View Full Version : Some helpfull IMAGE RESIZING TOOLS

09-29-2005, 04:20 PM
I once posted a link to a neat online (free) GIF resizing program. The problem was it didn't work with jpg files. Did GIFs fabulous however to exact user defined dimensions.

Click here if you haven't tried this one (http://www.gifworks.com/cgi-bin/gifworks.pl?com=transfer_open)

I found another resizer recently (free), and it also converts formats.
Nice for a quick and easy avitar or sig reducing utility to have onhand.

And free...;)

THE WEBSITE (http://www.imageresizer.com/help.php)

STRAIGHT TO THE DOWNLOAD (http://imageresizer.mihov.com/)

I should also pass on this tool as well. This is an XP POWERTOOL called 'Image resizer' that was never bundled with XP. Once installed it will put an option in your right click menu (if you right click on an image file) to RESIZE IMAGE.
This one is good if you have hi-res pics from a digital and you just want to cut down on their kb size to send to others or upload into galleries.

Microsoft Powertoys (http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/downloads/powertoys/xppowertoys.mspx)

09-29-2005, 04:24 PM
Thank you allways in the market for free goodies..will check em out.:up:

09-29-2005, 04:44 PM
Barry told me about the "image resizer" at MVlll. What a great tool. It will resize your pictures in 3 sizes with just the right click of the mouse, and it's FREE.