View Full Version : Mercury Nightmares

09-26-2005, 06:49 PM
As many of you know, I had an "unplanned" trip to Missouri this week. Got a Silver Grand Marquis from Budget at the airport. Since I have a trunk organizer, I didn't realize how deep the trunk is ... you could put a VW Beetle in there and still have room for a couple cases of beer. :D

OK ... here's the nightmare part !!!

I rarely dream (or never remember them if I do). However, while I am on this trip driving a Grand Marquis, I had a really bad nightmare that goes like this.

Somewhere on the fine print in the Budget rental contract is a statement that anyone who takes a Grand Marquis is automatically enrolled in "GrandMarquis.Net". :eek: All of the sudden and without my express consent, I am a member of another organization. ((It's one of those Opt Out deals). Soon, the members of the "MM.Net" find out that there is a traitor in their midst and I am banished from the Marauder site. This is all because I rented a Grand Marquis. :o Just think of the punishment if I had opted for a Pontiac Gran Am or :cringe: a Nissan Altima or something foreign.

Anyway, I woke up in a cold sweat thinking that all the gang here had put me on the blacklist. I was sure relieved to find out it was only a bad dream. :D Now that is "obsessed"?? :dunno:

For the record, I enjoyed the Grand Marquis; but nowwhere near as much as my Marauder. It's not quite as nice inside and there are less controls on the steering wheel, radio, etc. However, it was similar enough to reduce the separation anxiety. Not similar enough in the "jump" department though !! :rofl:

09-26-2005, 06:53 PM
Drink more beer before going to bed.:up: :D

Joe Walsh
09-26-2005, 06:55 PM
LOL Charlie...
Did your "GM Nightmare" include you driving at 51 mph in the far lefthand lane of I-95 with your blinker stuck on.???? :eek:

Glad to see that you've kept in good spirits with all that has occurred in the last week. :up:

09-26-2005, 07:25 PM
LOL Charlie...
Did your "GM Nightmare" include you driving at 51 mph in the far lefthand lane of I-95 with your blinker stuck on.???? :eek:

No way !!!! :rolleyes: That's the good part about being in Missouri. The Grand Marquis only saw 51 mph in passing through to 80. :D Even the 2 lane winding country secondary roads (i.e. Route UU, Y, XX, Z ....) are posted at 55 mph. It was sheer pleasure to drive out there compared to this Northern Virginia freak show that I normally deal with. If I could have driven my Marauder out there ... this thread would be "censored" as a ultimate pleasure experience. :rofl:

09-26-2005, 07:40 PM
When I flew into Detroit for MVIII, Hertz had a Gold GM waiting for me. For a few bucks more I grabbed the White Mustang. I knew there was some reason my gut drove me to the pony car. Just didn't know what it was. Maybe that's why while I was there all I could do was Dream Cruisin! :) Thanks for putting it into perspective for me.