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10-10-2005, 01:10 PM
Journalists Hold Symposium on Media Bias... Only Invite Journalists

Near the farmhouse, the foxes will hold a panel discussion on the phenomena of hens going missing from the henhouse.
This Aesop-like fable will be played out next week on Oct. 17 at the National Press Club in Washington, when the Michigan State University school of journalism holds a “media bias symposium.”

The event is also sponsored by the Newseum, the Poynter Institute, and the National Press Club. . . .

Says Jane Briggs-Bunting, director of the School of Journalism at MSU, “We will be having a frank discussion about the areas where media bias exists, how it can sneak into stories and images, and the challenges in today’s world where everyone has the ability to publish online.”

No non-journalists were invited, which means the findings of the symposium can be announced a week in advance: There is no bias, and bias is in the eye of the beholder.

The keynote luncheon address will be presented by Sam Donaldson of 'ABC News

(I wonder if anyone thinks this is a joke)

10-10-2005, 01:47 PM
Perfect! I can only say to the media, " :puke: ."

10-11-2005, 03:17 AM
It's a joke. All the invitations were forgerys. Dan Rather is just having some fun with his old pals, that's all.:D

10-11-2005, 09:22 AM
If it ain't liberal, it ain't biased, right?

definition of sym·po·si·um: A meeting or conference for discussion of a topic, especially one in which the participants form an audience and make presentations.

I don't see any lefties invited or speaking at this one: Symposium On The Media & The Blogosphere (http://www.rightwingnews.com/symposiums/trans.php)

IUP symposium "Media Bias: The War on Journalism Sept. 29-30
Indiana University of Pennsylvania Journalism professor Dr. David Loomis noted at this recent event: "News media bias covers a lot of ground for a lot of people. It includes the values of Fox News – or of CNN. It covers the way the Bush administration manages the flow of information (emphasis mine). It covers the way reporters, editors and producers decide what is news. It covers the way citizens respond to – and engage with -- news media. All of those are applying pressure on the critical function of reporting news in a democratic society."

Another one that hints at conservative "balance"...
Expert Panel Sheds Light on Media Bias and Accountability (http://www.votelouise.com/news/100/expert-panel-sheds-light-on-media-bias-and-accountability) "On the heals of news that yet another member of the media, syndicated columnist Maggie Gallagher, was paid by the White House to promote Bush Administration proposals."

On the MSU Event
details from MSU site (http://newsroom.msu.edu/site/indexer/2529/content.htm)
"A group of 16 journalism scholars from MSU will attend the event, which will be held at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. A live webcast will be available through a link at http://jrn.msu.edu The symposium is free and open to the public, with a luncheon between panels and a reception at the conclusion of the symposium."

I don't see anyone being actively excluded. One of the talking points will be "News media or noisemakers: Who is a journalist?" That probably explains the lack of Fox representation. :rolleyes:

10-11-2005, 12:38 PM
For the learning disabled, I'll repeat myself.

The majority of newspaper publishers and television station owners in this country are massive corporations with major-league profits, hardly a picture of "left-leaning" bias.

Here's just a sample off the top of my head of the "corporations" and their media properties. Financial reports and holdings were confirmed using public filings researched through Hoovers.com.

Gannett (USAToday, tens of major newspapers and dozens of TV stations) -- 2004 Net Income (mil.) $1,317.2

Knight-Ridder (Owns more than 30 daily and 50 non-daily newspapers in the U.S., including the Philadelphia Inquirer and Miami Herald) -- 2004 Net Income (mil.) $326.2

Tribune Corp. (Chicago Tribune, Newsday, and the Los Angeles Times. More than 25 TV stations, cable network Superstation WGN, the WB Television Network and the TV Food Network) -- 2004 Net Income (mil.) $555.5

Meredith Corp. (Readers Digest, Better Homes and Gardens, Ladies' Home Journal, Parents, Child, Fitness, and Family Circle magazines, as well as a dozen or so TV stations in major markets) -- 2005 Net Income (mil.) $129.0

Liberty Media Group (Owns Court TV and 17% of News Corp., parent of Fox Broadcasting) -- 2004 Net Income (mil.) $46.0

The McClatchy Co. (Owns about 30 daily including the Minneapolis Star Tribune, Sacramento Bee and Raleigh, N,C.'s News & Observer) -- 2004 Net Income (mil.) $155.9

Belo Corp. (Dallas Morning News and Providence (R.I.) Journal and 19 TV stations) -- 2004 Net Income (mil.) $132.5

NY Times Corp. (NY Times, Boston Globe and many TV stations) -- 2004 Net Income (mil.) $292.6

Dow Jones Co. (Owns Wall Street Journal and its various incarnations and financial magazines, Barron's and SmartMoney) -- 2004 Net Income (mil.) $99.5

Disney (ABC) -- 2004 Net Income (mil.) $2,345.0

Viacom (CBS, MTV, VH1, BET & UPN networks, Paramount Studios, 40 TV stations, publisher Simon & Schuster, Infinity Broadcasting's more than 180 radio stations) -- 2004 Net Income (mil.) ($17,462.2)

General Electric (One of the laregst corporations in the world, NBC Network) -- 2004 Net Income (mil.) $16,593.0

News Corp. (Owns The Times of London and book publisher HarperCollins, Fox Entertainment Group, who's significant holdings including the FOX network with 200 U.S. affiliates, Twentieth Century Fox, and a 34% stake in DIRECTV. It also owns 35 U.S. TV stations.) -- 2004 Net Income (mil.) $1,607.0

If you think the media is liberal ... Why don't you add up all the profits from these media giants and then come back and tell me what liberal agenda is driving these companies. Perhaps you'd better reconsider whose information is being pushed in your direction and by what companies.

I'd love to work for liberal-agenda media company, but I've never seen one, so back up your argument with more than "Rush/Bush,Rove ... said so and I believe them."


P.S. For those that can't add ... I've done that too. Total profits ... $6,137.2 (mil.) and that includes the massive loss from Viacom. You can read that number as this $6,137,200,000 if it helps you grasp the total size of their combined profits. Next time you see media giants laying off people from the newsrooms, remember it's all about more profits ... not better news gathering regardless of its perceived "liberal" bias.