View Full Version : Indiana speeding ticket & Insurance companies

10-06-2005, 06:00 AM

While driving to Atlanta last week, I got a speeding ticket in Indiana. Going 83mph in a 70mph speed limit.
There isn't much I can dispute, but I do remember about 10 years ago that Indiana had a law, where if you paid twice the fine, the traffic violation would not be be shared with the Insurance companies.

The ticket is "only" $126, which is low compared to WI. Not looking to get out of it (not saying it wouldn't be nice if I could), but just trying to avoid a rise in our Insurance rates. The Officer did write down the wrong registration year on my license plate, but I don't think that's enough to fight the ticket. Oddly enough he didn't ask for my registration or insurance card. Here in WI they always want to see that.

Anyone know how the insurance companies find out about speeding tickets on your record? Do they only investigate when you switch? Or do they constantly scan and upate their records?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Peter aka MMM2003

Mike Poore
10-06-2005, 06:10 AM
Some states do not share information about moving traffic violations, at least, that has been the situation between Pa & Maryland. I live in PA, but all of my past issues have been in MD, and in those cases, PA did not assign "points" nor did my insurance Company learn about them, so far as I know. Also, like yours, they were not major violations, and I never disputed the summons, and just paid the fine. Hopefully, you'll get away with paying up, and hear no more about it. ;)

10-06-2005, 06:11 AM
Peter, I have lived in Indiana for 30 years and have never heard of that. Maybe it is only for out of state drivers??? Where were you when you got the ticket and were you driving the MM?

10-06-2005, 09:33 AM

While driving to Atlanta last week, I got a speeding ticket in Indiana. Going 83mph in a 70mph speed limit.
There isn't much I can dispute, but I do remember about 10 years ago that Indiana had a law, where if you paid twice the fine, the traffic violation would not be be shared with the Insurance companies.

The ticket is "only" $126, which is low compared to WI. Not looking to get out of it (not saying it wouldn't be nice if I could), but just trying to avoid a rise in our Insurance rates. The Officer did write down the wrong registration year on my license plate, but I don't think that's enough to fight the ticket. Oddly enough he didn't ask for my registration or insurance card. Here in WI they always want to see that.

Anyone know how the insurance companies find out about speeding tickets on your record? Do they only investigate when you switch? Or do they constantly scan and upate their records?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Peter aka MMM2003

The insurance copy usually requests a copy of your driving record every couple of years. In Georgia, they get that information through Choicepoint.

10-06-2005, 08:50 PM
Peter, I have lived in Indiana for 30 years and have never heard of that. Maybe it is only for out of state drivers??? Where were you when you got the ticket and were you driving the MM?

Hey Mercman:

I was just outside of Indy. About 20 miles west on I-74.
I went to college in So. Ill. and had several friends who got speeding tickets in Indiana. They got away with paying twice the fine not receiving any points or mention on their records. Maybe they paid the cop in cash twice the value of the ticket :D (j/k Troopers) and got away with it that way.

I gotta check into that somemore. I'm guessing it's no longer around, because I do recall seeing that option on their actual traffic violation record.



10-07-2005, 08:33 PM
The only time I've gotten a ticket, I was on my motorcycle and was flagged down by an Indianapolis Police Department Motorcycle Officer. He told me that if I paid my ticket online within 30 days (and didn't have a prior ticket within a certain period), that it wouldn't be on my record?

This may be an Indianapolis PD thing? Were you ticketed by a State Police Officer? County Sherrif? Does your ticket have a website address?

Bradley G
10-07-2005, 08:39 PM
Hey!, Long time no see Nathan!

The only time I've gotten a ticket, I was on my motorcycle and was flagged down by an Indianapolis Police Department Motorcycle Officer. He told me that if I paid my ticket online within 30 days (and didn't have a prior ticket within a certain period), that it wouldn't be on my record?

This may be an Indianapolis PD thing? Were you ticketed by a State Police Officer? County Sherrif? Does your ticket have a website address?

10-14-2005, 08:53 PM
The only time I've gotten a ticket, I was on my motorcycle and was flagged down by an Indianapolis Police Department Motorcycle Officer. He told me that if I paid my ticket online within 30 days (and didn't have a prior ticket within a certain period), that it wouldn't be on my record?

This may be an Indianapolis PD thing? Were you ticketed by a State Police Officer? County Sherrif? Does your ticket have a website address?

Hey Nathan, just saw your response. It was an IHP on a motorcycle. I didn't notice a website. I'll have to check.

Thanks for the info.

10-17-2005, 04:51 AM
Anyone know how the insurance companies find out about speeding tickets on your record? Do they only investigate when you switch? Or do they constantly scan and upate their records?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I got a speeding ticket 2 years ago in Arkansas. I was told that if I had a good driving record to write the Prosecutor and explain that my record was clean and request that my ticket not be placed on my record and of course include payment for the fine.

I was skeptical about this, so I actually phoned the prosecutor's office. This was confirmed with one stipulation. The ticket would not go on my record as long as I didn't have another speeding ticket in the same county for a 6-month period.

Anyways ... just my .02 cents. Might be worth a shot if your driving record is clean.

10-25-2005, 09:52 AM
Peter, I have lived in Indiana for 30 years and have never heard of that. Maybe it is only for out of state drivers??? Where were you when you got the ticket and were you driving the MM?

Just a quick update. I finally called the county clerk, and they have, what they call a "Deferral program". It allows drivers with no tickets in the past 2 years to pay a 50% "fine" additional fine, and be put on a probation program. If you get no other tickets in the next 6 months, the ticket will be removed and never goes on your driving record, thus the insurance company won't find out and raise your rates.

This happened in Montgomery County. Not sure if this program exists in all Indiana counties, but I think it's a good idea.

Here is a link with some more info for a different county.


Peter aka MMM2003