerely hope all goes well for him and this is a warning you won't need, but being prepared is half the battle.

09-27-2005, 08:13 AM
:bump: for those who may have missed it on the first go around yesterday.

09-27-2005, 09:16 AM
:bump: for those who may have missed it on the first go around yesterday.
Glad to hear Chuck is doing fine, Chris and I will continue to pray for a full recovery. Let him know that all the CAM members are pulling for him.