View Full Version : Prayers Still Needed, Please !!

10-09-2005, 05:35 PM
I am requesting the continuing help and prayers of the MM.Net family. Things had been progressing well with my son since his stroke at age 27 back on 20 September. He has been at home in Missouri on convalescent leave from the US Army and undergoing physical and occupational therapy.

Spoke with him last night and he seemed to be doing fine and making progress. However, he had another episode this afternoon and is headed back to University Hospital in Columbia, MO. He didn't pass out this time; but from what his wife said, he was experiencing a tingly sensation on his "left" side and said he also had pressure inside his head. The earlier problem affected his "right" side. She took him to the hospital at Fort Leonard Wood and they decided to send him back to University where he was 2-3 weeks ago. He had a "dizzy" spell earlier in the week on Tuesday while he was out walking the dog. At that time, it was dismissed as heat and overexertion. Now I'm not so sure.

Am waiting to hear back, so that my wife and I can figure out the next step.

Please keep Chuck and his wife in your prayers. Thanks.


10-09-2005, 05:37 PM
Sorry to hear that.

All the best & consider it done.

10-09-2005, 05:40 PM
Thank you for keeping us all posted, Charlie. We continue to prayer for him and your family.

10-09-2005, 05:41 PM
Sorry to hear that.

All the best & consider it done.

same here.....

10-09-2005, 05:57 PM
Charlie - Very sorry to hear that. Keeping your son and family in my thoughts and prayers.

Big House
10-09-2005, 06:01 PM
Already done...

10-09-2005, 06:04 PM
Charlie, we have been and will continue. All the best. Godspeed. Dennis and Penny

Joe Walsh
10-09-2005, 06:07 PM
Charlie, I will keep Chuck and your family in my prayers...

hoping for good news.

Mike Poore
10-09-2005, 06:20 PM
Chuck's back on our prayer list, Charlie. Also you and the family. They need to give that soldier a thorough work-up.

10-09-2005, 06:22 PM
Hang in there bud!

Prayers sent!!!

10-10-2005, 04:52 AM
Got ya covered!

10-10-2005, 08:01 AM
You got it Charlie!

10-10-2005, 08:44 AM
I am terribly sorry to hear this. Prayers are on the way!

10-10-2005, 08:55 AM
Prayers sent from Racey's Spring,Al

10-10-2005, 08:58 AM
Prayers Still Needed
You got it.

10-10-2005, 09:26 AM
:( Blue, we are on it! Straight from our lips to the "Big One". Hopefully all will work out and your son will be a-okay. Keep us informed.

10-10-2005, 04:18 PM
Chuck's back on our prayer list, Charlie. Also you and the family. They need to give that soldier a thorough work-up.
No argument from me here, Mike !!! :D He is now being worked by a team of neurosurgeons at University. Has been questioned and tested all day. More tests tomorrow. Says he feels better for the most part, however, he still is getting the tingly sensations on his left side. Will possibly know more when the results of the tests come back.

Thanks to the gang here at MM.Net for your support and prayers. Your notes and encouragement mean a lot !!! :up:


10-10-2005, 04:28 PM
Continuing to pray, thanks for the update. Very Respectfully, -kjs-

10-10-2005, 04:31 PM
Continuing to pray, thanks for the update. Very Respectfully, -kjs-

Same here praying for a full recovery!!

10-10-2005, 04:36 PM
Charlie, if it will help, I am more of an Earth religion kind of guy, (pagan), so I will do my best to call upon the forces of Mother and everything she has to offer to look over your son. All the best, Bob.
No argument from me here, Mike !!! :D He is now being worked by a team of neurosurgeons at University. Has been questioned and tested all day. More tests tomorrow. Says he feels better for the most part, however, he still is getting the tingly sensations on his left side. Will possibly know more when the results of the tests come back.

Thanks to the gang here at MM.Net for your support and prayers. Your notes and encouragement mean a lot !!! :up:


10-10-2005, 04:39 PM

You and your family have been in our thoughts and prayers since we heard of Chuck's illness. Diane and I hope Chuck gets some expert troubleshooting and care at the University hospital. Thanks for the update.


10-12-2005, 01:01 PM
I am requesting the continuing help and prayers of the MM.Net family. ...Please keep Chuck and his wife in your prayers. Thanks.

Here's an update. Chuck has been tested and tested again at University Hospital. Nothing new found. No cause; but no new damage. He was released from the hospital last night after 2 full days of interviews and probing. All tests came back negative and everything is as it was before. He is back at home recuperating and trying to sort through all of this. This has been quite a shock for a young guy who is very active. **understatement**

I think that the latest sensations that he was experiencing is sort of the by-product of a stroke experience ... like aftershocks after an earthquake. His brain is going through a natural healing process and "trying to rewire" the sensory paths. I understand that contractions, tightness and "charlie horse" sensations are quite common. Of course, that is my take on this whole episode since I am not a neurosurgeon. :rolleyes:

Naturally, he is rather "skittish" about these new and strange happenings. Can't say that I blame him. :D

Let's all hope and pray that his road to recovery is quick and complete. I do very much appreciate the support that Chuck, his wife and his family have received from the members of the MM.net. :up:

10-12-2005, 01:10 PM
I can't belive I missed this!!

My thoughts and hope goes out to him and you.

10-12-2005, 02:59 PM
Never had you son out of the prayer loop.

God Bless!

10-12-2005, 03:34 PM
I hope everything works out in your favor :(

Mike M
10-12-2005, 03:38 PM
Good Luck and try not to worry as you may upset him when you talk to him, its amazing what emotion can come through in a conversation.
Believe me, I know.

Mike Poore
10-12-2005, 06:11 PM
Here's an update. ...

Let's all hope and pray that his road to recovery is quick and complete. I do very much appreciate the support that Chuck, his wife and his family have received from the members of the MM.net. :up:
Thanks for the update, Charlie. Please tell Chuck and his family they're on our prayer list, and will stay there. We sure are hoping the neuro dudes are calling this correctly. :)

10-13-2005, 09:29 AM
I thought of something when I saw this the first time but didn't feel the time was right to bring this up.
Since your son started having symptoms within a day of a long flight I am curious if they have done a DNA workup to determine if he as any clotting disorders.
I found out that I have a clotting disorder after people in my mother's family kept getting blood clots. They either had clots in their legs (best case), lungs (worse) or brain (worst case). Her (very young) family doctor finally got wise to her family history and had her blood tested at the Mayo clinic. She has 'Factor 5 Leiden' - a hyper-clotting genetic disorder. There was a 50% chance that she passed it on to her children but my sister and I both have it. She will be on cumiden for the rest of her life but since I have not had a clot, I can get by with asprin when I travel.
I remember when that news man from NBC died from a Deep Vein Thrombosis (blood clot) and I thought at the time that it would keep happening to people if they are not made aware of the risk. Believe it or not, 12% if the caucasion population has a clotting disorder (hyper-clotting) that predisposes them to DVT, which in many cases, casuses stroke. Any time you sit still for a long period of time without moving around, the blood in your leg tends to clot. If the clot is not broken up by the blood flow, it either causes the leg to swell or it travels on to the lungs. If it is trapped in the lungs, there will be sharp pain like a heart attack. If the lungs don't filter it out and the clot goes to the brain, it most likely will cause a stroke and many times death.

I wish your family the best and I hope that they figure out the root cause of the problem soon.


10-13-2005, 10:08 AM
Since your son started having symptoms within a day of a long flight I am curious if they have done a DNA workup to determine if he as any clotting disorders.
He has been tested for the hyperclotting disorder that you mention. So far, everything is negative. Also no history of such a disorder on either side of the family. Appreciate your concerns and input.

10-13-2005, 10:20 AM
I haven't posted here yet either...but want to express my best wishes and prayers as I have before. I'm glad to read that tests are coming back negative, although I will admit sometimes that can be pretty frustrating when you aren't sure quite what is going on.

But I want to agree with you Charlie, sounds like what he's experiencing could be some sort of "aftershock" effect as you mention. It makes plenty of sense, but alas, I too am not a neurosurgeon.

The good news is he has the support of his family and friends, and access to a good staff of neurosurgeons, and all things considered, that's not a bad place to be.

I wish him and your family all the best!

Bradley G
10-13-2005, 10:49 AM
Prayers ang Blessings for Charlie and all the people, tending to his speedy recovery!!!

10-13-2005, 11:01 AM
He has been tested for the hyperclotting disorder that you mention. So far, everything is negative. Also no history of such a disorder on either side of the family. Appreciate your concerns and input.

Bluerauder, sorry to hear about Chuck, he's gonna be alright, it will take some time, Ozz has some good info, Ive been on blood thinner's since 96, and have the hyperclotting and have to watch it. Whatever he does he needs to be carefull of falling in general and hitting his head anywhere.
Our best to you all and Chuck.

12-12-2005, 02:48 PM
Several folks asked how Chuck was doing at yesterday's CAM meet. I have provided individual updates to several folks; but thought I needed to bring the membership at large up to date.

As many of you are aware, on 20 September 2005, Chuck had a stroke at the age of 27 that affected his entire right side sensory system. No definitive "cause" has ever been found. He has been in occupational and physical therapy for the last 2 months. Things are finally getting back to normal for him. He's about back to a 98% level. His strength is fine. However, he does have some lingering sensations in his right hand when doing "fine" skills. He went back to his US Army Career Course Classes 2 weeks ago and is back doing PT and daily workouts -- albeit in the "take it slow and easy ramp-up mode". The entire family is looking forward to his visit to Virginia over the holiday school break.

Thanks much for the thoughts and prayers over this difficult period. Looks like everything is still going well and hopefully reaching 100% again is not far away.

12-12-2005, 03:27 PM
Thanks for the update, glad to hear he continues to improve.