View Full Version : Hooyah, the Marauder is becoming valuable

Donny Carlson
10-10-2005, 02:11 PM
Madden LM is now actively looking to buy Marauders at auctions and from other dealers. They've sold two used Marauders within the past month.

The second one, a black 2003 a model, sold for the same price it sold new. Yes, they had sold it new to a local owner, who traded it in on a Navigator. They had it online, a buyer in Florida saw it, called them with a deposit, flew in and drove it home.

The second black MM bought at an auction was sold to a man in Sylacauga, who intends to SC it and add a lot of mods. Wonder if he knows about this board?

I've had dealers look at my modded MM and say they wouldn't be interested in such a car, but it looks like I could recover some of my mod costs if I sold it to them. Consider while I was there today, two different guys asked if it was for sale.

This is a decided shift from a year ago, when new 04's were being given away with huge incentives.

And, best part, stopped at the local Ford dealer (an SVT dealer) and parked the MM out front while I looked at a couple of Mustang GT verts. When I came back, three salesturds were checking it out, the oldest one giving a lecture on how hot a car the MM is. Got a thumbs up from them when I started it up to that throaty rumble, courtesy Grand Mufflers.

10-10-2005, 03:25 PM
Donny I have a local dealer sitting on a '04 with 800 miles:)

29,500. Not bad!

10-10-2005, 03:26 PM
Are you referring to Madden Lincoln Mercury in Tuscaloosa, AL?

I own Keith Madden's personal Marauder. He was quite fond of it after I had it tuned and 4.10 gears added.

I don't plan to let him get it back :):)

John Cooper

Madden LM is now actively looking to buy Marauders at auctions and from other dealers. They've sold two used Marauders within the past month.

The second one, a black 2003 a model, sold for the same price it sold new. Yes, they had sold it new to a local owner, who traded it in on a Navigator. They had it online, a buyer in Florida saw it, called them with a deposit, flew in and drove it home.

The second black MM bought at an auction was sold to a man in Sylacauga, who intends to SC it and add a lot of mods. Wonder if he knows about this board?

I've had dealers look at my modded MM and say they wouldn't be interested in such a car, but it looks like I could recover some of my mod costs if I sold it to them. Consider while I was there today, two different guys asked if it was for sale.

This is a decided shift from a year ago, when new 04's were being given away with huge incentives.

And, best part, stopped at the local Ford dealer (an SVT dealer) and parked the MM out front while I looked at a couple of Mustang GT verts. When I came back, three salesturds were checking it out, the oldest one giving a lecture on how hot a car the MM is. Got a thumbs up from them when I started it up to that throaty rumble, courtesy Grand Mufflers.

Donny Carlson
10-10-2005, 03:40 PM
Are you referring to Madden Lincoln Mercury in Tuscaloosa, AL?

I own Keith Madden's personal Marauder. He was quite fond of it after I had it tuned and 4.10 gears added.

I don't plan to let him get it back :):)

John Cooper
Madden bought out Champion LM in Birmingham, where I bought my car. It's now Madden LM as well. They are definitely fans of the MM here, very much unlike the owners of Champion.

10-10-2005, 05:04 PM
Madden LM is now actively looking to buy Marauders at auctions and from other dealers. They've sold two used Marauders within the past month.

That's promising NEWS. I hope it starts a trend

We here always knew the Marauder is valuable :)

Got a thumbs up from them when I started it up to that throaty rumble, courtesy Grand Mufflers.

Free mufflers! nice work.

Donny Carlson
10-10-2005, 05:15 PM
That's promising NEWS. I hope it starts a trend

We here always knew the Marauder is valuable :)

Free mufflers! nice work.
The mufflers weren't free, but the throaty rumble is GM's fine work.

10-10-2005, 07:06 PM
Man, all these Alabama Marauders...and I'm stuck out here in Honolulu! Sure wish I'd gotten to see you guys when I had the car back on the mainland...got family in B'ham (my father's originally from there) and spent the first half of the 1990's in T-town, at the "other insane asylum", across the fence from Bryce Mental Hospital.

My hometown's Montgomery...I'll be home for Christmas; don't know if I'll have time to actually meet up with anybody (a large part of my time is going to be spent making plans for my wedding there next summer), but it's really good to see a strong AL contingent out there.


10-10-2005, 08:52 PM
Donny I have a local dealer sitting on a '04 with 800 miles:)

29,500. Not bad!
15 months ago I bought my 04 for 27,400. Looks like they are appreciating.
There was an 03 certified for 24.5 on our local LM dealer a few days ago, didn't see it today.

10-10-2005, 09:11 PM
Damn las august we walked out the door with a new loaded 04 for 27000 including extended warrenty and tax here in NY

Brother Mike
10-10-2005, 10:21 PM
Damn las august we walked out the door with a new loaded 04 for 27000 including extended warrenty and tax here in NY

Paid 22,900 plus tax for a '04 DTR @ NPLM on 12-17-04

10-11-2005, 06:48 AM
Paid 22,900 plus tax for a '04 DTR @ NPLM on 12-17-04

Same here, I got roof, spoiler, tint and Changer too! 12-23-04

10-11-2005, 07:55 AM
Paid 24K for mine in jan of this year.

There's one here in Detroit(Garden City) with 23K on the clock and asking 22.5 for it. :eek: