View Full Version : Anybody here into paintball?

10-17-2005, 05:48 AM
I FUBARed my marker yesterday and now I need to get a new one. My friend was nice enough to lend me his Spyder Sonix and with my long barrel on it this marker is insane (don't need anything ultra high end all i do is play woodball with friends). I was thinking about picking one up for myself until I saw the Gameface Recon E5. It's an awesome looking marker, BUT, I've never heard of gameface before. They say it is compatible with all spyder internals but i've heard that before and proved it wrong. Has anyone heard anything about this marker or the company gameface? I've read 4 product reviews online and they were all very good, but before I buy I was curious if anyone here had experience or any comments on the company or marker.

This is the marker:

10-17-2005, 06:35 AM
I FUBARed my marker yesterday and now I need to get a new one. My friend was nice enough to lend me his Spyder Sonix and with my long barrel on it this marker is insane (don't need anything ultra high end all i do is play woodball with friends). I was thinking about picking one up for myself until I saw the Gameface Recon E5. It's an awesome looking marker, BUT, I've never heard of gameface before. They say it is compatible with all spyder internals but i've heard that before and proved it wrong. Has anyone heard anything about this marker or the company gameface? I've read 4 product reviews online and they were all very good, but before I buy I was curious if anyone here had experience or any comments on the company or marker.

This is the marker:

Funny you should ask... :)

The wife and I were just out this past weekend playing. :) Ok, you just play some rec ball and wood ball. What is your price range and what are you looking for in a marker?

10-17-2005, 06:56 AM
If you're strictly playing just with friends ... not competitively, then practically anything will work.

I've bought a Tippman 98 (black) wayback in 1998 for exactly that and I've been extremely satisified with it, and it's ability to play on competitive fields if you choose with only few minor upgrades (i.e. barrel, trigger, high-speed loader).

www.tippmann.com]The[/url] black 98 Custom™: All of the Tippmann accessories can be installed with the same tools that you use to take the marker apart. The 98 custom has the ability to accept the Flatline™ Barrel System, Sniper barrels, double trigger kit, the Response™ Trigger System, collapsible stock, drop forward, rear-cocking system, vertical adapter kit, vertical and expansion chamber kit and the low pressure system.

I think I bought mine for just under $200 back then and have added a better long-range barrel as my only accessory.

10-17-2005, 08:26 AM
Typically a group of friends and I play in this area in about 10 minutes from my house, it's a wooded area that can best be described as a bowl. The local PD has no problem with us playing back there so long as we don't hit any private property (which is really hard to do unless you are trying to hit it). I really don't play on a "competitive" level. Every once and a while all my fathers coworkers (AKA my local SWAT team) like to go play and i go with them. It's overkill to say the least but I have fun. I'm basically looking for reliability, accuracy, and looks. I want something that routine maintence and common sense will make it last for me for a long time. Something that will let me hit what i'm shooting at, and something that looks really (for lack of a better word) "hardcore". From what I am reading it seems this marker has all three, but i never trust "testimonials" from the manufacturers website. The price on this marker is 288 from walmarts website and 329 from my local paintball shop. The guy that owns this shop plays on a professional level and I don't see him selling bad guns in his store, but I was unable to talk to him about it the day I went. I'd say my price range is right around where this gun is. I really don't need a top end marker, but i really don't wanna use a POS either, I have a reputation to uphold:cool4: LOL.

10-17-2005, 09:01 AM
Ok, perfect.

Tippmann A-5, and if you can swing a few more dollors, get the flatline barrel..

Tippmann's Website (http://www.tippmann.com)

Frankly, the tippman 98 is the AK-47 of markers. Drop it in the dirt, kick it, pick it up, shake it out, and hit the field.
The A5 is a little less rugged, but a bit higher end marker and looks like a MP5. And thier new feed system is the best.

The Flatline barrle is the furthest shooting barrel, hands down. Some may be a bit more accurate, but none can touch the range. IT also requirs premium paint. El'cheapo Wally World paint will break left right and all around with the flatline.

And buy from a shop, not on-line. You might save a few bucks buy if you shop on-line, but the service you get from a brick and mortor store more then makes up for it.

10-17-2005, 10:30 AM
I am into paintball but I play air ball

10-17-2005, 10:33 AM
I am into paintball but I play air ball


I'm a bit big for that. :)

10-17-2005, 10:38 AM
I've got a Tippman Custom 98 with flatline barrel, thing is tough as nails. As stated already if you have the money the A-5 is the way to go, but 98 is still a great choice. I think I payed about $214 for the marker, and $195 for the barrel.

10-17-2005, 11:17 AM
What he said about durability. I've used my roughly, in the rain, after lying in the mud, and in a sand pit ... no problems a good whack and a cleaning brush won't handle.

We meet at a friend's house with 6 acres of mixed land. There is a 20-year-old pine forest for short range fights. A hard wood forest with a ravine on two sides ... great for flanking runs, but hell if they look over the side and see you in the open. And a deep sand pit ringed by a dirt road with mounds of dirt and piles of crushed concrete on both sides.

If there is an odd number, say 5 people, we send 2 out into the field to hide anywhere with about 10 minute headstart. The remaining 3 wait in the garage (no peeking) and then start out into the 6-acres to hunt the ambushers. You really learn about hiding when you're gonna start outnumbered.

Of our crew, 4 of us use the Tippman 98 with various mods, longer-range barrels, etc. The rest have a mix of stuff, but one constant ... the 98 model guys almost never have breakdowns that a new o-ring won't fix. We even have one guy using my first marker (an old stingray, ugh!) and a guy with a Tippman pump-style marker (almost always the most accurate marker too).

We play on the honor system ... hits count, not just paint. (Especially since hiding is a premium and people have been known to wear ghilly suits of shag carpet. Matches are fast ... after initial contact anyway. So 10-to-15 matches aren't unusual for an few hours of play time. Also, it tends to save on paint, since we're not "sprayin' -n- prayin'" all our paint. You wanna have a challenge ... try playing a game with limited ammo. (20 balls per man.) That type of game really evens the field between the high-volume markers/semi-autos and the pump gun.

Now that I have a six-acre farm myself, I'm eager to get a course set up for quick field play with friends too.


P.S. I'm hard to hide behind anything less than a big-damn tree, but I'm really good at ambushing people. Must be because I'm a sneaky S.o.B. ;)

10-17-2005, 11:38 AM
I really hope that you guys have good masks when your out there. :)

10-17-2005, 03:46 PM
Masks. Oh yeah, we use everything you would at a regulated field including barrel plugs. (We have stupid friends just like everyone else, so we maintain a standard that protects us and them from themselves.) :)

I have a full face mask with baffles around the top/bottom and sides that protects ears, throat and creates those really cool streaks of paint through your hair when someone whizzes a ball just over your eyes.

I say, if you've got nothing worth protecting ... wear no protection. :flamer:


10-17-2005, 07:44 PM
Frankly, the tippman 98 is the AK-47 of markers. Drop it in the dirt, kick it, pick it up, shake it out, and hit the field.

Have had my 98 Custom for a few years now, and being dropped in the dirt, slammed into trees, left in the garage for a year with paint coating the inside and outside, it still performs flawless. Have an 8" barrel on it (My friend has a flatline, so we just swap guns when wanted). Have a spyder in reserve, and I hate having to use it. It is more of a gun to let friends use instead of field rentals.

And the abundance of upgrades makes it very appealing.

10-18-2005, 05:58 AM
Thanks for all the advice guys. I was recently looking around and found the A5 set up in configurations with the flatline barrel and the collapseable stock and it does look pretty sweet and everyone says that that configuration is amazing, it's around 450 dollars. I wasn'treally looking to spend that much but I guess i'll just save a little bit more first. I'd probably wind up taking the front handle off too, i think it would look better with the flatline and collapseable stock.

10-18-2005, 06:14 AM
Can't go wrong with that set up. :)